Moments to Remember was developed as a simple way to look back on our week as homeschoolers and find photos that encompass the memories we want to remember.
The week may have been tough, there may have been more bumps than smiles, but in the end these are the moments that keep us going, the ones we need to remember.
Last year the kids were so excited to find a turtle roaming around in our yard. Of course they wanted to keep him forever, but we convinced them to release him back into the wild {you all can hear the sarcasm in my voice here, right?}.
This turtle was special in his own way because one of his front legs is partly missing. The kids thought this was amazing because one of their grandmothers is missing part of her arm. They immediately had to call her and tell her of the special turtle that was just like her.
Except it was a turtle.
Laurianna’s drawing of Skipperty the half-legged turtle
It was so special to McKenna, that Laurianna drew her a picture of the turtle, so she had something to remember him by forever and ever {amen}. He was also somehow dubbed ‘Skipperty’ {don’t ask…I have no idea why}.
Imagine McKenna’s JOY when she was watering the garden this week, found a turtle to play with, and it was Skipperty!
Somehow we convinced the kids to let him go again, although they were quick to find him again the next day. {Incidentally, this turtle can move FAST for missing part of his front leg.}
And in completely unrelated turtle news, we tried to cook an egg on the sidewalk today in the 100 degree heat. Not 10 seconds after we cracked it open, the sun hid behind a cloud. We checked back 30 minutes later and it was cooking somewhat…but I just remembered that I forgot to clean it up off the walkway and should probably go take care of that before my hubby steps in half-cooked egg.
What moments do you have to share this week? {grins}
Want to join in and share a fun moment? Link up your Moments to Remember at 1+1+1=1 this week!! This linky is for homeschoolers, or families who are keeping their kiddos at home during the early years {we consider you homeschoolers too}.
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