20 Best Tips

Traveling France: Week 1

We’re squeezing in geography and normal school time as best we can, due to the ‘s’ word.

{standardized testing}

Our study of France has been a little bit here, a little bit there ~ and we did get it all in this week. Just maybe not exactly like I had planned it. Rather than tell you how it all worked out in real life, I’ll give you the ‘how I intended it all to be’ instead. :)


  • Geography song (kids are singing it to me while pointing to the countries on the map)
  • Locate/map France using wall map and atlas
  • Find France on the globe (which hemispheres, what continent, etc…)
  • What countries (and how many) border France
  • Bodies of water around France
  • Read a few chapters of The Little Prince


  • Geography song
  • Read story from 80 Tales Around the World
  • Rivers in France
  • Highest point (mountain) in France
  • Completed map activity (click on thumbnail below)


  • Geography song
  • Flag of France worksheet (click on thumbnail below)
  • Type of government in France
  • Landmarks in Paris
  • Read a few chapters in The Little Prince


  • Geography song
  • Children Around the World and worksheet
  • Virtual journey
  • Played some online games via French embassy

Resources and Websites

Books We’re Using

Touring Germany: Week 2

I admit it. I ‘cheated’ a bit this week. I found a fun way to teach the kids about Germany this week, all under the guise of a game.

Highlights Magazine offers spy adventure kits that include a puzzle, a guidebook to the country, suspect cards, a case file, and a puzzle book. I picked up one called “The Bummer in Berlin” (completely unused) at a book sale the week we started our study of Germany. When I pulled it out and told the girls we were going to solve a mystery in Germany…well, let’s just say they were excited!! So when I say I cheated ~ we just followed along, learning discreetly about Germany through reading/searching for clues, and I had very little work to do!

Each day we completed several pages in the puzzle book to find clues, eliminate villains and tried to discover where the stolen item might be hiding. We used our guidebook (basically a book about Germany) to learn things about Germany and answer questions to find clues. We also used website links to get a little better look at some of the things we were talking about.

{I included a link to the Highlights kits here ~ it’s set up similar to a book club. First one is free and you pay for the rest of the kits as you receive them. You can view a sample here. I am in no way affiliated with them – just wanted to pass the info along in case you were interested}.


  • Put our puzzle of Germany together
  • Learned about the Brandenburg gate ~ a 200 year old monument in Berlin {several of the suspects were trying to mingle in the tourist crowd}
  • Took a ‘walk’ through the Tiergarten, the largest park in Berlin.
  • Talked about the wall between East/West Berlin
  • Learned about the cuckoo clocks and the famous Black Forest


  • Traveled to Stuttgart and visited the Mercedes Benz factory
  • Learned about the autobahn and lederhosen
  • Learned about the importance of the Rhine River
  • Looked at pictures of a palace Frederick the Great built – Sanssouci {means without worries}


  • Traveled down the Rhine River and learned more about some of the other rivers in Germany (put together a crossword puzzle with all of their names)
  • Looked at some of the different castles along the Rhine River
  • Listened to the German numbers and also German phrases
  • Talked about the war and Adolf Hitler


  • Toured the Beethoven museum online
  • Learned about the Frisian islands off Germany’s North coast (which I never realized were there….)
  • Solved our mystery ~ figured out what was stolen, where the thief hid it, and who did it!

Websites & Links we used:


Touring Germany: Week 1

We’re off to Germany! We didn’t finish all of our book Keeper of the Angels Den during our study of the Netherlands, but figured that it was ok to keep reading it along with Germany since it takes place during WW2. Our week was a little scattered…so most of our time was spent on some of the basic things about Germany. Next week we are doing a fun ‘mystery tour’ of Germany and I can’t wait to share about that with you all!

I did put together a few notebooking pages: one is a mapping/labeling activity of Germany that includes labeling some key cities, rivers, seas and identifying the countries that border Germany. The other is a notebooking and coloring page on the flag of Germany. It also includes a brief history on the German flag.

Here’s a look at how our week worked out:


  • Geography song about Eastern Europe (Geography Songs)
  • Locate Germany on world map and also the globe
  • Learn more about Germany using the atlas
  • Read a chapter from Keeper of the Angel’s Den about Corrie ten Boom


  • Practice geography song
  • Complete map activity (click on thumbnail for document)
  • Read Germany’s tale in Around the World in 80 Tales
  • Read a chapter from Keeper of the Angel’s Den



  • Practice geography song
  • Talk about the money in Germany
  • Read a chapter from Keeper of the Angel’s Den

Websites we visited/used:

Additional Resources:


Where We’re Going…

If you read my blog regularly, you’ll know that I generally write a weekly post {I said generally…not always!} about the country we’ve been studying and the resources that we’ve used along our trip.

