20 Best Tips

DIY Chalkboard Cupboard #idhtbptbb

DIY Chalkboard Cupboard

Ever since reading The Nesting Place by Myquillin Smith several months ago, I’ve been trying to take a few more ‘risks’ in decorating our house.  Essentially that means stepping back from the fear of doing it all wrong (because that’s the camp I usually live in) and stepping out (sometimes on a limb) and just DOING something rather than wallowing in that fear. (Oh…this spills over into so many areas of our lives, doesn’t it?)

To give you an example, we had family pictures that sat, unhung, for years because I was afraid of a few silly nail holes. In my head they had to be aligned ‘perfectly’ – and well, really, they just needed to get up on the wall and I needed to be brave with the hammer. They aren’t perfect, but it’s ok. The main point of Miquillin’s book – it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful (#idhtbptbb). Truthfully, this has been such a challenge to me this year.

ugliest cupboard in the world before-1

Out of all the rooms in our home, our bedroom has been untouched for the most part for the last 4.5 years. Blah walls with no paint and the UGLIEST CUPBOARD in the world stuck smack dab above our bed. Apparently it was meant to host a projection TV, and that is just not going to happen in our bedroom. Really – the cabinet is huge, framed in, you can’t miss it, and it has been driving me buggy.

The Inspiration

rachel anne ridege chalk board tutorial

photo courtesy of Rachel Anne Ridge

Rick and I debated for a very long time on what exactly to do with this crazy wall/cupboard. After visiting a donkey in Texas and seeing the above gem, a little light bulb went off over my head – changeable art via a chalkboard! My friend Rachel made a chalkboard using an out-of-date picture frame (that’s her above with her daughter Lauren). If you’d like to she how she made hers using glass, watch this YouTube video.

Anyhow – that giant chalkboard was hanging over her guestroom bed and triggered the ‘aha’ moment. While knowing you can paint walls and glass with chalkboard paint, somehow it just never crossed my mind that I could paint the doors of this cabinet (yep, I’m quick like that!). That little revelation saw me spending this past weekend working on a complete bedroom overhaul while my hubby was out of town. Because why work on one simple, little project when you can cram a complete redo into a weekend project, right?  I wanted to surprise him (I sorta did – he snuck home early and caught me painting), and we absolutely love, love, love the results!

The Process

Ugliest cupboard in the world

Painting with chalkboard paint was so simple and I just needed a few items for this project:

I worked on painting the doors with Benjamin Moore Chalkboard paint and found some cute gray knobs to replace the faceted glass knobs that graced the doors. The chalkboard paint could be tinted any color, so I went with a slate gray color (1610) – not too dark or light. Using a 4” mini roller I applied 3 coats of paint over the course of 48 hours and then let it ‘cure’ for a few days. (p.s. A little paint goes a long way!! I only purchased a quart of paint and didn’t even use 1/3 of the quart…need to find more projects…off to Pinterest!!)

The Finished Chalkboard Cupboard

This weekend, while painting the walls of our room, I also painted the trim around the cupboard with a glossy white to make it ‘pop’ even more. Before adding any text to the board, we rubbed a piece of chalk over the entire chalkboard surface to prep the board. I haven’t wet it down, but used a soft cloth to erase and clean it.

DIY chalkboard cupboard completed-1

This is the finished wall (and new bedding). I am absolutely loving it. Over the last few weeks I’ve been finding fun chalkboard prints and quotes and pinning them for inspiration. The verse above is my attempt at this pin – not perfect by any means, but not too shabby for a first try either!

Really, the fact that the ‘artwork’ can be changed at any point based on season or mood – well, that just makes it even more fun! I’m now eyeing The Complete Book of Chalk Lettering to work on lettering and more projects!

And nope, I know this isn’t a typical homeschool post, but in many ways it is. My room is a haven for me. When it’s messy and crazy, it truly throws me off. Of all the rooms in our house that we try to stay on top of, this is it (well, that and the kitchen counters!). This completed project makes me want to sit in my room and just relax. Breathe. ENJOY a few minutes of rest – and well, we all need that, don’t we? Especially when we are surrounded by our kiddos all day (wink).

