20 Best Tips

Planning Your Homeschool Year

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As you get ready to plan for the upcoming homeschool year, here are a few ways that we organize our things and plan in our house. Just a few ideas to get the ideas going in your head!

~ Inside My Homeschool Binder ~ I print off my planner each year and store it in a 3 ring binder along with a bunch of other helps.

~ My Weekly Homeschool Planner ~ the planner that I use and love. :)

~ How We’re Using the Workbox System ~ we use a grid with picture cards rather than strips. Lots of links and free printables for you all to use!

~ Organizing School Paperwork ~ here’s how I organize our yearly schoolwork and sort it

~ Calendar and Morning Board ~ a little hands-on learning to start our day off

~ Mini Office Lapbook ~ a one-stop place for the kids to have some of their easy {and repeat} questions answered

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10 great tips for people who are teaching a struggling learner


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  1. Thank you so much.  I am working every day with my four year old, and I have been all year.  She is so ready for Kindergarten, but can’t start because her bday is at the end of Decemver,.  this is helping me to plan a year of homeschooling before she starts school next year.  And I am a LOST!!!  i need all the help i can get!

    • My four year old will turn 5 at the end of November ~ we started our
      older two with Kindergarten before they were supposed to start in public
      school. Do the things that your child is ready for!!! :) That’s one of
      the wonderful things about homeschooling!

  2. Angela Foltz says

    This post was great!  This will be my first year with 3 students and I think your ideas will be so helpful!

  3. Thanks for the ideas! They will be very helpful as I start planning next week.

  4.  Thank you …I may use this article on my Montessori blog in the future…http://mindfulmontessori.b​logspot.com/

  5. I so need to get on top of this, but I’m just not feeling it.  Mainly because I, well…..  I lost our science text book, and I feel so guilty and I don’t want to buy another copy.  Ugh.  Maybe this will give me the incentive…….

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