20 Best Tips

Birds and Perfectionism

This week started off great as far as my planning and Kaleb participating and then veered wildly off course. My plans were to do our bird unit this week, and we did start it, but I’m thinking that we’ll be working on it much more next week too.

Monday and Tuesday went pretty much according to schedule and Kaleb was moving along great. Wednesday though was a completely different matter.

There are days when we deal with whining a bit, but Kaleb took whining to an entirely different level that day and mixed it in with a WHOLE heap of perfectionism. Our of all of our kiddos, he is the most particular about how things are done {and the proper order, etc…}, but it just got ridiculous that day.

I seriously didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at times.

He wanted to do his ‘work’ but yet couldn’t do his work the way he thought was the ‘right’ way. He kept erasing things and redoing them and when I would tell him he didn’t have to do it, he would cry and say he did. If I tried to take the work away, he wanted it back.


Thursday we went on a field trip with some family that is visiting, so next week we’re going to try pacing things a little differently and continue on with what we started.

BUT….how was YOUR week?

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A Laid Back Week ~ Preschool Corner

Whenever we finish up one of our preschool units it seems that the week that follows is so laid back/slow in comparison. While we may not be actively DOING as much as we did the week prior, we are still squeezing in a lot of learning ~ just in a different style. :)

Truthfully, I’m really liking this alternating week schedule because it gives me a chance to prepare for the next week and we can still digest some of the things that we did the week prior and we get to use a few ‘curriculum’ items that we put to the side when doing a focused unit.

Bible: We did two lessons from the Beginning with God devotional to go along with the Beginner’s Bible. We’re alternating doing one lesson and then the next day reviewing and adding in a coloring page. We need to purchase a new Beginner’s Bible since somehow our Bible managed to completely fall apart this week {go figure…it’s on the 4th kiddo}.

Reading: We did several more lessons in our All About Reading Level Pre-1. The favorite activity from this is rhyming {and Ziggy the Zebra is also a big hit!!}.

Language: We did 3 more lessons from Language Lessons for Little Ones from Timberdoodle to use. Kaleb is doing a MUCH better job of answering questions too! He is still loving the Amazing Alphabet Amusement Park, one of the new Leap Frog dvds.

Writing: Kaleb has been having fun in the Kumon Lowercase Letters book…and I also found that he had practiced writing his name on our deck. Very largely.

Math: We’re using the calendar daily to keep practicing Kaleb’s counting and also for identifying numbers. He’s having fun learning the names of other coins {other than pennies} and helping out with that part of our calendar too. He is also using the Kumon Book of Numbers.

Next week we’re going to be studying BIRDS!! What have you all been up to this week?

Stories & Books We Used

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Preschool Astronaut and Space Unit

Astronaut Preschool Unit

I put together the Astronaut Preschool Pack a bit ago, intending to do it right away, and then our move happened and all good intentions were packed away in some of our moving boxes {grins}.  After the wonderful success of our Garden Preschool Pack a few weeks ago, I pulled out all of the books and started printing off things to do for our Astronaut unit.

Kaleb was VERY much thrilled. On Thursday I found him sitting in our Ahh Prods bean bag chair waiting for me to finish cleaning up breakfast and read to him! :)


My favorite pictures of the week? Kaleb used an entire sheet of stars to make our lowercase a craft and see that open mouth in the first picture? He did that when he stuck on every single star ~ somewhere to the tune of 40/50. It just made me smile every time. :)

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We didn’t do all things every single day, but here is how I broke things up over the course of the week {click on the thumbnail to see my plans for the week}. All printables are from my Astronaut Preschool Pack unless otherwise noted.Astronaut Lesson Plans

There were a few things that we DID do every day:

Otherwise, here’s a look at some of the things that we did together while learning about astronauts and space!


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  • Vocabulary words including astronaut, rocket, helmet, moon buggy, etc….
  • Tell what happened in the story and favorite part of the story
  • Beginning sounds cards {both find the beginning letter and write/trace the beginning letter ~ added bonus pages to the Astronaut Preschool Pack page}
  • Talked about opposite words from the story {big/little, up/down, far/near, tiny/big, gentle/hard, silent/loud, light/darkness, heavy/light}


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  • Adding learning links to our numbers so we can work on 1:1 correspondence
  • Sequencing ~ We’ve been sequencing rockets from smallest to largest {or in reverse}
  • Counting down from 10-1 and making our rocket blast off!

Fine Motor/Writing


  • letter tracing sheets: letters A, M, and R
  • Rocket to the Moon line tracing sheets
  • scissor cutting sheets {from Musings of Me}


  • Colors and color names
  • Talking about space, gravity, lack of air on the moon, planets, and so much more!