If you need me – I’ll be in my room.

7 Ways We Connect as a Family While Traveling #TravelforReal #FamilyForward

7 ways to connect as a family while traveling

Over the years we had our share of traveling faux pas. Traveling with kids can sometimes be difficult (perhaps you can relate?). With four children of our own, there are often stretching moments for everyone involved. We’ve had car top carriers that opened up on the highway (that was fun), screaming babies, trips to the ER, someone who had to pee RIGHT NOW or might burst (that might have been me – cough), and everything in between.

Regardless of the ups and downs, there is one thing that is a definite – our travel adventures have created memories that we can laugh about (eventually) and talk about for years to come. They’ve also given us ways to connect and g-r-o-w as a family. With an upcoming car trip and vacation planned I thought it would be fun to share 7 ways that our family connects while traveling. Follow along with us via Instagram and Twitter to see what we’re up to. You can also use the #TravelforReal or #FamilyForward hashtags to look for pictures of our family (and others).

1. We learn to compromise.

traveling together

Travel with four kids and limited space and you’ll quickly find that EVERYONE wants to sit in the front seat. Or watch the movie that they want. (Or fill in your own blank). One thing that we’ve learned is how to compromise. Our kids have figured out a seat rotation schedule that works for them – and while not everyone is always in the ‘prime seat’, everyone is happy (and counting down the hours until it’s their turn in those seats).

2. We learn patience.

This is as much for the adults as it is for the kids. Being cooped up in a car for endless hours can wear on everyone’s nerves. Frustrations can mount and little issues can flare into things that blow up way beyond where they should. A car engine starts overheating and lights on the dashboard go nuts. Somebody has to go to the bathroom again even though we just made a designated potty break 10 miles back.

But we need to be patient with each other and extend the same grace to our family that we so much desire for ourselves. Life doesn’t always go according to plan and patience is a part of the overall story of life. That car top carrier that didn’t latch and resulted in our luggage being released all over the interstate made for a lot of backtracking and searching for the missing items. Not planned, but necessary.

One thing that is great about families – we can be REAL with each other. We see each other at our best and messiest moments – and learn to love still despite those difficult moments.

3. We try new things!


Sometimes we don’t always have the ‘familiar’ surrounding us – the food we are used to, our own favorite pillow, and those times are opportunities to try something new. It may require a little encouragement from others, but we have had SO much fun watching our kids get out of their comfort zone and try new things – like jumping in the deep water and snorkeling.

4. We learn how to laugh at ourselves.

It can be tough to laugh when something goes wrong or we make a mistake (even though it’s hilariously funny to others). Our last road trip resulted in something that was extremely embarrassing for me personally, but I quickly realized I had to let it go.

Sometimes we just need to learn to let loose, have fun, and join in the laughter. When we’re together on vacation, it’s the perfect opportunity for us to let our guards down with those we love – and then continue that pattern when we get home!

5. We get to splurge and treat ourselves.

iPhone dump-61

Hotels are a huge treat for our kids. With a family of six, there aren’t many times that we can afford a longer stay and be together economically (because typically only 5 can stay in a room). When we have saved up our money, found some great deals, and are doing something super special together it is so much fun to splurge and treat ourselves on things we wouldn’t normally do. Maybe it’s a special dinner out or getting dessert just because. It’s so much fun to do something out of the ordinary (and surprise our kids every now and then too!).

On a side note – our kids are always THRILLED to stay at a hotel – because we have our very own TV and soaps. It’s the little things, right?

6. We get over our entitlements.

Although we do splurge and treat ourselves, our children have learned too (as have the adults) that we don’t always get what we want. We’ve learned the hard way how difficult a high debt-load can be on a family and it’s been a long process in understanding that we can’t always get what we want.

When we are taking a big vacation, our kids have set a savings goal and worked hard over a period of months to earn spending money. We’ve also had yard sales and cleaned out the excess to fund the spending money goal – that alone has been a huge learning experience for the kids. It’s a LOT harder to spend your own money and they make much different choices when it’s their own money on the line (that’s a great life lesson!).

