This week we took a little break from schooltime to get ready for company – and just REST! :) I’ve been going back through my previous posts and separating them out and finished up a few more individual letter posts. They are back-dated to when we actually completed them, but if you are interested, you can follow the links here to the letter “C” and the letter “D”. When I have a little more time I will catch up with the other missing letters.
I also uploaded the template for the alphabet book that we are using to paste our activities in. I printed it double-sided on cardstock and then had it spiral bound (the exact word is escaping me at the moment – but it’s the inexpensive version you can have done quickly and easily).

A brown boat with a blue sail in the blue water.
If you would like to share what you’ve been doing during your preschool time, feel free to sign Mr. Linky below. Guidelines for The Preschool Corner can be found here. Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!!