20 Best Tips

Antarctica Geography Printables – Free Printables

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Antarctica mini unit study

Our recent geography study has taken us to Antarctica and that involved some more updated printables for Kaleb. While Antarctica isn’t a country and doesn’t have a government per se, these were helpful to us in our learning. Below too you will find additional helps for learning tools, lesson plans, and a book unit from other moms to help you out as well. 

Antarctica homeschool printables

The Antarctica Geography Printables include the following worksheets:

  • an Antarctica mapping sheet {map mountains, oceans, ice shelves, science station, and other geographical information}
  • an Antarctica factsheet to write down information about Antarctica including current population, climate, type of government, and more.
  • an Antarctica flag coloring page (both unofficial and proposed)
  • an Antarctica flag information sheet and notebooking page

Slide10  Slide04
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Antarctica geography printables from Homeschool Creations_edited-1

We’ve been using the below books to help us fill in the information blanks with our pages: 




Here are a few helpful sites to look at in your Antarctica studies:

More Geography Resources


FREE Continent Fact Files

Don’t miss these FREE geography printables listed by continent…

world flag cards for matching free homeschool geography resources 10 tools for teaching geography - hands on ways to incorporate geography learning

Click on one of the globes below to search for geography resources by continent. Each page has downloads for flag coloring and information pages, mapping pages, and links to blog post full of lesson plans and additional information.

Africa   Asia   Australia
Europe    North America    South America

We also highly recommend taking part in a Little Passports subscription! Not sure which adventure to choose for your explorer? Check out these Little Passports website for more information. 

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