20 Best Tips

Family Mint {Review}


Right around the time that Zachary was born, Rick and I sat down and decided that enough was enough ~ we were in debt {to the tune of some $65,000, not including our house} and the craziness needed to stop. Over the next 2 years, and really ever since, we completely changed our saving and spending habits to break the debt cycle that we were living. Needless to say, we feel strongly about teaching our children about money, debt, and the importance of money management.

Members of the Homeschool Crew were asked to review the site Family Mint, a free online money management website for families. Parents become the ‘bank’ and their children become the ‘customers’. Money is deposited, withdrawn, and parents can use the tool to help their children understand a little more about how money works.

How the Program Works

Parents set up accounts for each of each child and children make deposits, withdrawals and can earn interest on the money that is deposited. Parents are able to see all of the accounts in one centralized place and also have the option of setting ‘allowances’ to automatically deposit into children’s accounts. They can also set an interest rate for earning as children keep money in the accounts.

For children, this system allows them to set goals to work toward ~ maybe a special toy.  Graphs make the goals visual for the children. Kids can also personalize their own accounts, making it fun for them.

When children wish to take money out, they have to request a transfer, which the parent can approve or deny.  If approved, the parent pays out the money to the child and the accounts are adjusted accordingly. Money can also be transferred from one account {spending} to another {savings}. Essentially, it’s virtual money or virtual banking.

My Thoughts

Setting up the accounts took hardly any time at all. To create each child’s account some of the required information was zip code and birthdate ~ neither of which I was comfortable sharing, so I used a generic code and birthdate for our kids.

Overall, I think that this site has a lot of potential and I am pondering how we can use it a little better in our household. We believe strongly in the ‘cash system’ at our house ~ we use cash to pay for our own purchases and we encourage our children to use cash also. Personally, I know the importance of having cash in my hands ~ it is much harder to spend when I have to physically part with it and can visually see how much is remaining.

Any money that is marked ‘savings’ for our children is in a bank account ~ earning interest. Truthfully, I don’t want to pay my children interest on the money that I would be holding for them.  With Family Mint parents can set the interest rate at 0%, but I would rather have that money in a bank where it WILL earn interest .   If our children were a little older, I think this could be very valuable to set up a mock living income/expense and let them see how to budget their household money or save for major expenses. 

Find Out More

Family Mint is a free online service for families. They do have plans to expand their website in the future {i.e. a paid Pro service}, but at the time of this review the program was free. You can learn more or set up your own account by visiting the Family Mint Website.

Click on the Homeschool Crew banner to read other reviews about this product.

This product was given to me for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine.


Graphics Toolbox {Review}

imageYou all might be aware that I like to create things. Blog headers, graphics…really, anything will do. Sometimes I’m a little more successful than other times. But it’s still fun.

When we were asked to review Graphics Toolbox for the Homeschool Crew I was definitely interested. Another toy for me to play with {ahem}.

Graphics Toolbox {$149} was created by a team of software designers with over 20 years of experience in graphics programming. Their desire was to provide a program that would be simple for others to understand ~ making it easier to create and design graphics.

Graphics-Toolbox® has a wealth of functions and applications to enhance and color your daily life. Each detailed icon depicts its function, which makes learning and recalling the uses of the tools fast and easy.

In contrast to other complicated graphics programs, Graphics-Toolbox has no wordy definitions and intricate procedures to learn. Our tools were designed to be logical, intuitive and require the least amount of steps possible.

Signature features of the Graphics Toolbox program:

  • tonal image change ~ change an item in a picture from one color to another
  • daily life color cards ~ giving you samples of colors that coordinate well together
  • transparency glide ~ combine photos and adjust transparency
  • grouping/reducing colors
  • flat color change
  • apply texture to a flat color

The website also features video tutorials {recorded from live sessions} and slideshow tutorials that show how to create various projects. They also provide a downloadable instruction guide for the program.

My Thoughts

I watched along with some of the tutorials that are available online {which are well done}.  Because I was familiar with another graphics program, I thought that picking up this program would be simple ~ not so much. As with any new program, there is still a lot to learn and figure out. :)  I was also a bit frustrated because it took me a little to get it up and running properly. The program didn’t mix with my 64-bit operating system, so I had to run it on our older laptop ~ not something I really wanted to do.

