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It’s Just Hot ~ Preschool Corner {& 5K too}

Preschool CornerOh, I thought that we would be doing some fun things this week, but unless that fun involved swimming in cool water or sitting and enjoying the nice cool air conditioning ~ well, it just didn’t happen.

We have MUCH to be thankful for this week. Last Friday night some freak storms went rampant through our area and many of our friends {just within a 20 minute radius} were without power and/or water for days. Some are still waiting for it to return.

Trees are down. Branches litter the roads. Power lines snapped. Millions in our area were without power ~ while outdoor temperatures soared into the 100 degree range. Quite honestly, it’s been unbelievable to see the damage this one storm did in just a brief time.

Our good friends {Cindy from Along the Way} had a 40 year old tree snap in their backyard and fall just short of their house. While the kids were excited to play and climb all over the fallen tree, it was such a sad thing to see. And oddly, a little domed tent in their backyard didn’t even budge an inch.

Go figure.

So…not a lot to report here this past week other than we’ve been reading together. Staying cool together.

And we’re thankful to be together.

How was your week?

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Vacation Bible School ~ Preschool Corner {&5K too!}

Preschool CornerThis past week the kids have spent their mornings at vacation Bible school. All of the kids have been having a blast, but especially Kaleb. The spirit days have been something he has looked forward to, including the ‘crazy hat day’.

He looked around and put together this lovely ensemble that included two hats and lots of hair clips he found in the bathroom.

Crazy Hat Day

One of the BEST parts of the week came the first day when I picked him up at the church. He was so very excited because most of the music in the Adventures on Promise Island VBS are sung by Yancy!! He recognized her voice in the songs and we have been listening to the cd all week long.

Can I be honest and tell you this is the FIRST cd that I have been excited to listen to repeatedly?

One song in particular makes Kaleb start bustin’ a move in his carseat and it just makes me smile and happy all at the same time. Of course, any time I try to get a picture of it {or when he catches me smiling and watching him}, he stops and gets very quiet. Little stinker.

With the free time that I’ve had in the mornings, I’ve been working on a few things that I cannot wait to share with you all!! It’s all quiet now, but our server is back now and with that I have access to all of my files, so back to creating I go!

That’s been our week! What have YOU been up to in your house? Leave a comment below ~ I’d love to hear your summer fun!


More Preschool and Kindergarten Printables

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Summer Photography Camp for Kids ~ 3 week class for kids ages 8 – 13 to learn basic photography and camera techniques. Check it out! http://bit.ly/SummerPhoto

Swimming and Cooking ~ Preschool Corner {& 5K Too}

Preschool CornerKaleb has been hanging around me much of the week…or on me. Just being a snuggler ~ which may or may not be something I appreciate when it is 95 and muggy {I will never tell}. But the little man did start swimming lessons and has taken off like crazy! We had originally signed him up for swim team with the older kids, but he said he didn’t want all those people yelling at him {cheering him on in the race}.

That and he couldn’t swim at all {ahem}.

Kaleb swimming

He started lessons and every morning wants to know if he gets to go back to the pool. His teacher has been fabulous and in just a few short lessons he is already swimming with his face down and doing amazing. The sweetest part is watching all of the big kids get so excited for him and his progress!

Preschool Corner-1

Kaleb has also been on a baking kick {ok, I was, but he insisted on helping!}. This was a great chance to ‘read’ the words on the oven and follow directions and identify numbers {Push ‘bake’, the up arrow til the number is 350, then start’}. Oh, this little boy was so excited.

Preschool Corner-2

First he helped measure out the ingredients for our homemade granola bars. His favorite part was pushing it all down onto the baking pan to squish them out. Because then he could lick his fingers {and really, who can blame him}.

Easy Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe

But then somebody mentioned peanut butter cookies. And when you mention cookies to a 5 year old boy, you had better be prepared to make them as well. So we made these yummy cookies ~ 3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies. Yes, it has sugar in it. No flour…but they really are tasty {I promise} and very quick to make.

Preschool Corner-3

So the little boy mixed up the entire batch by himself and then helped squish the cookies down ~ and was nice enough to share some with the rest of us.

Next week, we are all excited because VBS starts!! Do you all participate in VBS over the summer at all? I’m curious too ~ daytime or night? The one we attend is during the day, but I know many that are in the evenings.

Link up and share what you are doing with your kids this summer!


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Summer Photography Camp for Kids ~ 3 week class for kids ages 8 – 13 to learn basic photography and camera techniques. Check it out! http://bit.ly/SummerPhoto

Isn’t Summer Supposed to SLOW DOWN? ~ Preschool Corner {& 5K too}

Preschool CornerSomehow I was under the impression that school being out {a.k.a. summer break} meant that we would be slowing down. Instead it seems that we are jam packed full of activities and I am wondering if things will relax anytime soon.

The older kids returned from a 3 day camp on Sunday, only for me to throw everything into the washing machine, dump clothes back into bags, and then we traveled for a looooooong time Monday to spend some time with family at Great Wolf Lodge.

 Great Wolf Lodge-1


The kids absolutely loved it. Especially Kaleb who is now able to ride the bulk of all rides. His confidence level in the water has also increased, so it was fun to be able to play along with him and let him enjoy it all as well.

Great Wolf Lodge-2

The older kids were super-sweet with him as well and helped him out whenever they could. McKenna helped him ‘jump’ across the lily pads in the pool several times, which he was so excited to do.

Fish eating smaller fish-1-3

We also made a pit stop at Cabella’s on the way home and started watching the fish in the HUGE tank right at feeding time. The kids all saw first hand the food chain ~ watching the little fish cluster in fear as the big fish circled around…and then had lunch. So many of them were swimming around like the above fish for quite some time, and Kaleb kept shouting “WHOA!!! Look at that fish!” Elephant at Cabellas-1

There were so many animal displays throughout the store and it was fun to show the kids some of the animals that I saw in Africa ~ and some that I didn’t see as well.

