I’ve been continuing on with Zachary’s alphabet theme, but in the next few weeks I’ll also be ‘testing’ and reviewing some other curriculum, so the alphabet theme might be put on hold for a week or two while I post about the new curriculum that we are using.
‘O’ ended up being mainly for ‘octopus’ this week, so the ocean theme was plentiful in our house.
ABC Book: Octopus
I cut an octupus shape (of sorts *grins*) out of blue foam and we added ribbons and white paper reinforcers on as the ‘tentacles’ and legs of the octupus. The main page was colored like water and we added on some other ocean themed stickers so that the octopus had a little company in the water.

Alphabet Activities: Ocean in a Bottle
What isn’t there to love about water, strange sea creatures that expand when they are put into water, rocks meant for a fish tank and fake seaweed?
Just remember to hot glue the top of the water bottle shut – or you might just have a big, fat watery mess on your hands.
Not that I speak from experience or anything. Not me.
Fun Activities: Making Orange
Paint mixing and color mixing can be especially fun when attempted with a four year old who refuses to sit still.
We all know that red + yellow = orange.
Red + orange + Zachary = a big mess and paint everywhere.
Math: Estimating O’s & Octagons
We set out some small bowls of Cheerios this week and had Zachary try to guess how many were in each dish (his answers were hysterical). We then counted out 1:1 to see how many were actually in the dishes.
We pulled out our pattern blocks too and had fun making octagon patterns together.
Music: Opposites
We have a great cd called Sounds Like Fun {you can now download mp3 files!} that we sang along with our "O" theme called ‘Opposites’:
Opposites are fun.
One day we will know them,
We’ll learn them one by one.
Happy faces smile.
Sad ones make a frown.
To use a slide go up, up, up
And then slide down, down, down.
(There’s more to the song, but I’m sure you get the idea…)
Letter Sheet/Collage
Stories and Books
Owl Babies by Martin Waddell
The Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear
Animals, Animals by Eric Carle
Verse: Psalm 118:1
"Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!"
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Share what you’ve been doing in your house this week!