Crafts & Hands-on Learning



Games & Songs



Books to Go Along 



Additional Astronaut and Space Resources

~ Astronaut Preschool Pack

~ Space Jet Packs from Along the Way

~ A is for Astronaut from Spell Outloud

~ Solar System Preschool {and Beyond} Pack from 1+1+1=1

~ The Planets Song from Spell Outloud

~ Outer Space themed posts from Totally Tots

~ Space Sensory Tub from Totally Tots

~ Man on the Moon printables from Musings of Me

A is for Astronaut Letter Craft


This uppercase A astronaut was too much fun to make! We did it this week along with our Astronaut Preschool Pack.

What You’ll Need:

  • white, pink {or skin toned} and black foam sheet
  • tinfoil
  • scissors
  • glue/tape {I love glue dots!}
  • black marker


How to Make the ‘A’ for Astronaut:

  1. Cut an uppercase A from a piece of white foam sheet. We used a piece that was 4” x 5”.
  2. Using the excess white foam, I cut out arms/sleeves, a white helmet and a white ‘space pack’ for our astronaut.
  3. Using pink foam, cut out a face for your astronaut, just slightly smaller than your helmet.
  4. Cut space boots and gloves from the black craft foam.
  5. Cover the space pack with tinfoil.
  6. Glue the boots, arms and gloves onto the uppercase A.
  7. Glue the space pack onto the back of the A. We added some straps by rolling pieces of tinfoil and wrapping them around the A like backpack straps.
  8. Draw a face on your astronaut ~ don’t forget to add hair!
  9. Glue/tape your astronaut’s helmet and head onto the top of the letter A.

A few more astronaut links:

~ Astronaut Preschool Pack

~ Totally Tots A is for Astronaut

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The {Semi} Boring Week

After last week, I believe that Kaleb was sorely disappointed in my lack of planning. He fully expected to continue right on with all of the garden activities. I had taken them out of his workboxes, and he found them and started working on them again! Gotta love that!

For the most part we had a pretty laid back week and just focused on some of the basic things together. Here’s a look at our {simple} week:

Reading: We’re working through our All About Reading Pre-K and Kaleb loves the craft activities…and pretty much anything that he can do with Ziggy the Zebra. We’re making it a habit to read together at LEAST 20 minutes each day too, sometimes my book choices, sometimes his.

Language: A little while back I purchased Language Lessons for Little Ones from Timberdoodle to use. We had done a few lessons prior to this week, but did one every other day together. It’s going along well with other things that Kaleb needs to focus on right now {lowercase letters}. Kaleb doesn’t always like to answer questions about things that we’re reading, so I like that it ‘pushes’ him a bit too ~ after we read a story or poem he answers specific questions about it and has to think a bit. :)

Writing: Since Kaleb finished the Kumon Uppercase Letters we’re working on the Lowercase Letters book now instead.

Math: Kaleb has counting up to 14 down pat…then skips a few and picks up somewhere in the high teens. We’re working on counting consistently and identifying numbers higher than 10. Kaleb is also using the Kumon Book of Numbers.

An added bonus this week ~ Kaleb found two new ‘movies’ that he loves! Leapfrog has two videos {and we love our other LeapFrog videos!} called The Amazing Alphabet Amusement Park and Numbers Ahoy. I was so happy to see the lowercase letters in the alphabet video!

So the sum up….books, more books, playing, more books, counting, writing, more books and done!

But what about you??

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Parts of a Flower Craft

parts of a flower craft - a simple activity to learn about basic flower anatomy

This craft was super simple and quick to do, but a great ‘hands-on’ craft for our preschooler to remember the parts of a flower. Our focus was learning about four parts: flower, leaves, stem and roots and the supplies we used are just as simple.


You’ll need:

  • tissue paper {your color choice!}20110324-IMG_8885
  • 4 or 5 pieces of brown yarn cut into 6” lengths
  • green pipe cleaner
  • green construction paper
  • tape

Putting it together:

1. We used the pipe cleaner as our stem and then tied the yarn to the base of our stem {some of the pieces we tied onto other pieces of yarn so our roots would ‘spread’ out a bit.

2. We folded the tissue paper up accordian style and then wrapped the other end of the pipe cleaner around it in the center and fanned out the tissue paper so it looked more like a flower.

3. I cut some leaves out of the construction paper and taped them to our stem.


Simple, short and sweet ~ but a great ‘hands-on’ craft for learning about flowers!

Garden unit and activities for preschool and kindergarten

We did this craft to go along with our preschool garden unit – see more of the activities we worked on here.