20 Best Tips

Preschool Gardening Unit

Garden unit and activities for preschool and kindergarten

Kaleb has been VERY excited about school time this week and I feel like we have done an amazing amount of things together! The moment breakfast was done, he was pulling things out of his workboxes and wanting to get started.

We didn’t do every thing every single day, but I broke things up over the course of the week for our gardening unti {click on the thumbnail to see my plans for the week}. Garden Unit plans

There were a few things that we DID do every day:

  • Read our Bible verse together {Matthew 4:8}
  • sang our Garden song
  • read the book Jack’s Garden by Henry Cole and sequenced the story order
  • played Help the Plant Grow! game {over and over again….}

Otherwise, here’s a look at some of the things that we did together while learning about plants and gardening! You can download a copy of the Gardening Preschool and Kindergarten Pack here and join in the fun with us!




  • Vocabulary words including cultivator, trowel, hose, soil, etc….
  • Tell what happened in the story and favorite part of the story
  • Beginning sounds cards {both find the beginning letter and write/trace the beginning letter}
  • Rhyming words {i.e. hose/nose, pot/hot, etc…}
  • Story sequencing ~ we primarily used the book Jack’s Garden by Henry Cole and after we read the story each day we sequenced the picture and sentence strips

Stories & Books We Used



  • Sequencing ~ we sequenced the growth of a plant and a flower from bulb to full sized


  • Count the Cabbage game ~ I hid a small trowel behind one of the cabbages {you can use up to 20} and Kaleb had to identify the number on the cabbage and then count up to that number. We put the pieces in a small pocket chart and hung it on the wall to play.
  • Shapes and Colors ~ Kaleb named the shapes and colors of flowers for me in one of the mini-books I put together

Fine Motor/Writing


  • letter tracing sheets: letters P, G, and S
  • Water the Flower line tracing sheets


All week we’ve been talking about the parts of a flower and what a plant needs to grow. All of the printables come from the Gardening Printable Pack.


  • Parts of a flower ~ The first day I had the flower cut up into only four parts {so that the word was connected to the picture}. The remaining days Kaleb put the flower pieces together and then had to find the right word to match with the flower piece {he would say the word and then look for the beginning sound}.
  • Vegetable and Flower sort ~ Kaleb sorted ‘seed packets’ by whether they were vegetables or flowers



  • What Do Plants Need to Grow? We sang a fun little song all week that talked about four things that plants need to grow ~ soil, water, air and sun
  • Help the Plant Grow! game ~ we played this game several times each day {Kaleb thought it was so fun!}. We had a set of cards showing pictures of things plants need {or don’t need} to grow. If it was something that helps them, Kaleb could color in a part of the flowers stem until the stem was all the way up to the flower. I included some silly things in the cards like milk, candy and a paintbrush…which made him giggle every time.
  • Seed Packet matching ~ Kaleb tried to match a picture of a vegetable to the name of the veggie by looking for beginning sounds

Crafts/Hands-On Learning

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Preschool Corner ~ Rhyming and Pre-Reading

This week Kaleb was beyond excited when I pulled out a special black bag that he knew was JUST for him ~ the All About Reading Level Pre-1 program. He was especially enamored with Ziggy Zebra, the puppet that comes as a part of the program, and he spent the better part of the week attached to my arm. Apparently learning is much more fun when a puppet is the one talking to you.

Since these are the only pictures that I have from this week, you can get a little peek at the two of us learning together.

untitled-22All About Reading

We have a growing collection of letter crafts that go along with each letter that we learn too.

All About Reading craft

The most fun of the week though has been rhyming words. Part of the lessons involve using rhyming cards and that rhyming practice has spilled over into other parts of our day too. Sometimes Kaleb is right, and other times he is wrong, but the fact that he is trying is much fun.

Other than reading, Kaleb finished up his Kumon Uppercase Letters book. He pulled it out and I asked him to work on one page for that day. I left the room for a bit to work with Zachary on something else, assuming he would have his play time when he finished the page. Instead, he finished TWELVE pages…completing the book. Thursday he moved on to the Kumon Book of Numbers and next week we’ll pull out the Lowercase Letters book too.

We’re still working on the Beginning with God devotional to go along with the Beginner’s Bible. I’ve been adding in some coloring pages to go along with each of the lessons since Kaleb has been much more interested in coloring lately also.

While we didn’t have a particular theme this week, we are definitely gearing up for some fun next week ~ gardening!! I can’t wait to share all the fun stuff that we’ll be doing as we participate along with the Homeschool Village Garden Challenge too. I’m putting the finishing touches on a new preschool pack all about gardening. :)

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Preschool Corner ~ Company is Here!

One of these weeks we’re going to actually have a chance to sit down and work on something that I’ve actually PLANNED out ahead of time. Unfortunately, that wasn’t this week {yet again}.

