20 Best Tips

Gingerbread Baby Lapbook and Printables

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I’ll be sharing more later this week about our Gingerbread Baby Preschool Pack to go along with the book Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett. I figured that the sooner I could get it to you all, the better! We’ll be putting this all into a lapbook folder, but there are some extra pieces to go along with it too. While we’re using the book by Jan Brett {I love her books!}, much of the Gingerbread Baby Preschool Pack can also go along with other gingerbread men books.

This just came along spur of the moment, so I’m still printing things off and gathering ideas too, but here’s a little peek at some of the 26 pages of printables in the pack. I’m printing many of the pieces off onto cardstock and laminating the worksheets to use again {I love my Scotch laminator}.

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Download the Gingerbread Baby Preschool Pack here.

If you are looking for some other great preschool Christmas printables, be sure to visit Carisa’s Christmas Fun page and also see Erica’s Christmas activities too.


Preschool Corner ~ A Week Off

Daddy was off this week, so we decided to take a break along with him. Good thing, since first thing Monday morning I ended up in the ER with a kidney stone and have {supposedly} been taking it easy ever since.

Or maybe not so much. :)

Meanwhile, we’ve been reading books, watching movies, visiting the Children’s Museum, and having WAY too much fun playing Angry Birds…

Way too much fun. :) Both boys curled up in one of our new Ahh Products bean bag chair to play together and Kaleb was cracking me up. He kept saying the phrase “That is pretty tricky!!!” along with “High five!!” whenever Zachary would attempt or master a level of the game.


Someone asked me if I could put together a Build a Snowman game, but since it isn’t quite yet THAT cold here, I thought it might be better to do Build a Christmas Tree instead {and don’t worry…I’ll be sharing the Build a Snowman soon!}.

This is just like the Build a Bunny game that I shared before Easter. To play Build a Christmas Tree cut out the pieces of the tree and then use a die to roll numbers. Have your little one count the number s/he rolled and then pick that piece.


If you have an older child, you might want to play Draw a Christmas Tree. Use the outline of the tree as a guide and then add in the different pieces. Just a little more involved for older preschoolers and kindergarteners!


That’s it for this week!  What have you been up to this week? Be sure to link up below or leave a comment!

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Preschool Corner ~ Learning in Spite of Me

There was a little bit of confusion this week in our house. We started out doing school and then stopped when I realized that this was a scheduled week off for us.

Then we started back up again when I found out that my hubby has all next week off {something that apparently missed my calendar}.

The kids were non-too-happy to get back to the grind and it all went a little out of whack on so many different aspects. Kaleb had a birthday and turned four ~ and has just been hilarious.

There are days when I wonder what in the world that boy is learning, if he is really learning anything at all, and how it’s getting in there if he is. Generally he is so oppositional {and go figure, he’s the laid back kiddo}, but he wants to do it on his terms, his way…or he just gets quiet and refuses.

He was sitting at the counter with a pen and paper the other day while I was cooking dinner. Keep in mind, the boy won’t write letters if I ask him too. He asked me how to spell ‘Back to Earth’…I have no idea why, but without really realizing what he was doing, I was telling him the letters. After a bit, he said, I can’t draw the ‘c’. I snapped out of what I was doing and came over to see what he was doing and wouldn’t you know, the boy had written B a    K     T O  E a R T H …and had done it all on his little lonesome.

Ummmm…where, oh where did THAT come from? Granted it wasn’t all done perfectly and I LOST the paper {can you believe it???}.

Later that day I let him play a game on my itouch called Feed the Monster where kids have to pick out the letters that are mentioned {match uppercase to lowercase letters, etc…}. That boy was matching letters I had no IDEA that he knew because he refuses to answer when I ask him to do it.

Just another one of those moments when you realize that things are sinking in and your child is learning and doing in spite of you and your well-laid plans. Gotta love it!

We did read books about Thanksgiving this week and made some lovely placements just for fun ~ but otherwise, a laid back week overall. Next week ~ we’re taking a break and spending some time with Daddy!

