20 Best Tips

The Little Rabbit Unit {a Before Five in a Row Book}

Preschool CornerThis week we had so much fun reading the book The Little Rabbit by Judy Dunn and doing some fun activities to go along with the story. The real pictures in the book make it even better – and the fact that we have a white rabbit too, well, that’s just a huge bonus.

Our weeks that are based on a theme make it a little harder to squeeze in all of the typical school week activities {like reading and our science program}, so we try to tie in things in those areas to the book that we are reading.

The Little Rabbit Unit Before Five in a Row

Ready to see what we did this week during our Little Rabbit unit? We usually spend four days at home doing our work and Fridays are the day that we are at one of the co-ops that we are a part of, so I divide out our work to cover four days.


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The Little Rabbit Sensory Bin-0293

  • Brought out our own white rabbit, Vanilla, to play with us! and fed him carrots of course!


    • Read The Little Rabbit together again and talked about the different flowers we saw in the book.
    • Tried to remember the different animals and insects that Buttercup meets.
    • Talked about how plants and animals are the same {need water and food, etc..}
    • Talked about the parts of a turtle and labeled parts from The Little Rabbit Printables

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Little Rabbit Unit


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“The little girl found the rabbit in her Easter basket. She played with the rabbit. The rabbit was white. Her friends played with her. Then the girl took a nap and Buttercup found some friends. One was a slow turtle. One was a pretty butterfly because it was orange and black. Then she found a rabbit. It was brown. It was fast.

It started raining. She got stuck in rhubarb. She watched the rain. It stopped raining. The little girl found the rabbit. They went on a picnic and she always brought carrots. She put her in her hutch and watcher her eat and drink.

The rabbit grew and had seven babies. When they were old enough to get out of their nest, they sat in the girl’s lap and ran around. The rabbits were named Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The little girl gave the baby rabbits to her friends and she lived happily ever after with the mother rabbit.

– Kaleb, age 6

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  • We played the ‘find the rabbit’ game from The Little Rabbit Printables, Kaleb helped put all the numbers in order from 1 to 20 in our tabletop pocket chart and then I hid the rabbit behind one of the numbers {this is one of his FAVORITE games}. To make it a little harder, I started giving him 3 clues and only one chance to find the rabbit.  For example – the rabbit is behind an odd number; the number has a one in it; add up 5+6 to get this number
  • Lowercase letter beginning sounds from The Little Rabbit Printables

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  • We made a chalk pastel of buttercup flowers {because the rabbit’s name is Buttercup}. Since Kaleb loves the smudging and chalks, this was a great project for all of the kids to do together. He took some artistic liberties and added red flowers and a small tree with apples to the bottom just for fun.

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That is a sum-up of our Little Rabbit unit. I think that’s all of it! Below are resources that would go along great with the book The Little Rabbit.


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Share what you are doing with your kids! Please link your exact blog post to the Mr. Linky below and link back here too! Grab a button for your post below and be sure to take a minute to visit the person who linked up before you. You can read more in the updated guidelines for Preschool Corner. By linking up, you are granting permission for me to share your wonderful ideas and pictures with others in periodic show-and-tell posts.

Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}

Preschool Corner


Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Apologia Educational Ministries ~ producing resources to help homeschool families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith.

A Little Origami, Sushi, and a Volcano

Preschool CornerWe didn’t have a set theme this week during our school time, although quite a few of our activities revolved around our geography fun with Little Passports.

This year we have a one year subscription and it is just for Kaleb – something that he is really enjoying {especially because it means that he has a package in the mail addressed to HIM}.

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Getting mail isn’t a common occurrence in our house, so it makes it extra special! I love that I can keep track of the countries because they are stamped on the outside {not that I would ever forget the order we received them – cough}.

Science Fun

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During science time this week we talked about mass and made predictions on what things were heavier than others {part of our Nancy Larson K program}. We then used our balance scale to check out predictions.  First we compared the characteristics of the different objects and then had much fun weighing everything in sight. Literally. Had I not stopped the boy, the poor cat would have been part of the experiment process.

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We also did a sink or float experiment using a variety of objects. Many more than the experiment originally called for, because a little boy cannot help trying out additional things to see if they sink or float in water. Thankfully, he didn’t find the cat for this one.

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We finished off the week with a volcanic explosion. Because we were talking about Japan via Little Passports and the ‘ring of fire’ in that area of the world, it was the perfect time to pull out the volcano that we made back in November and never got around to using.

The volcano was super easy to make. We used the Crayola Model Magic and formed it around an empty spray bottle {minus the top}, then let it dry. To make our volcano explode, we added 2 Tbsp. of baking soda with a little food coloring {dish soap will also make it suds up more}, and then slowly poured 1/2 cup of white vinegar into the top.

