The days of June (and summer in general) have been flying by for our family.
Since mid-April it feels as though life has been a perpetual whirlwind. We’ve had major swim meets, an 18th birthday, family visiting from overseas, a high school graduation, a kiddo flying (and leaving us for a year) to Africa, the start of new jobs for two kids, and summer swim team starting.
Whew! In short, we’ve had a lot going on. All good things, but still a lot.
Laundry has gone unfolded. Many days we are up and out the door early for practice and then don’t return home until late at night.
And confession: I have done zero planning for the upcoming school year. Honest truth. My goal this month is to declutter the house. A bag a day if possible. Eating following a menu plan, and staying focused on the stuff that really matters (ignoring the squirrels).
Needless to say, my calendar and to-do lists are part of my sanity at the moment!
If you’d like to lay out your upcoming month along with me, I have a free download of my July 2019 Personal Planner Pages – try them out this month and see how they work for you. If you like them, grab the complete 2019/2020 Yearly Planner and get a jump on planning the next few months.
A Peek Inside My Planner
If you’d like to take a look at how I’ve set up my yearly planner, I’ve explained it more in this post here, as well as given links to my favorite pens (the convenience of pencils, but erasable ink!).
Take a video tour here:
July 2019 Personal Planner Pages
You can download the July 2019 Personal Planner Pages by clicking the green download button below. There are 14 pages included as a part of the download: the month at a glance and then weekly planning pages as well and also starts into May.
By the way, if you like using pen, but are prone to making mistakes (like me), GO BUY YOURSELF A SET OF THESE PENS (referral link). They are not only pretty, but they are erasable! And don’t ask how many sets I have, ok?
Please note: the left facing page for the weekly layout is a little different in the free monthly download. Lots of great planning space, but the full planner includes a few different options for that page – just a little bonus for those who purchase the 2019/2020 Yearly Planner.
Don’t miss my student planner and weekly homeschool planner – available as well!
Purchase the Yearly Planner

Love the planner layout and want to start planning out the rest of your year now?
Purchase the 2019/2020 Yearly Planner for $4.99!
The calendar includes month-at-a-glance pages and dated weekly pages through December 2020. There is also a link to bonus pages and additional covers for the planner.
Be sure to check out our undated student planner and weekly homeschool planner (with editable pages) now available as well!
Don’t Miss The Daily To-Do List

Hope you all have a wonderful month!! I’d love to hear your plans!