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Preschool Corner ~ Fun Coasting

This past week we started weaning ourselves back into official school time, but my brain is truly overloading with the thought of selling our house and moving soon, so there were no official plans. Instead I filled Kaleb’s workboxes with a bunch of new toys, parts of our Grasshopper Preschool Kit, books to read, and some other fun toys.

The two biggies of the week that we had fun playing with were the Construct-It Early Builder set and our Education Cubes. I truly didn’t expect the reactions that I got from both of them. I figured Kaleb would be excited, but between the two of them, . :)


Kaleb built and built little projects, specifically airplanes, most of the time and had everyone in the house playing along with him too! We used the Education Cubes to identify numbers, letters and go on color hunts around our house ~ much fun!

That was pretty much the week around our house. What did you all do this week?

In the Workboxes This Week 

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Preschool Corner ~ Lowercase Letter Crafts q – t

We started out the week with a sick Kaleb and did manage to squeeze in some school time {and were really getting on a roll}…and are now in the midst of household chaos with lots of painting, scrubbing and house purging going on.

Instead of paper and pencil school, we spent time on field trips so that Daddy could get some things done without interruption ~ the library and the children’s museum being top on the list!

Here are a few more of the lowercase alphabet letter crafts that Cindy and I have been sharing over at Totally Tots. Click on the picture to visit the post about that craft. :)


q   rs   t

Depending on how next week goes, I’m REALLY hoping that I’ll be able to share another preschool pack with you!! I’m trying to wrap up some behind the scenes stuff before I post all about it too. Right now, focusing on our kids and keeping our sanity intact is top on my ‘to do’ list {grins}…but I do have some fun stuff in store!

Stories & Books to Go Along 


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Preschool Corner ~ Last of the Year!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families. We’ll be joining back up and sharing next week, but if you have activities that you’d like to link up, please do!

Our Preschool Links:


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Preschool Corner ~ Week of Christmas

Even though we were off this week, I know that some of you have been busy with your kiddos! Feel free to link up your Preschool Corner {& 5K too!} post below and share the fun things you’ve been working on together.

Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Christmas together!!! Thanks so much for joining up with us and sharing your learning ideas with us all.


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Preschool Corner ~ Nativity Preschool Pack & Advent

Another week that didn’t go quite according to plan. I really shouldn’t be surprised anymore, but somehow I am. Monday I ended up having surgery for my lovely kidney stone that refused to come out of my body and Tuesday…well, I actually {for the most part} followed doctor’s orders and rested. I said mostly. :) And then snow…and trying to keep kids interested in school when snow is falling ~ ha!

We did continue on with our Advent devotions with Kaleb using Beginning with God at Christmas that goes along with the Beginner’s Bible. It’s a fun devotional for preschoolers from The Good Book company and has a simple coloring activity with each lesson, a sticker to show you completed the lesson, along with a short question/answer time for kids. It’s just enough to keep his attention ~ which I love.  The picture below shows one of the lessons we worked on last week.

Beginning with God at Christmas

If you are interested in any of The Good Book company’s preschool devotionals, you can use the coupon code hscreations10 for 25% off your first order until December 31st. 

Our Nativity Preschool Pack and Folder

You’ve all probably seen Carisa’s Nativity Preschool Pack that she put together and this was the ‘base’ for what we did most of the week. There were a few activities that we didn’t get to do {i.e. crafts}, so we’ll work on some of the fun stuff next week too.

We did most of the activities in the Nativity Pack and are storing them in folder to store them. Here’s a peek at what our finished folder looked like.


The front of the folder has a little name tag where Kaleb wrote his name and then a summary of the story that we read this week Sleepy Jesus along with his favorite part of the story.

Inside the folder we glued a verse that we practiced, Luke 2:11 {printables for this verse here}, pattern strips, our color tracing book, number matching sheet {folded accordian style}, animal/people sort & match, and beginning sounds tracers {most from the Nativity Preschool Pack}. I used a clear envelope to store the patterning pieces and the envelope flips up when we are doing the patterns.


The back of the folder has a book that we didn’t get to finish up this week and will work on next week ~ The Tale of Christmas {found at Musings of Me}.


I’ve uploaded our lesson plans for the week ~ nothing super crazy, but it has all the links in case you need them. We also did this cute A is for Angel craft. IMG_0185

 Books & Toys We Used


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Quick Note: We’ll be on a school break for the next two weeks, but I will still be putting the linky up for Preschool Corner each Friday in case you all want to share what you’ve been working on. :)

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Preschool Corner ~ The Gingerbread Baby

This was a spur-of-the-moment unit that I put together last week and I had much more that I wanted to do…but time and Mommy feeling still a little under the weather ~ it didn’t all happen.

Many days Kaleb didn’t really want to do ‘school’, so he and I had a little deal going. If he finished four activites {including Advent devotions with me}, then he could play the holiday version of Angry Birds on my itouch for 10 minutes. Worked like a charm!

The Gingerbread Baby Unit

I’ll break up the things that we did by topic/subject. We read the book {over and over again} every day and did a few activities from the lapbook each day and also did 3-5 activities from our unit study.

Here’s a peek at the inside of our lapbook:



  • Vocabulary {words from the book}:
  • Uppercase/lowercase ABC matching {lapbook piece}
  • Tell what happened in the story and favorite part of the story {lapbook piece ~ front of lapbook}
  • Beginning sounds worksheets {lapbook piece}


doesn’t he look THRILLED to have his picture taken??


  • Gingerbread Baby game ~ identifying numbers and moving correct number of spaces {lapbook piece}
  • Patterning ~ we created different patterns using the gingerbread boy, girl and fox {lapbook piece}
  • Size sequencing ~ we sequenced gingerbread babies from large to small and small to large {lapbook piece}
  • Identifying numbers ~ we rolled a die and counted to build our gingerbread man puzzle {lapbook piece}



  • Animals ~ We printed off word card pictures of all the animals in the story and put them on a jump ring so we can add more animals from other stories that we read. We also sequenced the animals by the order we saw them in the book.
  • Weather ~ we talked about the weather in the story {snowy and cold}, there was ice in the water that the gingerbread baby jumped onto
  • Why didn’t the gingerbread boy jump in the water? Got this lovely idea from Cindy from Along the Way! We pulled out a tub of water and tried dunking him in the water to see what would happen {he fell apart}. We also tried a few different things: candy, pretzels, cereal, and more to see what would happen to them. The candy kept disappearing every time I turned around…not because it melted, but because a certain 4 year old kept pulling it out of the water and eating it {grins}.

IMG_0276 IMG_0278


  • Gingerbread baby craft using foam cut-outs that we picked up at the Dollar Tree


Fine & Gross Motor

  • Write name ~ actually traced it to put on the front of our lapbook {lapbook piece}
  • Trace the path that the gingerbread baby runs from the fox {lapbook piece}
  • Practice writing the letter G {writing sheet in Preschool Pack}
  • Trace color names {lapbook piece}

Click on the button below to download

the full Gingerbread Baby Preschool Pack.

Gingerbread Baby Preschool Pack Button

Other things we wanted to do, but didn’t have time for {based on the book Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett}:

  • Actually make gingerbread cookies and a gingerbread house!! I caved and bought cookies from the grocery store because we didn’t have time.
  • Make masks to go along with the story from Jan Brett’s site

Stories & Books We Used


Other Great Gingerbread Links:

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