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Preschool Corner ~ Nativity Preschool Pack & Advent

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Another week that didn’t go quite according to plan. I really shouldn’t be surprised anymore, but somehow I am. Monday I ended up having surgery for my lovely kidney stone that refused to come out of my body and Tuesday…well, I actually {for the most part} followed doctor’s orders and rested. I said mostly. :) And then snow…and trying to keep kids interested in school when snow is falling ~ ha!

We did continue on with our Advent devotions with Kaleb using Beginning with God at Christmas that goes along with the Beginner’s Bible. It’s a fun devotional for preschoolers from The Good Book company and has a simple coloring activity with each lesson, a sticker to show you completed the lesson, along with a short question/answer time for kids. It’s just enough to keep his attention ~ which I love.  The picture below shows one of the lessons we worked on last week.

Beginning with God at Christmas

If you are interested in any of The Good Book company’s preschool devotionals, you can use the coupon code hscreations10 for 25% off your first order until December 31st. 

Our Nativity Preschool Pack and Folder

You’ve all probably seen Carisa’s Nativity Preschool Pack that she put together and this was the ‘base’ for what we did most of the week. There were a few activities that we didn’t get to do {i.e. crafts}, so we’ll work on some of the fun stuff next week too.

We did most of the activities in the Nativity Pack and are storing them in folder to store them. Here’s a peek at what our finished folder looked like.


The front of the folder has a little name tag where Kaleb wrote his name and then a summary of the story that we read this week Sleepy Jesus along with his favorite part of the story.

Inside the folder we glued a verse that we practiced, Luke 2:11 {printables for this verse here}, pattern strips, our color tracing book, number matching sheet {folded accordian style}, animal/people sort & match, and beginning sounds tracers {most from the Nativity Preschool Pack}. I used a clear envelope to store the patterning pieces and the envelope flips up when we are doing the patterns.


The back of the folder has a book that we didn’t get to finish up this week and will work on next week ~ The Tale of Christmas {found at Musings of Me}.


I’ve uploaded our lesson plans for the week ~ nothing super crazy, but it has all the links in case you need them. We also did this cute A is for Angel craft. IMG_0185

 Books & Toys We Used


More Preschool Links:


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Quick Note: We’ll be on a school break for the next two weeks, but I will still be putting the linky up for Preschool Corner each Friday in case you all want to share what you’ve been working on. :)

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  1. Wow…. you had a super busy week – and you still managed to fit all this in even after sugery…….you are AMAZING!!!!! Thanks for linking to me (again)…..I do hope you get a chance to make the book – it will be a great keepsake! I love your A-angel craft too :-)

  2. Mnewell0293 says

    Oh man Jolanthe, I hope you are feeling better! Take it easy will ya! 8) I love that lapbook, so cute.

  3. Oh no! I don’t think kidney stones put anyone in a holiday mood. =( Hope you are able to get rest this weekend.

    • Excited that my hubby will be home next week. :) Yeah!! The surgery is definitely something I don’t want to repeat, but I feel great now!

  4. I love this pack!

    I have a Nativity Linky at the top of my page that my readers have been adding to, in case anyone needs more Nativity related ideas and more free printables!


  5. Is it bad that I like that Kaleb is writing in all capital letters for his name too? My boys still insist on doing that……. Silly me.

    Love what ya’ll did this week.

    • It’s funny because sometimes he’ll do lowercase too or just uppercase. I actually put his name in front of him both ways for this and he chose to do the uppercase. I’ve found him practicing his name on other things though too – so fun!!

      Sent from my Handheld Distraction Device.

  6. I hope you are feeling better! I am really interested anything that goes along with The Beginners Bible.

  7. Love the angel craft.

  8. I’m new to your blog and I’m really enjoying it. I’m having a bit of a problem, though. I tried to download some of your printables and can’t find the individual “S” sheet for the cut-and-paste-activity. Am I going nuts and just missing something? Thanks!

    • Carol ~

      Can you let me know which one you are having trouble with?

    • p.s. you can always download the complete set of letters too {last
      column on the bottom}. I must have accidentally deleted the letter S
      from the individual ones. I’ll go fix that now ~ thanks for the heads up!

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