Tot School ::8::
The Preschool Corner: Letter M
Last week we had so much fun with our lapbook, that we decided to another one this week. This week I’ll be sharing about our preschool fun studying the letter “M” and at the end of the post you will find Mr. Linky so that you can participate too in the fun by sharing what you’ve been doing during your preschool time.
I pulled out several books this week that we were going to read and asked Zachary which one he wanted to focus on, and he chose If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. I pulled together resources from several different sites and we had fun making another lapbook together based on that book.
We did do a few activities that weren’t related to the book, but it’s all listed below, so enjoy looking around. I’ve provided links to the various activities and sites that we used, whenever possible.
ABC Book: Mouse and a Cookie
Alphabet Activities: Upper and Lowercase Matching
I found some cards that have upper and lowercase letter matching on them on this site. The cards are a jpeg/gif image so you can make them whatever size you would like. I pulled all the images together from her site and made a document. I would be happy to email you the full document if you would like. Just leave a comment requesting it or email me and I’ll get it to you!
Fun Activities: Shadow Matching and Monster Cookies
I found a fun game that uses similar images to the ones in the book and then has a shadow image of it to put match. I cut apart all the images and we used one side of the lapbook to glue the game pieces and I stapled a baggie to the side to store the game pieces. You can find the shadow match game here (it is also in the document that I put together).
Since we read all about cookies we had to make some to eat too, so we made Monster Cookies.
The majority of the lapbook pieces that I printed off were from Homeschool Share and their mini books for If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. I used a full size folder for this lapbook and glued some of the game pieces directly onto the folder so that we could open it up and play it. On the back of the lapbook I glued our math game (only three sides) so that the pieces to the game can slide down in between the game board and the lapbook cover. You can see in one of the pictures above if you can’t visualize it.
Here are the pieces that we worked on:
I Spy: While we read through the book, we played “I Spy” and tried to find anything that was shaped like a circle in the book and then wrote it down in our mini book.
Mouse Anatomy: Since we’re talking about mice we also did a mini book that shows different parts of a mouse: tail, hairless ears, clawed feet and whiskers.
Shadow Matching: This game wasn’t from Homeschool Share, but I cut the board pieces apart and glued them onto one of the inside pieces of the lapbook. You can find the shadow game here or email me and I’ll send you the document I made that includes it.
If You Give a Boy a Cookie: This was a mini book that gives a story prompt. I asked Zachary to finish the sentence and this was his response:
“If you give a boy a cookie he would just eat it and go outside and play. If he put a magical hat on it to come alive he could take it outside to play.”
Storywheel: This is a wheel that helps retell the story using pictures. I printed it off on cardstock to make it a little more sturdy.
We used a cookie counting game that tied into If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and glued it to the back of our lapbook so we could keep it handy. The game has numbers from 1-20 and you can fill in the blank that tells you how many cookies to put on the plate.
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
If You Give a Moose a Muffin
Little Mouse and the Big Red Apple
Mary Had a Little Jam and Other Silly Rhymes
The guidelines can be found here if you need them.
Share what you’ve been doing in your house this week! (Clementia, can you either email me directly or let me know how to get ahold of you? I can’t find a way to comment on your blog. Thanks!).
The Preschool Corner: Letter L
This week I’ll be sharing about our preschool fun studying the letter “L” and at the end of the post you will find Mr. Linky so that you can participate too in the fun by sharing what you’ve been doing during your preschool time.
We focused a lot of our letter activities on ladybugs this week, enough that we put together a little lapbook for Zachary, his first, so he was VERY excited! He wanted me to write his name a special title on it, so that I did: Zachary’s little, tiny lapbook.
ABC Page
We put our ladybug learning onto paper and added the pieces to our lapbook. We made a wheel on the lifecycle of a ladybug, played an alphabet matching game using uppercase and lowercase letters, and learned the parts of a ladybug.
To make the lapbook, I cut a red manila file folder in half and then glued in the mini-books when we were done, just to keep it as simple as possible. Since we didn’t have enough room inside our book for all of the books, we put our “following directions” mini-book on the front cover. Here are the links to the mini-books that we used:
- Parts of a Ladybug
- “L” is for wheel
- Ladybug alphabet matching and pocket
- Following Directions with ladybugs (math)
- Lifecycle of a ladybug wheel (Lapbook Lessons – need to register for free)
- Other mini books and more can be found at Homeschool Share

Letter Sheet Collage
Lollipop Pattern Cards
Here are some fun pattern cards to use ~ who doesn’t love lollipops?
{Click on the thumbnail to print off the document}.
We used them this week as an activity for the letter L. See how many patterns you can come up with!
Tot School ::7::
The Preschool Corner: Letter K

Art Activity: Tracing Keys
Tracing is always a challenge, but even more so when you’re trying to trace keys! But we did and tried to make it a little more interesting by creating a key pattern: one big key, two small keys, etc..
Fun Activities: Toothpick K’s
We have a bazillion toothpicks in our house and so we put a few of them to good use this week. It was only after we made our little toothpick craft that I realized that perhaps “K” wasn’t the letter we should have chosen.
Should you chose to make maybe 4 K’s (instead of a controversial 3), cut the tips off the full toothpicks (to help detract from any possible injuries) and then cut some other toothpicks in half, cutting the pointy tips off those also. Maybe injuries aren’t an issue at your house, but it’s all fun and games…. :)
First, Zachary sorted the toothpicks by size (short and long) and then had much fun getting sticky with glue. He dipped the toothpicks in glue and then placed them on cardstock to form the letter that we’ve been studying.
And since we still have toothpicks everywhere, I’m sure we’ll do this activity again with future letters of the alphabet.
Spinning off the diamond shape of a kite we used some of our foam pattern blocks from Discovery Toys to put together other shapes and pictures.
Psalm 34:13- “Keep your tongue from evil.”
We’re still using the book My ABC Bible Verses by Susan Hunt. It has a quick little devotional and a few questions at the end of the story along with review from previous weeks.
This week we’re having a little trouble with Zachary getting the verse straight. He’s preferring two different versions of his own: “Don’t stick your tongue out in evil” and “Don’t keep your tongue from evil” – not quite the versions we’re going for. And so we keep reviewing.
Rhymes and Songs
Old King Cole
The guidelines can be found here if you need them.
Share what you’ve been doing in your house this week!