7. We make new friends.

making friends while traveling

One of the best benefits of traveling together have been the friends that we’ve made. On almost every one of our trips, our children (and the adults) have reached out and connected with others, resulting in friendships that have extended beyond a short weekend. We’ve even had the fun of introducing some of those families to each other and have since vacationed together. It’s been wonderful!

Those are honestly just a few of the many ways that our family has connected through our travel time together – there are SO many other ways as well!


How has travel benefitted your family over the years? I’d love to hear your about your adventures!


This week we’re anticipating connecting more with our family as we gear up for a trip to the #FamilyForward conference at Universal Orlando Adventure hosted by Mom It Forward. There are many amazing sponsors: Universal Orlando Resort, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, DohVinci, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and Loews Royal Pacific Resort. The kids may be a wee bit excited to see Blue Man Group and be a part of family-building workshops along with me too.

We’d love for you to follow along via Instagram and Twitter and see what we (and other families) are up to! Use the #TravelforReal or #Family Forward hashtag to search for pictures.

Being Intentional with My Girls

intentional ways to connect with daughters-1

Our girls are growing up. Realizing that in a few short years our oldest will be out of the house is nothing if not a wee bit scary. While I realize our relationship extends far beyond the time our children are in our house, one thing I want to ensure is that we are talking and being intentional with the moments we have right now.

Sometimes (read, often) I am a huge failure in this area. Yes, we homeschool and are home a LOT with our kids, but being in the same room doesn’t mean that we are connected. Quite frequently it can be completely opposite that. In the midst of being a parent, there are times that can be hard. Moments that instead of building up my girls, words are said that hurt and are immediately regretted. Hormones are running rampant, and trust me, that’s not an excuse, because it comes from both sides – child and adult.

I’m not a perfect parent by any stretch of the imagination. At all.

My heart is to connect with these two growing young women in our care. To laugh. Cry. Hold them in the midst of their hurts. Know who they are at the very core of their being. That means being intentional in the moments our days together in every little way that I can.

Recently I read Enough: 10 Things We Should Tell Teenage Girls by Kate Conner which led me to pick up the companion book, 10 Things for Teen Girls, for both of my girls to read. It covers the main issues that girls today face and has been a great jumping off point. So far one of our girls has read it and then immediately put it in the hand of her sister.

In turn I’ve pulled out something else to use with our girls. Face to face conversations are necessary, but sometimes hearts can be spilled in the pages of a journal. Since I’m not the greatest (just being honest) at coming up with deep thought questions, this journal will be making the rounds in our house, a separate one for each girl and me to share together. Yes, it’s a little silly at times, but we need those times too.

Date nights/mornings between the kids and the parents are coming back into play too – it’s been far too long since we were intentional about it, and it made such a difference when we did. Sharing an ice cream or a basket of fries is something simple, but a great way to be together in the little things.

Every little thing is a part of the process toward growing together, which I desperately want. It may not always be easy, but it is ever so important.

Do you have special things you do to connect with your kids more intentionally? Please share in the comments below – I’m sure we all could use some ideas for our families as well.

The Last Few Weeks of Summer…

School officially started for us yesterday. I suppose that technically means we have to hole up in the house and forget to have fun, but we’re still milking the last days of summer as much as we can. (We may have celebrated our first completed day by heading to the pool.)

Over the last few weeks we’ve spent time camping and doing some fun things together as a family – in short, life. If you follow my Instagram or Facebook feed you may have seen some of this, but here’s a quick peek at what we’ve been up to.


We wrapped up our summer swim league with a long day of swimming at the final championship meet. The kids all did AMAZING! Zachary broke one of the league records and two of the kids placed first in their events. It was a great end to the season and the kids were so excited to share in the fun with their team. You can see a video clip of Zachary in his backstroke event here.


