Their requests of “Can we do Little Passports today?” should be a good indication of what they think about the program. They are in love with this fun program, learning some US geography at the same time, and I .
About Little Passports USA Edition
Before children begin receiving the monthly packets from Little Passports that teach about individual states, they receive a starter packet in the mail {pictured above} that includes a field guide, a full color US map, a scratch book, pocket to store materials, a disposable camera, and a letter from Sam and Sophia.
Our kids immediately had the map hanging on the wall and we started filling in answers in the field guide. The scratch book was a fun way for the kids to learn about various landmarks around the USA.
We did not use the included disposable camera for the activities, but saved it to use another time. Instead our children used a digital camera because they tend to be a little overzealous in the picture taking arena {ahem}. The camera is a great addition to the packet though as they have the kids work on a scavenger hunt and take pictures of themselves and other landmarks in their town.
Every month {after receiving the initial start-up packet}, children will receive a new packet in the mail from Little Passports that includes the following materials to learn about 2 new states:
- A 32-page activity-packed journal that covers the states
- Stickers to use in the field guide for state flower, bird, official seal and more
- Pop-out Models
- Map markers
- Postcards
- and access to more information and activities online
My Thoughts on the Little Passports USA Edition
I have to say I am VERY impressed with the USA edition of Little Passports. The journals that come with each of the monthly packets are full color and not skimpy, providing science experiments, cooking ideas, and many other fun activities that go along with the state being studied. The New York and Texas packet that we received also included two different punch out 3D activities {the Alamo and a taxi cab – very cute!}. Additionally, the kids had postcards that they could save or mail to friends.
While we really like the World Edition of Little Passports {we are using it with our 6 year old}, I have to say that the Little Passports USA Edition went way beyond my expectations! The recommended ages for the program are 7 and up – and I would definitely stick with those guidelines {and maybe even say 8 and up based on a few of the activities}. The punch out activities are fun, but may require some assistance from adults, so be sure you are nearby when they are being worked on.
We love it enough that I am continuing our subscription {at our expense} for our 8 and 10 year old to share together. This will be great during the summer months as well {when school is out}. They love getting mail – and I like knowing they are learning {and don’t realize it!}.
If your family were to work through the entire program, there would be a good collection of books to review at the end of the program {26 months} and some fun creations from monthly activities. We’ll be saving a special shelf to keep all of our journals to review periodically and see what we’ve learned.
Overall, the Little Passports USA edition is a fun way to add a little excitement and geography learning to your school day. There are enough things included in the monthly packets that would allow a child to work on one or two things a day and spread out the learning fun over a time span. Add in the extra online activities that tie in with each state and your children will definitely be busy learning.
Find Out More
Little Passports is available on a month-to-month subscription basis, a 3 month subscription plan or longer term subscriptions. Rates vary from $10.95/month to $13.95/month based on the length of the plan that you choose. Packages are delivered in your child’s name around the beginning of each month.
- Purchase a subscription to the Little Passports USA Edition here
- Purchase a subscription to the Little Passports World Edition here
We received a three month subscription to the Little Passports USA Edition in exchange for our honest review. Our decision to continue our monthly subscription at our own expense was entirely our own.