Much fun!! Our volcano is now drying out and we’re hoping to use it again when I have RED food coloring on hand to add to the explosion. Notice that the cat made it to this experiment?

Math Time

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While our wall calendar is a part of our school everyday, since we started back to school in January we MAY have forgotten to use our daily Calendar Notebooks, so we spent some time catching up with our weather graph and getting our 100 days of school chart done as well.

Friday is the 100th day of school for us, so we’re celebrating with a breakfast at Chick-fil-A {thanks to free breakfast morning} and a few hours at the roller skating rink.

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We also used The Mitten Even and Odd Number Sort game to practice sorting numbers up to 30. I really thought that the numbers 21-30 would confuse him, but he is sorting them like a pro now {yay!}. Going to have to think of a few more things to kick it up a notch for the boy!

I’m also searching high and low for our coins so we can practice a little more money counting. Of course I COULD just walk downstairs and find a bunch of dimes, but the thought that those play coins are hiding somewhere in the schoolroom…. I’ll be pulling up the real coins next week. :)

Fun with Little Passports

Japan was the country that we visited this week via Little Passports and inside our package was a fun letter, a packet of origami paper to make some animals, a code for more activities online, as well as a few other fun surprises.

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Kaleb decided to make a cat {translated: I folded the cat and he drew the face} and saved the rest of the origami paper for later when he could figure out what else he wanted to do.

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The big treat of the week? In the letter from Little Passports they mentioned sushi and Kaleb suddenly developed a hankering to try sushi. So we stopped at the store and picked up a small tray for him to try with me – and he absolutely loved it! Now he wants to know when we can have it again. Just when I thought my love for sushi was safe…now I have to share {grins}.

{Quick note – if you are interested in signing up for Little Passports, use the code JAN10 this month to take 10% off your total price.}

Reading the ‘ch’ Sound

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This week we added the ‘ch’ sound to the ‘sh’ and ‘th’ blend to Kaleb’s reading pile. We played a fun mouse game from All About Reading – Kaleb would pick up the pieces of cheese to feed the mouse and read the words on the opposite side. Although he is reading the blends well now, he still has trouble with the short ‘e’ sound, which has made for some umm…interesting words now that the ‘sh’ blend has been added to his reading {ahem}.

History Time with Mystery of History

Homeschool Week 20 -0165Kaleb sits in along with us during our history time with Mystery of History. This week we learned about St. Boniface and the evergreen tree, the Iconoclast controversy, and also ‘The Hammer’ {Charles Martel} and The Battle of Tours. He really loves the coloring pages that go along with the lessons {coloring is this boy’s favorite thing next to Legos!}.

Not sure what some of those history lessons are about? You aren’t alone!! I don’t remember half of this stuff, so it is really rather fun to go through this with the kids!


That’s about it for our week. Our kids had a BLAST this week. What was the BEST part of your week with your kids?


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Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}

Preschool Corner

Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Apologia Educational Ministries ~ producing resources to help homeschool families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith.

Back to School After a Nice Long Break

Preschool Corner

This week was the official first week back to school. Fortunately there were no groans of ‘Do we have to?’. I think everyone in this house was ready to jump back into our school routine and that made the week go even more smoothly! 

Here’s a little look at what we did to get back into the routine. No special theme this week – just normal, everyday school. Next week should be a little more ‘exciting’ on that front.

Examining and Describing Things

Kaleb School January 2013-0131 Kaleb School January 2013-0133

Science time with Nancy Larson K

In our science time, we’re using magnifying glasses and getting an up close look at things. One of the things that we’ve been talking about is how we can describe objects in different ways {hard/soft, color, flexibility, texture, etc…}. This week we pulled out the magnifying glass to look at different objects – first without the use of the glass and then with it to see what difference it made.


Reading the ‘th’ and ‘sh’ Sound

Kaleb School January 2013-0136

Kaleb learned the ‘sh’ sound this week in our All About Reading lesson, and after a long break from school was so excited to be reading four letter words to us!!


Kaleb School January 2013-0067

We’re starting to talk about fractions in our math time – 1/2 and 1/4 – so we pulled out our fraction action puzzles from Guidecraft to help us out.

Kaleb School January 2013-0150 Kaleb School January 2013-0151

Although they are Christmas-themed, we used the Even Odd Number Sorting printable to work a little more on even and odd numbers and he has it down great!! I think next time we’re going to work on some higher numbers too just to make sure. We’re also practicing counting by 2’s.