We’ve watched a ginormous spider build a web right outside my bathroom window and even saw her enjoy a tasty meal (if you are brave, you can see a little video snippet of that here).

reading and snuggles

Each morning the kids come snuggle in bed with me, sometimes chatting, sometimes reading. It makes my heart so happy to see this (and makes me not want to get out of bed!).


In just a few short weeks we are headed to Universal in Orlando for the Family Forward conference. The kids are literally counting down the days until we leave. They have been busy saving their money and working hard to earn spending money for the trip. It’s actually been a great lesson in what is worthwhile to spend your money on, especially when you see how much a sibling saves when not making seemingly small purchases like a candy bar here or a soda there (life in action!).

monarch chrysalis

The monarch caterpillars are out in full force and we have several that have already gone into the chrysalis stage. It doesn’t matter how many times I see it, there is something absolutely amazing and breathtaking watching the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. It never gets old.

night sky

Last week we took the kids to the top of a nearby mountain, laid out in the field, and watched the meteor shower together. SO much fun. Until one child had to repeatedly use the bathroom. Then not as fun. But watching it all was unbelievably awe-inspiring. (The above is my proof to the kids that a picture from my iPhone was not going to work.)

campfire building

Camping – ah, how we have missed it! We’ve had the chance to take two trips recently, Rick has been teaching the kids new fire-building techniques, and we’ve just had fun relaxing with friends.

catching crawdads

While camping, the creatures abound. The kids caught crawdads and boiled them for a little pre-dinner snack (I’d rather have lobster, thank you very much).

tree frog

At the pond/lake – little tree frogs everywhere. McKenna had one that wanted to stay with her. We also found tons of tadpoles and froglets (I may have wanted to bring some home with us), but Kaleb found many in different stages of tail development and that was so neat to see.


And last week I spent some time sorting construction paper by color (because it’s easier to grab what you need that way). The paper was a great deal and on sale, but hindsight – I am willing to pay a little extra so that I don’t have to spend 20 minutes sorting a small pack of paper by color. Dear Crayola – please consider sorting your paper by color otherwise. Thank you very much. It’s not too much to ask, is it?

Well, that’s our last few weeks in a nutshell – what have YOU been up to?

Keeping in Real – The State of My Planning

At this point in the summer, I’m usually putting the finishing touches on everything that needs to be done for the upcoming year: start and end dates, planned breaks and vacation time, weeks planned out.

Want to know where I am now?

I definitely want to take most of the month of December off. I’ve printed off the yearly planning calendar – but haven’t filled in one single date yet. Nada. Nothing.

I’m not sure I recognize myself.

This summer hasn’t seemed like much of a summer break at all. Last summer I learned (and yes, I mean LEARNED) what it means to really relax and unwind. That’s something that is really hard for me to do. Something happened last summer, and I wasn’t especially happy with it at the time, but essentially I figured out what it means to rest and be okay in the resting, not always doing.

But the last few months with time off haven’t felt restful. There has been travel and visits with family, but it’s been more of a rush and not so much of a time of relaxation. That break and down time from homeschool (or life in general) is so very important.

The need for rest

Sometimes I think that we forget that. We get so caught up in all we feel NEEDS to be done and the prep that we THINK is hanging over our heads, that the busyness of life overwhelms us – and we miss the rest we really need.

I’m just as guilty of this as the next person.  Although I do have a calendar printed off and much planning that needs to be done, I also know that I need to rest and enjoy the everyday moments. There will be plenty of time to get caught up in the planning soon enough.

For me that means a dedicated focus on doing nothing for a bit longer. Instead of stressing out over starting back up with school at the beginning of August, I’m going to remember that we HOMESCHOOL and can start whenever we’d like to, thank you very much. I’m giving myself permission to stop and take a break. Breathe a little.

Can I encourage you all to remember to take a break? That may mean planning a daily rest time into your day (they aren’t just for kids, and trust me, they help tremendously). Go to the pool with your kids. Read a book for yourself (do you remember the last time you did that?). Give yourself permission to start school a week (or two later).

Resting will only help you out in the long run. You’ll be a happier momma. A better teacher for your kids. Maybe a little more energized for your spouse (wink). Creative juices flow so much more easily when there isn’t overwhelming stress.