Thanksgiving Books We Love


Tools We Use

I’ve put together a list of our ‘preschool picks’ {sorted by category} that shows many of the tools, toys, and books we use during our preschool time ~ and some of our favorite things.


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Preschool Corner ~ Pirate Unit and Pirate Lapbook

Our pirate lapbook ended up being closer to a three week learning time. Kaleb loves pirates.

L.O.V.E.S. them. He has a colonial hat that he loves to wear, a sword constantly stuck in his ‘gunbelt’ and we have read the book On a Pirate Ship more times that I can remember.

With as long as we were doing the unit, you would think that I would have actually managed to get more on my ‘idea list’ covered…but that didn’t happen. :) I’ll share the lapbook here with you all and also all of the ideas that I had ~ and let you know which ones we did manage to get around to! I don’t have as many pictures this go-round…go figure.

The Pirate Unit

I’ll break up the things that we did by topic/subject. We read the book {over and over again} every day and did a few activities from the lapbook each day and also did 3-5 activities from our unit study.


  • Verses: The first one we talked about was ‘You shall not steal.’ {an obvious choice, no?}; our main verse was Matthew 6:21 ~ “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Kaleb isn’t one to ‘perform’ much, so this was a BIG deal getting him to say his verse on camera. :) I know he sounds like he’s muttering, but really he’s ‘singing’ it like on our Seeds of Purpose cd. {lapbook piece}





  • Vocabulary {words from the book}: enormous, steer, twinkling, clings, glittering, fearless, tricky, adventure
  • Pirate words: anchor, jewels, treasure, boat, sails, sailor, parrot, map, canon, doubloons  {lapbook piece} Hint: print off an extra page to use as a matching game!!
  • Uppercase/lowercase ABC matching {lapbook piece}
  • Tell what happened in the story and favorite part of the story {lapbook piece ~ front of lapbook}


  • How many bags of gold? counting up to 10 {lapbook piece}
  • Pirate game ~ identifying numbers and moving correct number of spaces {lapbook piece}
  • Pattern with ‘jewels’ ~ I had planned to buy some fancy jewels to use for this, but we ended up just patterning 1” circles from paper.
  • Size sequencing ~ we sequenced pirate ships from large to small and small to large {lapbook piece}


  • Animals ~ We printed off word card pictures of all the animals in the story and put them on a jump ring so we can add more animals from other stories that we read. We also sequenced the animals by the order we saw them in the book.
  • Direction ~ We had some fake compasses that we used to talk about North / South/ East / West
  • Weather ~ we talked about storms and calm seas, how you could tell a storm was coming in the book, etc..



  • Make a periscope/telescope. We used toilet paper tubes and paper towel tubes covered with saran wrap on one end and tinfoil all around for ours. HUGE hit.
  • P for parrot craft
  • V for violin craft {one of the pirates is playing the violin}

Fine & Gross Motor

  • Write name ~ actually traced it to put on the front of our lapbook {lapbook piece}
  • Walk the plank ~ we did simple balancing outside along the edge of our playground area. You could also tape a line on the floor and walk the line.

Personal Hygiene

  • Brushing teeth ~ one look at most pirate’s teeth and you realize the importance of brushing well! :)


  • Stripes/dots ~ we looked through our book to find all of the stripes on the pages and then all the dots {there are stripes on almost every page}

Fun Stuff


  • Puppets!! We printed out the puppets from our lapbook kit, stuck them on popsicle sticks and had fun playing with them
  • Dig for buried treasure!!! A sensory bucket filled with dirt and we had fun digging for gold coins in the dirt.