Kaleb School January 2013-0145

We’re focusing more on the lowercase letters now in Handwriting Without Tears. Handwriting isn’t always his favorite thing to do – but he does great when he actually TRIES. We typically take two days to work in his workbook and then Kaleb has two days of using the Handwriting Without Tears app on the iPad on the same letter {but the uppercase version}.

That’s a quick sum-up of our week and the highlights. Are you back in school and working again?

More Preschool Links

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Share what you are doing with your kids! Please link your exact blog post to the Mr. Linky below and link back here too! Grab a button for your post below and be sure to take a minute to visit the person who linked up before you. You can read more in the updated guidelines for Preschool Corner. By linking up, you are granting permission for me to share your wonderful ideas and pictures with others in periodic show-and-tell posts.

Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


Preschool Corner


Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Apologia Educational Ministries ~ producing resources to help homeschool families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith.

     BEECH blogging retreat 2013

Eleven Books to Read in Kindergarten

Homeschool Preschool: Preschool and Kindergarten Community linkup at Homeschool Creations

There are eleven books on our kindergarten must-read list. With half of our school year behind us and looking ahead at the rest of the year, here are eleven books that we will be focusing on for the rest of the school year.

The learning goes so much deeper when we have a great book that is not only rich in story line, but one that has fun activities and crafts that we can tie into the learning. That allows us the opportunity to remember through the hands-on things that we do as well!

Books We’ll Be Reading Together

Eleven Must Read Books for Kindergarten


The following eleven books are ones that we’ll be reading together this year as a part of our homeschool time. If you like these books, you may also enjoy the Literature Based Printables and books we read in the past. Ready to see what’s on our list? Here they are…

Stopping By the Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost

Stopping By the Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost

The Little Rabbit by Jodi Dunn

The Little Rabbit by Jodi Dunn

Katy No Pocket by Emmy Payne

Katy No Pocket by Emmy Payne

The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss

The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss

The Big Green Pocketbook by Candice Ransom

The Big Green Pocketbook by Candice Ransom

I Am an Artist by Pat Collins

I Am an Artist by Pat Collins

Kittens for Keeps {also called Jenny’s Surprise Summer}

a Golden Book

Kittens for Keeps {also called Jenny’s Surprise Summer} a Golden Book

Play With Me by Marie Hall Ets

Play With Me by Marie Hall Ets  

Katy and the Big Snow by Virginia Lee Burton

Katy and the Big Snow by Virginia Lee Burton

Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel by Virginia Lee Burton

Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel by Virginia Lee Burton

Henry the Castaway by Mark Taylor

Henry the Castaway by Mark Taylor

What books and themes do you want to include in your school time the rest of this year? Leave a comment today {maybe the rest of us need some great ideas!!}.



Follow the PreK and Kindergarten Community Pinterest Board

Preschool Pinterest Board

Each week I am  pinning many of your links onto the Preschool and Kindergarten Community Pinterest Board. I’m a visual person, so having pictures to help me remember posts is super helpful. Be sure to jump over and follow the board – and find some fun ideas at the same time!


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The L.A.Z.Y. Week – PreK & Kindergarten Corner

Preschool Corner

Note: There will be no Preschool and Kindergarten Corner link-up next Friday, December 28th. We’ll see you all on Friday, January 4th. Enjoy Christmas with your family!

This week – what can I say? We’re all caught up, so it was a fun time for all to work on art projects, bake {and eat} lots of cookies, read more in our Advent books Tabitha’s Travels and Everyday Emmanuel, and just relax together and have FUN.

Art Fun

Tiffany Art Project-1

The lessons from See the Light have been a great fit for our family – especially Kaleb {right now we’re working on the Tiffany Window from See the Light}. Above Kaleb worked on outlining his flower and is adding some to the background. I’ll share the rest of it when he colors it in, because it will make a lot more sense to see the finished product – because right now it just looks more like abstract art! {grins} 

Kaleb tends to be a bit of a perfectionist on any of his projects, and while there are occasionally times of tears with him, he asks to do another art lesson with ‘the lady on the dvd’ from See the Light. I love how the art projects are broken up into short lessons for the kids, but there is plenty of time for them to work on their projects while watching and then pausing when they need to.

I think the BEST part of this week for me was finding Kaleb sitting on my kitchen counters {literally} and drawing away with his box of markers. He worked on two drawings – i.e. scenes from our house. It’s a little hard to really ‘get’ them if you can’t see them in person, especially since he was working with 8 colors – and thank goodness our walls aren’t that color of green!

Can you tell what he was drawing?

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You may not be able to see it clearly, but in his second drawing, he even did the rainbow colored pill box that is sitting on the counter next to the ipod speakers. Needless to say, these are a few that I’ll be adding to his folders to keep!

