The kids are behind where your school plans say they should be. Housework is completely overwhelming you. Dinner? Let’s just say it might not be balanced again. And attitudes are running rampant – from both the mom-end and the kids.
We ALL have days like this. Trust me – the tears flow on my end and there are moments when I hide in the bathroom for a few moments to pray and gather my wits together. But I feel like a failure more often than I care to admit.
It’s so easy to let the “I’m not a good mother/wife…” rant cycle through my head over and over. Maybe you feel the hashtag #momfail should be added on to your entire day.
(Can I encourage you in this area???)
As much as we feel we fail our families and ourselves over an over again, it really isn’t true. I know that it is so very hard in today’s Pinterest-heavy culture to get caught up in what we are not, rather than focusing on the truth of who we are as moms and women in Christ.

That’s why I am SO excited to share a brand new and FREE video series from two moms in the trenches – with 8 kids and almost 20 years of mothering experience. Together they’ve put together an encouraging three video series for moms called “The Truth About #MomFail Culture: 10 Things You Need to Hear on the Hard Days”.
These moms understand how tough days can be! While they won’t solve all the problems you may have, they CAN offer a fresh perspective and encouragement from another mom who really gets it.
Each video is short – around 10 minutes, and you can watch it on any sort of device and whenever you’ve got a few spare minutes. To watch the free video series, just click this link and enter your name and email to sign up. You’ll get access to the first video today, and then one per day after that.
And meanwhile, if you need some encouragement right now, please feel free to leave a comment and I’ll pray for you today! You don’t have to say why – just say, “Please pray!” Hang in there, momma. You are NOT alone and I’m giving you a hug from here.