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Preschool Corner ~ Carousel Art Supply Organizer

Preschool Corner

This week I’ve been putting together new furniture, putting the finishing touches on our revised workbox system, and making some fun little additions to our ‘classroom’ {i.e. our dining room}. Some of the fun put me a little out of my comfort zone.

I’ll be the first to admit that I start twitching whenever the kids start talking about getting the art supplies out. As in, I don’t like messes. At least in my own house. If you’d like to invite us over to do a project at your house, I’d be happy to dig in…{grins}. Kaleb tends to be a little artist…but not in places I would like to actually see art. Walls, rugs, himself. Generally markers stay out of sight, out of {his} mind.

BUT I saw this lovely homemade art carousel at See Jamie Blog and decided that it would be great to have on our table {thanks Kris for highlighting in in the Homeschool Showcase!!}. Although we don’t have an Ikea nearby, I jumped in the car as soon as I could and headed to Target to check out their dollar section to try to re-create my own version.

I was able to find a lazy Susan {$8 in the housewares section} and six tin pails {$1/ea from the dollar section} and hot glue some magnets on to help keep the tins in place {i.e. so they don’t go flying off when the kids spin the thing like crazy}. Jamie gives a little more detail on how she put it together, but it’s super easy to do ~ enough that you might just want to make one of your own!

homemade art carousel

The result? A HUGE success with all of our kids, especially Kaleb. He has been a drawing fiend this week, dropping pictures into my lap and describing them to me in vivid detail ~ volcanoes with hot lava coming out, rainforests…it’s been amazing to hear him talk about things that I didn’t even realize he KNEW about. :)

homemade art carousel

Otherwise, our week has been full of reading, working on our new ‘chore charts’ {I’ll be sharing those soon}, swimming, reading and … reading a lot more. Here are some of our current favorite books ~ I’m in LOVE with this series of Usborne books!!

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Preschool Corner ~ VBS Week

This is the first year that every single one of our kids has been able to attend Vacation Bible School.

At the same time.

Meaning THIS mom had THREE WHOLE HOURS every single morning to sit back and relax and enjoy a quiet house. Not that I sat back and relaxed…but still. I had the chance.

Instead, I spent the week with Cindy from Along the Way and we worked on the lowercase abc crafts, planned for the upcoming year {we found some GREAT books and are working on some unit studies}, re-worked our workbook systems, and then laminated like crazy women!

Our kids have been asking to spend some time together too, so we also had a pool day at their house and just played away {much fun!}.

Aiden and Kaleb Aiden and Kaleb

 Aiden and Kaleb

That has basically been our week ~ Bible school and friends. What did you all do this week?

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Preschool Corner ~ Trying to Plan

Since convention last week I’ve been laying out our upcoming year in my head and on paper and do you want to know something?

I’m feeling at a complete loss on what I’m going to do with Kaleb next year.

Obviously, I like to plan. There are ideas spinning around in my head, but I have yet to find a means to quickly get all those ideas into print form…and see if they are actually REAL ideas or bunny trails {because I’m famous for those too}.

I have plenty of things on file to do, but for some reason I feel the need to do something new ~ just for him. In many ways {and I’m just laying it all out for you here}, he truly gets the short end of the proverbial stick.

So I’m sitting. And thinking. And praying. Knowing that soon enough it will fall into place…I just need to stop getting ahead of myself and enjoy the fun and relaxing that we are doing right now.

Have you started making plans for next year yet? What do you have in store for your preschooler and/or kindergartener?

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Preschool Corner ~ Blogroll Update

We’re still basking in the fact that the school year is officially done ~ which essentially means we’re playing and goofing off together!  Technically, I’m not even at home right now. I’m off at a homeschool convention with my hubby, making the rounds of the vendor halls, meeting up with some of you lovely blogging ladies ~ and getting motivated, re-energized and excited for the weeks and months to come!

ping pong ball experiment 2We’ve still been sneaking in a little learning here and there ~ science experiments, a little handwriting and art, but otherwise…it’s just been FUN! If you want a quick and fun experiment to do with your preschooler, be sure to check out the Ping Pong Air Pressure activity we did. The kids had so much fun and were playing with my blow dryer and the balls for awhile!