In case you are interested (and in no particular order), here’s a list of the countries that we will finish studying this school year/summer and also next year’s list…just in case you want to follow behind and enjoy the planning I’ve already done {grins}. Since we only have about 5 weeks left of school, we’ll obviously be carrying over into the summer…but that’s OK! :) This isn’t necessarily the order we will be studying (I haven’t gotten that far ahead in my plans yet) and there may be other countries added into the mix, we’ll just have to see how it works out.

For the rest of this year:


Late summer/next year:

New Zealand
South Africa
The Arctic


Visiting the Netherlands: Week 2

This week we started reading a new book, Boxes for Katje, and focused a bit more on a few artists, Vincent van Gogh and Rembrandt. We also are learning more about Corrie ten Boom and reading a book called Keeper of the Angels Den about her life.

My mom is talking to the girls about her too, since she was a secretary for Corrie for a few years and Corrie ten Boom married my mom and my dad. The girls think it’s great to look through scrapbooks and see pictures of Holland and everyone way back when.

Here’s a peek at how our week looked:


  • Review geography song
  • Show where Netherlands is located on a map
  • Talk about capital of Netherlands (Amsterdam and also Hague as seat of goverment)
  • Type of government in Netherlands – visit royal website
  • Read Boxes for Katje and talked about time book was written


  • Review geography song
  • Talk more about how WW2 effected the Netherlands
  • Started reading Keeper of the Angels Den – a book about Corrie ten Boom. We love it!
  • Talked about Holland’s geography features


  • Looked at art from both van Gogh and Rembrandt and compared their styles.
  • Picked one of the paintings by van Gogh to copy using watercolors (Sunflowers)
  • Talked about the process of creating Delft porcelain (we have some at our house from our trip to Holland)
  • Had some gouda cheese. We like it sliced thin on toasted bread (our Costco carries a great brand)
  • Continued reading in Keeper of the Angels Den


Resources we used:

Websites we visited/used:

We’ll be moving onto Germany over the next few weeks and continuing with our reading of Keeper of the Angel’s Den. I’m hoping to get some fun pictures posted soon too of my trip to Holland several years ago. I also have some pics of Corrie ten Boom to post too – especially the ones of when I met her….ok, I was one, but still! :)


Visiting the Netherlands: Week 1

Both of the girls were looking forward to our time in the Netherlands because my mom is from Holland and Laurianna visited there when she was just a little baby. I will have quite a few video links in this post and next weeks post and also share some of the fun things we did ~ including learning a easy Dutch prayer that we are saying at dinner time. It was one that I said growing up, and it’s been fun listening to our oldest three say it each night now.

Here are the words (and a little video clip) of the prayer we learned: “Dank u wel, Here Jezus, voor dit eten. Amen.” {translation: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this food. Amen.}

The minit books that we are working on are not for a lapbook, but the girls enjoy doing them so we are putting them on a piece of cardstock and adding them to their geography binders. There are quite a few video clips at the end of this post – sorry if the page takes a bit to load for you.

Here’s a peek at how our week worked out:


  • Introduce new geography song
  • Locate and map the Netherlands (both wall map and minit book)
  • Use the globe to find the Netherlands
  • Read Hanna in the Time of the Tulips



  • Practiced our geography song
  • Read Hanna in the Time of the Tulips again
  • Talked about the life cycle of a tulip (cards for a minit book)
  • Watched a video clip on windmills
  • Started our windmill craft
  • Learned our new prayer in Dutch (video clip above has pronunciation)


  • Practiced our geography song
  • Finished up our windmill craft
  • Watched several video clips about the Netherlands (courtesy of Matt Lauer’s trip around the world)
  • Kept practicing our Dutch prayer and Dutch phrase: “Ik hou van jou” ~ “I love you” (see video clip above for pronunciation)

Resources we used:

Websites we visited/used:

Intro to Netherlands with Matt Lauer: some great info on how flowers get around the world and quick facts about the Netherlands

Continuing around the Netherlands (this clip has a bar at the end and some people drinking)

Video clip on windmills (via NBC and “Where in the World is Matt Lauer”)

Clip on the Anne Frank House:

My Notebooking Sheet for flag of the Netherlands
: The handwriting on the top is a font of my mom’s handwriting, which just reminds me of Holland. :)