While I did play with the program and try to get accustomed to it, I’m not sure I would otherwise purchase Graphics Toolbox because I have a program that doesn’t interfere with my current computer operating system {meaning I can use it on my own laptop}. That program that I use does all that I need and is also less expensive.  Before purchasing, I would recommend trying out Graphics Toolbox free for 30 days to see if it would work for you.

System requirements

Pay attention, because I didn’t and had to put it on another computer since I had issues with our 64-bit:

  • Microsoft® Windows® NT, 2000, XP or Vista 32-bit
  • 512MB of RAM
  • 80 MB of free hard-disk space

Find Out More

You can purchase the Graphics Toolbox program {$149} here or try it out free for 30 days.  

Click on the Homeschool Crew banner to read other reviews about this product.

This product was given to me for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine.


Math Mammoth {Review}

image Math Mammoth produces various math workbooks and curriculums at affordable prices for homeschooling families. They offer a wide range of worktexts for grades 1 through 8. Last year we reviewed the Light Blue series for 1st and 2nd grade and you can also read that review here.

The workbooks are very thorough and there are four different series to choose from (click on the picture for a larger view):

This year I requested the Multiplication 1 to review {see the table of contents here}. From the site:

Multiplication 1: Master the Times Tables lets children first learn well the multiplication concept itself, tying it in with number lines, rows and columns, multiplying by zero, some word problems, and order of operations.

Then the second part practices all the the times tables – and yes, it does involve memorization (which is not bad in itself). BUT when you do the tables in a certain order – easiest ones first – and use a 12×12 grid, the task becomes less daunting.

Multiplication 1 works first on the concepts of multiplication {skip counting, number lines, understanding word problems,  etc…. and then moves on to the actual memorization of the facts.  Tables are not memorized in numerical order {i.e. 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s}, but rather in a method where children are learning fewer ‘new’ facts each lesson:


One thing that I really appreciate about Math Mammoth is the ability to download specific segments of curriculum that your child might need additional help with, meaning you can supplement the curriculum that you are currently using.  We’ve been adding this in a little bit at a time and are still working through it due to some computer issues on my part {ahem}. For that reason, I would recommend spending a little extra when possible and getting a CD version of a program. :)

So far this has helped us pinpoint a few things that we needed work on to master multiplication. We have been working on skip counting together and the bonus to that is Zachary is starting to pick up the counting with us!

Try it Out for Free!

You can also subscribe to the Math Mammoth monthly email newsletter here and receive a gift of over 280 math worksheets and also sample pages from the various workbooks. Here are some other helpful links for you:

Free Samples Download
Placement Tests
FAQ (including ordering information)



Click on the Homeschool Crew banner to read other reviews about this product.

This product was given to me for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine.

Zeezok Publishing


Zeezok Publishing recently sent me a few of their classic composer series to use with our girls. In all honesty, it was a nice little break from our current studies and a little something different for us to help with the winter ‘blahs’ that Mommy was going through in planning.

We received two composer sets {Foster and MacDowell} and each set includes a biography Photobucketfocused on a composer {written in chapter book format}, a coordinating study guide chocked full of notes for the teacher, and a cd-Rom that has music from the composer along with a few printables. The study guides include timelines, maps, comprehension questions and more detailed information on the composer ~ tidbits that are not included in the book itself.

The biographies {$12.95} feature pen and ink drawings throughout the book and are focused toward elementary aged students {Laurianna had no difficulty reading the text, but it was above McKenna’s reading level @ 2nd grade}. The biographies also include snippets of the composer’s music and the companion cd {$7.95} also has printable music.

While the study guides {$4.95} offer much information on the composer’s, they do not have a ‘lesson plan’ format, so you will have to put together your own weekly plan. We found the chapter’s were a little long to do in one sitting {without having someone getting distracted}, so I pre-read Edward MacDowell and His Cabin in the Pines and we would stop at various places in the book to break it up a little bit more.

Overall the study was a great little break for us from our regular routine and our girls were especially interested since they had recently started piano lessons and now feel they may someday be a famous piano player. :)

Zeezok Publishing also offers a variety of other products, including penmanship programs and a series of books on the Civil War.  The composer sets are range in price from $30.90 to $35.80 each. Sets include a companion CD for free {$7.95 value}.


Click on the Homeschool Crew banner to read other reviews about this product.

This product was given to me for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine.