The first three days we did get quite a bit squeezed into each day for Kaleb and are getting our ‘routine’ and workboxes back in order for him.

Each school morning we are starting out with the Beginning with God devotional and Kaleb gets much joy in putting the little sticker at the end of his lesson. :) It’s the little things that keep him happy!

Kaleb pulled out his Grasshopper Preschool Prep Kit {ABC’s and Following Directions} also this week. We pulled out all of the magnetic fish and he would ‘catch’ a fish and then tell me the letter name and/or sound of the letter. He also wanted to use the gel tracing letter packs and the Build-a-Letter stickers that come in the kit.

Grasshopper Preschool Kit

Kaleb was SO proud of himself for writing every letter of the alphabet out {uppercase} in his Kumon book of Uppercase Letters. He ran to meet Daddy at the door with his book to show him what he had done.

Kumon workbook

Another big excitement this week ~ a hideaway kitchen from Guidecraft. Once I had it put together, it has been in constant use by all the kids in our house.

Guidecraft Hideaway Kitchen

On Wednesday, we had some special company come to visit! Carisa from 1+1+1=1 and her three kiddos spent a few days visiting with us.

Too much fun. :)


Ladybug finally warmed up to all of us and was a complete ham her last night here. We lost power on Thursday night because of some storms in our area, and as we sat by the fire reading a book together before bedtime she was a riot to watch and listen too…and also rather excited that we had Ahh Products bean bag chairs like hers at home!

Bean Bag Chair

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Preschool Corner ~ Prayers Answered

It just makes me laugh thinking that several months ago asking Kaleb to sit down to do much of anything {other than Do-a-Dots} was something that triggered whining, crying and moaning on his part.

This week he has literally followed me around, carrying something from his school stuff, asking “Can we do school now?”

Just makes me laugh.

While we didn’t start back full swing {my computer, server and printer are still protesting the move and refuse to cooperate with each other at the moment}, we did have some things in Kaleb’s workboxes and followed a bit of a routine.

Here’s a quick peek at our workbox lineup:

Beginning with God devotional & Awana verse

Letter writing{Kumon uppercase workbook}

Sand box letter tracing or Purplelinker

Chalkboard & magnetic letters or Wikki Stix Game: UNO 
{colors, numbers and directions}
Education Cubes {with photo stacking cubes}
Fun box: Construct-It Early Builder Set Fun box: Playdough or coloring Outdoor time:
bike riding or nature walk


Kaleb has really been enjoying the Beginning with God devotional that we are using from the Good Book Company. Most mornings I’ve been doing it with him, but Laurianna sat down with him one day to read with him. Next week, I’m planning to do some crafts to go along with the Bible lessons, but this week we just worked our way back into the routine. :)


All of the kids gathered around Kaleb to watch him write his letters in the salt box {you can see how to make your own salt tactile box at Mama Jenn’s}. He had a big cheering squad just for writing the letters they called out.


All of the kids are beyond thrilled that we have woods to explore and they all went off in search of treasure. This week alone they managed to come back with three huge bags full of trash {and I can’t complain that they are picking up litter, can I?} and they also found a LOT of bones…now proudly on display in my dining room {I can’t wait til our homeschool room is finished!!!}. Kaleb was VERY excited about the turtle shell and duck bill that they found!


But the biggest news of the week had nothing to do with letters and numbers, and everything to do with outside. Thanks to all the practice that Kaleb has had on his Strider Balance Bike, he has managed to actually ride a two wheeler with pedals ~ completely skipping the training wheels! He still likes to use his Strider bike, but is having a blast figuring out the pedal/braking on the big boy bike. We’ll just ignore the hot pink and turquoise color scheme, k?. Such is the lot of a younger sibling with two older sisters. :)


In a nutshell, that’s it for our week! We’re settling in, learning and ready to do more! How did your week go?

In Our Workboxes 

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Preschool Corner ~ Praying for School

Apparently a certain little someone is ready for us to get back into the school groove and I am really hoping that this next Monday we will be back in more of our typical ‘routine’.

At dinner each night we take turns praying for the meal and when it was Kaleb’s turn the other night, the prayer went a little something like this…

“Thanks for the nice day. Thanks that we could ride our bikes today. I hope we can do school tomorrow. Thank you for our dinner. Amen.”

I’m sincerely hoping that our internet is hooked up soon so that I can access some of my own stuff {like link on my own blog, etc….}. Today’s post and internet connection are courtesy of Cindy from Along the Way who let me crash her house and get online for a bit! :)

A Few Preschool Links for You:


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Preschool Corner ~ Moving Chaos

This week I have nothing. Nada. Zilcho.

We’ve been packing and moving {repeat} all week long, and did take a break to visit the Children’s Museum this week, but otherwise we practiced the fine art of lugging boxes, sorting toys and clothing, and navigating our new house.

BUT I’m sure the rest of you have some fun things to share with me that you’ve worked on this past week, so please link up and let us all see!


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