This week started off great as far as my planning and Kaleb participating and then veered wildly off course. My plans were to do our bird unit this week, and we did start it, but I’m thinking that we’ll be working on it much more next week too.
Monday and Tuesday went pretty much according to schedule and Kaleb was moving along great. Wednesday though was a completely different matter.
There are days when we deal with whining a bit, but Kaleb took whining to an entirely different level that day and mixed it in with a WHOLE heap of perfectionism. Our of all of our kiddos, he is the most particular about how things are done {and the proper order, etc…}, but it just got ridiculous that day.
I seriously didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at times.
He wanted to do his ‘work’ but yet couldn’t do his work the way he thought was the ‘right’ way. He kept erasing things and redoing them and when I would tell him he didn’t have to do it, he would cry and say he did. If I tried to take the work away, he wanted it back.
Thursday we went on a field trip with some family that is visiting, so next week we’re going to try pacing things a little differently and continue on with what we started.
BUT….how was YOUR week?
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