Dollar Homeschool ~ Ray’s Arithmetic

Dollar Homeschool

Not too long ago, I received Ray’s Arithmetic from Dollar Homeschool to review as part of the Homeschool Crew. It was a company that I had not heard of before, so I was very intrigued when I read that Ray’s Arithmetic is a curriculum from K-12 {from counting all they way up to calculus} for only $59.

Affordable would be the first word that came to my mind.

Ray’s Arithmetic series is a collection of 38 books that have been scanned {textbooks, answer keys, and teacher’s editions} and are intended to use as ‘printing’ curriculum. As you need materials, you print what you need. You can use the curriculum year after year with all of your children ~ and using your own quick math skills, you can see that $59 total is a good price. For a full list of all the books included, you can visit Dollar Homeschool.

The series isn’t something that was newly created. It was a part of the Eclectic Education Series {EES} textbooks used in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s as the standard text in most schools. The text itself is just as it was then {here’s a little example for you}.


Ray's Arithmetic 


  • Inexpensive. $59 for a curriculum that spans from kindergarten through high school is definitely a pro!
  • Can print off as many copies as you would like, especially if any text is torn or lost.
  • Provides real-life examples to help tie in math concepts with everyday living.
  • Subjects are taught in a process that builds from level to level.
  • Ties-in examples from history along with word problems ~  “General Washington was born A.D. 1732, and lived 67 years: in what year did he die?”
  • It’s classic ~ I have to admit, I love the graphics and the fact that this is a proven text that was used for years effectively.


  • For me personally, e-Books are more difficult to use. I really like to have a text in front of me. I realize I can print it off and have it right there, but it is an extra step to take and sometimes it’s one I’m not willing to take.
  • Some of the scanned pages are a little cock-eyed {i.e. not straight} which just bothers me on some level ~ no smart comments. :)
  • The curriculum requires a little more teacher time involvement. The first few years are designed to be studied orally with the teacher/student. Depending on how many grade levels you are teaching, the time can add up fast.
  • If you have been using traditional {and colorful} texts, this will be an adjustment for everyone. The font type and graphics are black and white ~ and not so much ‘eye candy’.
  • As with any new program, you really need to get caught up and understand the program ~ the Manual of Methods is a help, but still requires a bit more time and effort. :)

You can purchase Ray’s Arithmetic directly from Dollar Homeschool for $59. If you are interested, Dollar Homeschool also has other texts on CD-rom in the Eclectic Education Series that include science, history, grammar,  and the McGuffey’s Readers. You can buy the complete series for $159.

If you ever break or misplace a CD, Dollar Homeschool will replace it for you for only the cost of shipping. They also offer a 30 day money back guarantee on all of their products.

Software compatibility: The books on the CD’s are PDF files and they will work on any computer ~  Mac, Vista, XP, Linux, {per the Dollar Homeschool website}.


Click on the Homeschool Crew banner to read other reviews about this product.

This product was given to me for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine.


Young Minds ~ Numbers and Counting DVD {Review}

This past year has found me reviewing many products with our older children, and very few for the younger ones. When I opened up a package from MathTutor, I was expecting to receive another DVD similar to the one we reviewed last year. Instead I found something that would make a certain 3-year-old rather happy! When he saw the DVD he was very excited to have something to watch for his own ‘school time’.

PhotobucketYoung Minds ~ Numbers and Counting is a new DVD from MathTutorDVD.com that is targeted toward toddler and preschool age children. It uses bright and engaging pictures, videos and animation set to classical music to introduce numbers and counting to little ones. The DVD focuses on the numbers 1 to 10, as well as the names of animals, fruits/vegetables, colors and machines. Music on the DVD is taken from classical pieces by Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi and more.

“In addition to introducing Math in an engaging manner for little ones, these DVDs strive to immerse the child in learning about things that naturally interest young children such as colors, animal names and sounds, machines, and more!”

from the MathTutorDVD site

Here is a sample segment from the DVD:

You can order the Young Minds ~ Numbers and Counting DVD from the MathTutorDVD website for $19.99. If your children are above the preschool age, MathTutor also offers a wide variety of other math dvds geared toward helping your children with a range of math topics.

The Math Tutor website has sample videos that you can check out and they have a great guarantee: All DVD courses Guaranteed to raise grades or your money back! Math Tutor also offers DVD bundles to help you save a little money and DVDs generally ship the same day that they are ordered.

Click on the Homeschool Crew banner to read other reviews about this product.

This product was given to me for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine.