Are you feeling the need to breathe and rest a little too? What tips do you have for moms in the midst of needing that break?

The Last Few Weeks…


Although our homeschool year has officially come to an end, somehow the lazy days of summer don’t seem to be quite as quiet as I had anticipated (a.k.a. hoped) they would be! Between swim team, traveling, swim meets, more traveling, a homeschool convention, and more travel coming, life has been a whole lot of busy.

Can I just say that last year, although it was hard, was the first summer that I learned the meaning of true rest – and I rather miss that at the moment?


But, on the other hand, life is full. And crazy. But it’s a good crazy. We are reading and keeping up skills in that area, and the audiobooks have been flying by as we travel and listen. We are two books from the end of the Series of Unfortunate Events and still as hooked as we were from the first book!

Here’s a quick peek at what we’ve been up to – in a picture nutshell.


At the end of May, our entire family traveled to Ohio to attend Teach Them Diligently. Carisa and I were both speaking, so our families had a chance to hang out together and have some fun at the waterpark and later on get a peek at Lake Erie. On a side note, just so you don’t think that car trips are all sunshine and roses, that car trip about threw my husband and I over the edge with two of our kiddos.


The next weekend we traveled to a wedding, which while it may seem insignificant, was fairly emotional since the groom was the ring bearer in our wedding some 17 years ago. I refuse to admit that we could possibly be that old. To me, that boy is still the one hanging from the front pew of the church while we said our vows. But then I snapped a picture of our kids and realized that my kids are getting way too big. And that’s an entirely different kind of scary.

curriculum shopping list

Not long after we returned I was scrambling to finish my curriculum shopping lists and pack up for HEAV, one of my most favorite places to visit every June. Between the used curriculum sale, vendor hall, and speaker line-up, I was moving the entire weekend. Almost everything is now purchased and I may have even taken advantage of slower shipping on Amazon to get free digital book credits. We won’t talk about the piles of books in the school room that need to be sorted through and organized, ok?


This was the result of the weekend. Needless to say, I didn’t send the picture to my husband because I didn’t want to scare him. It wasn’t all my stuff, but the combination of four ladies finding some great deals for the upcoming year. Pretty sure that we are good to go for this year (grins).


As soon as we returned from convention, we were packing up Laurianna and gearing up for a week of craziness locally. For the last five years our church has spearheaded a camp for teens that focuses on volunteering in the community and building relationships between area churches. This year there were over 275 people attending that helped repair and build, ran VBS camps, cleaned area schools, and SO much more. Every day the kids were out working and each night they returned for worship and teaching.

I’ll be honest and tell you that being the one washing dishes for all the kids isn’t the most glamorous job (or one that I was always cheerful about – because gum on a plate = ewwww!), BUT it was an amazing week – and our community is so blessed by these kids and seeing the changes in each of them is nothing short of amazing too!

working out

One thing that I’ve been trying to do much more of – exercise. It honestly makes me giggle even saying that, but on mornings when the kids are at swim practice, I’m walking laps (and even running) nearby. For some reason I volunteered to do a 5K/Strength training class with our co-op kids this coming year and my theory is I should probably be able to get moving long enough to participate and not fall over. And having birthed multiple children, the running aspect of the class is a little bit scary – we’ll just leave it at that (grins). Right now my goal is to get in close to 2 miles, run a little further each day (I’m up to 1/2 mile now!!), and shave a little time off my pace each time. That alone is encouraging to me!

Flash the Donkey

And this week I am SO excited to be taking a super quick trip to Texas to visit Flash the Donkey. My online friend, Rachel Anne Ridge, will now become and IRL friend – and I’ll be able to hug her neck and Flash’s too! She has written an amazingly wonderful book, simply titled Flash, that you will laugh (and maybe even cry) through parts of. It will be a quick trip, but one that a close friend will be taking with me, and we are both looking forward to the girl-time together! (p.s. it would be a great summer read, I promise!).

Other than all of that – life is normal. How are YOU doing?