Storm Clouds Brewing-1

Thankfully we beat the bulk of the storms home {aren’t the clouds amazing and a bit intimidating all rolled into one??}.


Blackberry picking

Kaleb and I finished up the week picking blackberries together in the woods while the older kids had swim team. We managed to pick enough to make blackberry ice cream for dessert last night {yum!!!}. Kaleb loved helping get that ready ~ and eating it too!

That is a sum-up of our rather busy-with-travel week. We drove. We swam. We ate ice cream.

The end.

What did you do this week? Link up and leave a comment below to let us know. Be sure to visit a few others on the list this week and say ‘hi!’.

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Summer Photography Camp for Kids ~ 3 week class for kids ages 8 – 13 to learn basic photography and camera techniques. Check it out! http://bit.ly/SummerPhoto

Prepping for Next Year ~ Preschool Corner {& 5K too}

Preschool CornerThis weekend I am at the Home Educators of Virginia annual homeschool convention and to say that it can be overwhelming at times is truly an understatement. There are so many ‘shiny’ things to see {and touch} that it can feel like your head is spinning.

For the older kids, most of the curriculum is lined up. For Kaleb, I’m still looking to tweak a few things in a few areas. Today as I wandered around the vendor hall, I did pick up a few things for him {some school related and some fun} and will share all of our plans later, but thought it might be fun to share a few things now.

Handwriting Without Tears


Handwriting is one area that Kaleb is a little different than some of the older kids. He uses the sheets that I make in all of the printable packs, but using a Reason for Handwriting last year was a little difficult. While he may be ok with that later this year or next, for this upcoming year I picked up Handwriting Without Tears.

Handwriting Without Tears example

I truly think that the shaded squares will help give his brain that added visual on containing the letters. Once he has that mastered, we will try moving back to the other handwriting curriculum.

And just for fun, I picked up the Jericho: The Promise Fulfilled DVD for the little Lego lover in our house. I have a feeling that this will be VERY well-received when I get home {grins}.

That’s it so far!! The used curriculum sale opens up tomorrow and I am planning out workshops to attend. I love this part of convention, because it is always a time of recharging for me!

How has your week been? Leave a comment and link up to share your week!


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Don’t Miss Out!! Email subscribers of Homeschool Creations are entered to win a $25 gift certificate to Amazon each month. Subscribe by email now!

Summer Photography Camp for Kids ~ 3 week class for kids ages 8 – 13 to learn basic photography and camera techniques. Check it out! http://bit.ly/SummerPhoto

Top Ten Picture Books for Preschool and Kindergarten ~ Preschool Corner {& 5K too}

Preschool CornerI’ve been going through book baskets all over the house, making stacks of ones to pass along to friends, ones to keep for the future, and smiling at some of our favorites from this past year.

Which then made me want to share our top ten favorite picture books from this past year with you all. To be a favorite, it had to be a book that was read so many times that a mother can honestly find herself reciting lines from it should she wake up in the middle of the night {not that it’s ever happened to me ~ ahem}.



Our Top Ten Picture Books for Preschool and Kindergarten


In the Castle (English Heritage)

In the Castle by Anna Milbourne. There are knights, jousts, swords…it’s just a little boy’s dream come true. When we did our knight unit, In the Castle was the book that we started with and it was pulled off the shelf so often throughout the year too.


Blueberries for Sal by Robert McClosky. Can you honestly believe that this book wasn’t in our house until this year? {I’m still surprised}. This book was so much fun to read and do LOTS of activities with this past year! Finding a big ol’ stump in the neighbor’s yard just like the one in the book made it even better.

Snowy Valentine

Snowy Valentine by David Peterson. This was a book that my friend Cindy found and we both literally got a bit teary reading through it. Two bunnies. One looking for the perfect valentine for his wife…and just a sweet little story. We used this book during our Valentine’s Day unit. and it’s another one of those that you just want to keep around.


On the Moon (Picture Storybook)

On the Moon by Anna Milbourne. The illustrations in this book are wonderful and we have become a HUGE fan of this author! A trip to the Air and Space museum as well, made this book a fast favorite!


Angus Lost by Marjorie Flack {also Angus and the Ducks}. Reading these two books together was a lot of fun since we could compare some of the illustrations and see a ‘different view’ in the stories. We also had a lot of other fun go-along activities for Angus Lost as well.

On a Pirate Ship (Picture Books)

On a Pirate Ship by Sarah Courtauld. The illustrations again are amazing and similar in size/layout to the other On a… series. The books can also be found via Usbourne. Even though we didn’t do a pirate unit this year, this book is a constant ‘must read’.


The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. As much fun as reading the book was, I think that Kaleb’s attachment to this book came because of the torn paper art project that we did along with it as well as the snow crystals.


Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree by Robert Barry was a book that a reader emailed me about and it’s one of those classics that we will hold on to forever! Rhyming text, a cute problem of a ‘too-big’ tree, and a fun time remembering who is next in line for the tree topper. This is another one of those books that I can’t believe we hadn’t read before now, but am so glad that we did!


Cowboy Small by Lois Lenski. For our cowboy unit, this book was the favorite, hands down. You have to love a boy who has a horse named Cactus.


The Gingerbread Pirates by Kristin Kladstrup. Although this book is now hidden away in our Christmas box to be pulled out for the holidays, it was very well loved because of the pirate theme. And it makes for a super-fun way to decorate gingerbread men each year too!

Those are just a few of the books that we enjoyed this year, but the ones that I remember reading so many times. What books have been worn out in your house?


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