20 Best Tips

7th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices

7th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2015

For the most part, the bulk of McKenna’s 7th grade subjects will be worked on independently, but there are a few areas that we will still be working on as a group: history and Bible. We are cycling through history and will be starting back next year with the ‘ancients’ time period. Also since the kids have enjoyed getting back to Grapevine, we are going to go through the New Testament together.

McKenna is our growing independent learner who still needs a little direction, but wants very much to be seen as the maturing young lady that she is. She is so full of life and energy. All.the.time. This year we’ll be focusing more on responsibility, serving others, and following through on projects (even though we might not always enjoy what we’re doing).

7th Grade Curriculum Choices


One of the subjects I am MOST excited about with McKenna is her Route 66 study from Positive Action. This was something I picked up for her at HEAV this summer. Route 66 is a full year study that looks at the overall themes and structure of the Bible (and the cover already has her hooked!).

McKenna is most excited to continue with Growing with Grammar and also to work on Word Up Vocabulary. Word Up is new to her this year and the videos are funny and engaging, so it will be a win-win for us!

Co-op Learning

This year we are trying something a little different in our smaller co-op class. Because we have a growing group of middle school kids, there will be two classes targeted specifically to that age group:

Curriculum in Year’s Past

In case you are interested in seeing the curriculum that brought us to this point, here’s a peek at what we’ve used with McKenna the past few years:

Planning Middle School

Overview planning pages for middle and high school

These free middle and high school planning printables have been such a huge help to us as we started mapping out McKenna’s middle and high school years. As much as I don’t want to think about the fact that she is growing up, it has helped me look at the bigger picture and make sure we aren’t missing anything overall.

If you are new to homeschooling and aren’t sure where to begin in choosing homeschool curriculum, please don’t let this post overwhelm you! Here are a few posts that you might find helpful as you discover what is best for your family. Be sure to check out the entire Homeschool Basics series for answers to more frequently asked homeschool questions.

3rd grade homeschool curriculum choices from Homeschool Creations

Take a peek at our 9th grade, 5th grade, and 3rd grade curriculum choices for the year as well! Click on one of the images above to look over their curriculum piles.

Time to Study the Planets…{#homeschoolfail}

The other night we were out late with the kids watching some fireworks and my brother, who has a super-cool iphone app to look at the stars and planets, was letting the kids use his phone. They held it up and found Venus and Mars and some different stars.

We were looking at the planets again and McKenna got all excited that we could see some of the planets:

“That’s so cool! I can see Venus!! Where’s Earth?”

My brother looked at her and tried hard not to laugh and just patted the ground right next to him.



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Learning New Things

Although we are done with school for the year, McKenna was thrilled when I pulled out a workbook for her to practice cursive writing. Earlier this year she told me she didn’t want to do cursive in Kindergarten, but apparently now that she is a “first-grader” it’s a different story.

She is so proud of herself and shows anyone who will look the work that she is doing. Plus Laurianna is her cheering section, so that makes it even better!