Wedgits have also been a big ol’ hit at our house this week with both of the boys {don’t miss the giveaway for Wedgits I posted yesterday}. I had also purchased a few additional resources to use with our Wedgits Starter Tote. The starter tote comes with Design Cards, so I purchased a Teacher’s Activity Guide. The design cards give the kids an example of a creation, show them what is needed to create that design ~ but it doesn’t tell them how to do it, so they have to figure it out on their own. Zachary has been flying through the cards and I love watching the little wheels in his brain turn as he tries to figure out the solutions.

IMG_4975 IMG_4989 IMG_4990

Kaleb has been enjoying them too ~ not quite the same as Zachary, but he is learning how to fit and stack the pieces together. We used the blocks to also make patterns.

Kaleb wedgits ` Kaleb wedgits 2

Updating the Preschool Corner Blogroll

If you have been linking up to the Preschool Corner, could you do me a favor and check out the Preschool Corner blogroll? If you name isn’t on the list, please leave a comment and let me know {along with your blog link} so I will be sure to add your name and link to the list!

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Please link your exact blog post here and be sure to include a link back to the Preschool Corner. I will delete any entries that do not link back to the site. Thanks for understanding. :)

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Preschool Corner: Summer Reading Challenge

One of the things that I love to do is read…and I hoping that each of our children have that same love for reading instilled in them. During the school year we have the books that we read for our ‘school time’ but we try to encourage the kids to read when it isn’t required of them.

And for those who can’t read yet, we read to them…or encourage siblings to read to them.

Our local library and bookstore both run some great incentive programs for children during the summer months, but we try to keep the momentum going all year round with reading charts. We use these charts for our oldest right down to the youngest.

  Spring Reading Challenge Summer Reading Challenge

 fall reading Chart  winter reading chart

Click on the thumbnail to download each file.

The goal is to read 75 books during that ‘season’ ~ spring, summer, fall, and winter. The prize? It can be anything we want it to be ~ a camping trip, a trip to the Dollar Tree, maybe a new movie that is in the theatres {because that is really a special treat!}. One bar is marked off for each book that the kids read {chapter books over 60 pages count as 2 books for us}. I write the name of the book in each bar and the kids color them in.

Really, it’s a win/win situation.

At some point during our school year I stopped reading aloud to the kids at lunchtime…and that is something that we are putting back into our day. I miss it and they do too! Captive audiences with their mouths full {and unable to talk} are lovely! During this time we read more advanced books ~ ones Laurianna might be able to read, but we’re exposing the kids to different literature…and they LOVE it!

I’ve included a carousel below of some of the books that we’re reading right now {My Father’s Dragon is our current table-read} and a few that are on our list for the summer. What read-alouds have your kids enjoyed? I’d love to have a few more to add to my list too!

Stories & Books on our ‘Read-Aloud’ List

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Preschool Corner ~ Alphabet Crafts

This week we finished up the last of our uppercase ABC crafts ~ so can you guess what we’re doing next?

Lowercase letters! :)

I’ve been busy planning this week {along with a friend}, making designs for the different lowercase letters and looking for books to go along with those letters….and I can’t wait to share them with you all!!!

In case you missed the last few over at Totally Tots, here are the letters T through Z. If you click on the picture below, it will take you to the post about that craft. You can find links to all of the uppercase letter crafts by clicking here {and sorry about all crazy coloring…that’s what I get for taking pictures at all different times of the day}.

 t is for tractor craft  u is for umbrella craft 

v is for vegetable craft    walrus craft

x ray craft   xray craft

Yak preschool craft   Zebra craft

Otherwise, we spent much time reading, enjoying the beautiful weather, playing with friends and relaxing since our ‘official’ school is finished!! We’re still going to be doing school, but much more modified and laid-back for the summer time. :)

Books and Toys We’ve LOVED This Week:

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