Other things we wanted to do, but didn’t have time for {based on the book On a Pirate Ship}:

  • ABC’s: Put a magnet on the end of a pirate hook and ‘fish’ for letters.
  • Language/Spelling: spell the word ‘pirate’ using other letters {build words using the word cards}
  • Science: steamy drinks {the pirates are drinking them}, sink the pirate ship {see how many 1” blocks you can put on a foam tray before it sinks}, talk about the the wind {storms at sea, wind blowing curtains on last page}, shadows from how the sun is throughout the book
  • Crafts: make an ‘ocean’ water bottle
  • Art: shades of blue {similar to all the shades of the ocean ~ dark to light}, draw a pictures like the one on the last page of On a Pirate Ship
  • Musical Instruments: the book shows accordians and violins being played

The Pirate Lapbook

The pirate lapbook is a bit of a mix of the unit study and also has standalone Pirate Lapbookpieces. On the front of the lapbook is a tracing/writing activity where Kaleb traced his name {all capital letters}. One of the things that I’ve been focusing on when we read books is having Kaleb tell me what the book was about and what his favorite part. I wrote his ‘summary’ of the book On a Pirate Ship and also his favorite part of the story.

The back cover of the lapbook has a pirate game board taped to it. I laminated each of the pieces and taped them together and to the back of the folder.

Inside the lapbook we glued our mini books {Parrot Colors & Bags of Gold}, added our Bible verse, the pockets for our ABC uppercase/lowercase matching cards and our pirate word cards, and then a big pocket to store our extra stuff {sequencing cards and puppets}. The pocket is just half of a 9×12 envelope.

View all the pieces of the lapbook and download it on the Pirate Lapbook page.

Additional Resources

The verse that was a part of our lapbook was “Where your treasure is there your heart will be also” from Matthew 6:21. It is a part of the Seeds of Purpose cd that we love and listen to often!!

Stories & Books We Used


Tools We Use

I’ve put together a ‘preschool store’ of sorts through Amazon that shows many of the tools and toys we use during our preschool time ~ and some of our favorite things.


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Preschool Corner ~ Do a Dot Pages N-Z

Great plans…and this week ended up being completely crazy. While we did do lots of learning, it wasn’t all all what I had planned for us to do.

We took a trip to Target {after yet another doctor’s visit} and ended up filling up all of our shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. We wrote letters to each of the children that we are sending shoeboxes too, printed of pictures to include in our boxes, and got them ready to drop off. {Note to self: Next year, make a special date and take each kiddo separately to shop for shoebox gifts. Four kids in Target shoving things in shoeboxes = pure craziness}.


The do-a-dot markers came out in FULL force this week again, and I printed off more copies of our A-Z pages for Kaleb to work on {his request!}. Since I haven’t shared the second batch of the do-a-dot pages, I figured this would be a great time to do that. :) Here are a few sample pages for the letters N-Z do-a-dot sheets. You can also download the letters A-M do-a-dot set here.

do a dot page do a dot pages


Tools We Use

I’ve put together a ‘preschool store’ of sorts through Amazon that shows many of the tools and toys we use during our preschool time ~ and some of our favorite things.


More Preschool Links:

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Preschool Corner ~ Lowercase Letter Crafts m – p

We did squeeze in a few days of school time this week before some of the kiddos ended up getting sick…which then resulted in Mom being super tired.

Kaleb is VERY excited that Saturday we’ll be going to see VeggieTales Live this weekend and truthfully, I’m really hoping that we get to hear my favorite song ~ Bellybutton! If your kiddos love VeggieTales, you might want to see if they will be in your area since the shows will be through November 30th. Assuming that the big guys don’t scare him to death, we should have plenty of pictures to share! :)

Before the sickies hit, we spent a lot of time reading about pirates!! Kaleb has been fascinated with them lately, so we read and read and read. We also did a fun letter craft that went along with our pirate unit. Can you guess which of the following letters it was?

Here are a few more of the lowercase alphabet letter crafts that Cindy and I have been sharing over at Totally Tots. Click on the picture to visit the post about that craft. :)

Magnet Craft n is for net craft
Owl Craft p is for parrot craft









Depending on how next week goes, I’m REALLY hoping that I’ll be able to share our unit with you!! I’m trying to wrap up some behind the scenes stuff before I post all about it. :)  I’ll also be sharing the rest of the do-a-dot printables soon too!

If you haven’t already, be sure to enter to win a GREAT resource book for moms of preschoolers ~ Homepreschool and Beyond by Susan Lemons. I have several copies of the book to give away to a few readers!

Hope you all had a GREAT week ~ and can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to!

Stories & Books To Go Along

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