Baking Time

I posted a recipe for our favorite Snickerdoodle Cookies a few days ago and the kids and I decided to surprise Daddy {who was having a rough day at work} with his favorites when he got home. Thankfully, we hid a few of them for him because there were quite a few missing thanks to little hands.


Get Ready for Winter Fun!

If you are spending your Christmas break getting ready for teaching in January, be sure to check out the following pages for some fun helps for The Mitten and Snowy Day.

The Mitten Printable Pack - go along printables for The Mitten by Jan Brett from www.homeschoolcreations.netThe Mitten by Jan Brett is a classic book that will be in our house for years to come! We pull it out every year to read and the illustrations ~ just simply amazing! Download a set of printables to go along with The Mitten and check out the additional resources listed too.

Snowy Day Printable Pack - go along printables for Snowy Day by Ezra Keats  from www.homeschoolcreations.netThe Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats was one of our favorite books that we read together last year. The art and science projects that we did along with the Snowy Day printables were so much fun!! See all the activities we did during our week in our Snowy Day Unit.


Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Christmas and see you next year!!

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Share what you are doing with your kids! Please link your exact blog post to the Mr. Linky below and link back here too! Grab a button for your post below and be sure to take a minute to visit the person who linked up before you. You can read more in the updated guidelines for Preschool Corner. By linking up, you are granting permission for me to share your wonderful ideas and pictures with others in periodic show-and-tell posts.

Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


Preschool Corner


Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Apologia Educational Ministries ~ producing resources to help homeschool families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith.

Maestro Classics ~ introduce great music and classics stories to children with this classical music series. Don’t miss their newly released Carnival of Animals that you will want to check out!

BEECH blogging retreat 2013

Art Projects Galore and a Service Project

Preschool Corner

Can someone please tell me where our week has gone? While it has been a light and FUN week at our house, somehow the time managed to just slip by us. We actually spent very little time in our schoolroom – but lots of time around the rest of the house reading the stashes of Christmas books and just enjoying time together.

Believe it or not, I have little photographic evidence of our week. My camera and/or phone has been elsewhere during the week {or a certain mom may have been distracted and neglected to use it}.

A Service Project

Our entire family {minus Daddy} spent most of Tuesday with a group of friends making fleece blankets for children at a local shelter. The kids all helped tie knots on the simple blankets, made Christmas cards for the children receiving the blankets, and had fun together.

Kaleb and I worked on a blanket together {a fun print that Kaleb said reminded him of Africa} and in all our group finished over 20 blankets. The goal was to make sure each child at the home had a blanket of their very own, since these were families that no longer have a place to call home.

Lots of Artwork

You’ll just have to believe me when I tell you that the art projects in this house were in ABUNDANCE this week. If you listened closely enough, you were likely to hear the joyful shrieking of our children when they found out we were making up for lost art time this week.

While the mere mention of ‘art’ makes me hide all of the supplies in sheer terror, our children begin dancing in delight at the prospect of making our home even more of a disaster than they typically do in a day. Just keeping it real here….

The only one that we have picture evidence of is the Christmas Star Chalk Pastel that we worked on thanks to HodgePodge {she has a tutorial you will want to check out!}.

Pastel Art project

The chalks came out this week and there were smudges of fingerprints everywhere – on faces, tables, wall, and paper. The kids worked on the Christmas Star Chalk Pastel using the tutorial from HodgePodge. Kaleb said his favorite part is the smudging. Imagine that!

Star of Bethlehem Chalk Pastel-9761

Kaleb was very careful getting the details of his ‘just so’ and adding some color to the night sky.

Star of Bethlehem Chalk Pastel-9769

The finished project!!! I have to tell you – the kids are pumping out so many great art things lately, it’s making it hard to figure out what to hang up in our house and where to put it all {although that is a GREAT problem to have!}.

How in the world do you all solve the art dilemma in showcasing all of the designs?

We do have a few more art projects planned for next week including the Christmas tree in the snow and the Christmas ornament. I may have to get another chalk pastel set soon because the kids are enjoying these so much!! A bit ago we worked on a chickadee pastel that was much fun too!

That’s the quick look at our week – how was YOUR week?

Preschool Links

Ready to Link Up?

Share what you are doing with your kids! Please link your exact blog post to the Mr. Linky below and link back here too! Grab a button for your post below and be sure to take a minute to visit the person who linked up before you. You can read more in the updated guidelines for Preschool Corner. By linking up, you are granting permission for me to share your wonderful ideas and pictures with others in periodic show-and-tell posts.

Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


Preschool Corner


Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Apologia Educational Ministries ~ producing resources to help homeschool families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith.


Maestro Classics ~ introduce great music and classics stories to children with this classical music series. Don’t miss their newly released Carnival of Animals that you will want to check out!