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Fun Activity: Playdough
We had fun rolling out playdough and making our uppercase and lowercase “E’s” this way. Snakes are always fun!
We used our scales this week (a HUGE hit) to estimate and weigh things. We started out with our counting bears and then used other things around the house to see how they weighed in comparison to the bears.
Even a child is known by his deeds. This week we talked about how people know what kind of a person we are by how we act. We’re using the book My ABC Bible Verses by Susan Hunt as a devotional during the week.
Zachary has the basics of the uppercase E down…just a few problems in where those lines get put. Sometimes all up high. Sometimes all down low. But it’s an E! We’re using Peterson’s Handwriting this year (you can see my reviews in the sidebar for more info on this program).
I pulled out some counting bears that I recently bought and also some bowls of the same color to have Kaleb try to sort the bears by color – this is where I was really suprised. He did GREAT!! When he would put a bear in the wrong bowl, he would stop and pick it out and drop it in the right bowl. We started out using only 2 colors, but eventually did all four colors. I did videotape it too (and he did it for the most part then), but he was a little over doing it then, so you’ll just have to trust me on it!
The stacking cups came out again, but this time Kaleb wanted to fit them all back into each other which he did wonderfully, pulling out the ones needed to sort them by size.
Some new animal magnets were also added to the fridge to play with. Kaleb didn’t want to play the way I wanted to play, so we had fun pulling them off the fridge and putting them in a bag and counting them together instead.
That’s it for this week (at least the pictured part). Thanks for stopping by!
Zachary worked on the Letter “D” this week. He has a great handle on his uppercase letters, and we’re finding that he needs help with the lowercase letters – a big necessary if he tries to read, since obviously books are generally in lowercase. That gets to be rather frustrating for him. Here are some of the things we focused on with the letter “D”.
Our page for the letter “D” was a dandelion (apologies for the scan).
Fun Activities
Duck, Duck Goose
Play Doctor
Philippians 2:14 – “Do everything without complaining or arguing.”
This week we practiced our letters on our tabletop whiteboard and easel that we have from Melissa and Doug (love that thing).
Rhymes and Songs
Diddle diddle Dumpling, my son John
Went to bed with his stockings on.
One shoe off and one shoe on,
Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John.
Donut Song
Oh I ran around the corner
And I ran around the block
And I ran right into a donut shop.
I picked up a donut and I licked off the grease,
And I handed the lady a five-cent piece.
Well she looked at the nickle
And she looked at me,
And she said, “This nickel isn’t good to me!
There’s a hole in the nickle, and it goes right through!”
And I said, “There’s a hole in my donut too!
Thanks for the donut! Good day!”
One Stuck Duck by Phyllis Root
Go, Dog, Go by P.D. Eastman
Danny and the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff
We visited our children’s museum where essentially the name of the game is “Follow Kaleb Around” and we play and do what Kaleb is interested in (and try to keep him away from the water cooler).
This week we played with the globes and the magnets…
..and dug around a little in the garden and picked vegetables together.
Until Kaleb stomped on him.
I seriously laughed out loud – the looks on the other three’s faces was just priceless. I’m not a mean mommy – it was just so funny.
The alphabet book page for the letter “C” was a Clock (sorry, I know the scan didn’t turn out that great!). We used a rectangle base and Zachary colored it to look like a clock (not one in oru house – he didn’t feel like using brown). He cut out a clock face that I printed off and we added some hands with a brad so that the hands can move around. There is also a little pendulum hanging (just a circle taped onto half a pipe cleaner).
Art Activity: Color Mixing
We used paint to mix primary colors (red, yellow and blue) to see what colors we could make when we mixed them.
Fun Activities
We played Candyland together – what can I say?
We are also using some little workbooks by Kumon called “Let’s Cut Paper” to work on Zachary’s cutting skills (there is a link on the Amazon widget below).
Cotton Ball Counting: Glue correct number of cotton balls onto a sheet of paper next to the number that is written down.
Click on the thumbnail picture to download the pdf file
Colossians 3:20 – “Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is pleasing to the Lord.”
We’ve been using the book My ABC Bible Verses by Susan Hunt. It has a quick little devotional and a few questions at the end of the story along with review from previous weeks.
This week we used our Handwriting Without Tears worksheet to practice our letter “C” (the link will take you to the Scribd site where I uploaded the one I made).
Rhymes and Songs
C is for cookie, and that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, and that’s good enough for me,
C is for cookie, and that’s good enough for me.
Cookie, cookie, cookie.
Cookie starts with C!
Clickety Clack by Robert Spence
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina
Hello! My name is Jolanthe {pronounced Yo-lawn-the}. On my site, you will find a listing of free educational printables, helpful tips and resources for families, encouragement for your homeschool journey, and a homeschool planner to help you get organized. Feel free to contact me with questions!