This year has been one of quite a few changes as a family, in our homeschool, and also in blogging. In the upcoming weeks I’ll be blogging more about goals and what we’ll be doing in 2015 – but for now, let’s look back a bit!
Sometimes it’s hard to believe that I’ve been sharing with you all for over seven years now. For those that have been around since the beginning – thanks for the support over the years. To those of you that are newer readers – welcome!
Here’s a look at blog posts from 2014 that were the most shared, read, and commented on by you all (and we won’t talk about all the comments that I lost when I made a blog error). I love having conversations with you all and it frustrated me to no end when I made that mistake – sigh.

Freezer Cooking Recipes and Tips for Busy Moms – A friend and I have worked hard making freezer meals to help us out on busy days, and freezer cooking has been an amazing help to me the last few months. Here’s a peek at recipes we used and tips for your own freezer cooking session.
Bird Nature Study Printables – Our family loves watching the many birds that visit our feeder, so these printables were so much fun to use in digging a little deeper in our science studies.
12 Books to Read in 2014 – These are the twelve books I set out to read this year and stretch my brain and heart. More books ended up on the list, but it was a challenge for me! Can’t wait to share my 2015 pile with you all! Read more….
Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th Grade – A peek at the curriculum that we are using during our 2014-2015 school year for our four kids.

Pocket Chart Calendar Card Set – Calendar time is a great way to get in extra math practice. These patterned and themed pocket chart cards and headers just made it even more fun!

Making a Worm Jar at Home (and a Free Printable) – What kid wouldn’t like the opportunity to bring a bunch of worms into the house? Especially when there is a little bit of science fun tied into it! Watching how worms compost can be so much fun!!
Mapping Out our Homeschool High School Plan – We’ve entered the world of high school credits. Here are some tips and printables for mapping out the homeschool high school plan. It’s not too early to start thinking about it and have a plan in place!

Alphabet Coloring Pages - This set of coloring pages features a fun picture for each letter of the alphabet along with a chunky version of the letter t0 color, cover with playdough, or paint as you practice letter sounds. Each page is 8.5” x 11” and prints out one letter to a page. Read more…
30+ Dr. Seuss Activities for Children – Books by Dr. Seuss are some of the most well-loved and read books for younger children. Here are 30+ activities for children to celebrate Dr. Seuss! Read more…

The BEST Homeschool Spelling Curriculum – Six years ago our family started using a homeschool spelling curriculum that literally changed the way I looked at curriculum overall. All About Spelling helped me realize that I COULD teach a subject with confidence, and there were programs available that would reach a variety of learning styles while still keeping life simple for me as a mom and teacher. Read more…
A Few of MY Favorites
While these posts may not have been the most visited in 2014, they were some of my personal favorites…
and in the interest of keeping it real… The Security Alarms at Mount Vernon Work
Top Posts of ALL Time
If you’re new here, these are the posts that are the most visited and pinned at Homeschool Creations – take a few minutes and browse around!
- ABC Bible Verse Flashcards
- Our Chore Chart System and Printables
- Preschool Chore Charts
- Calendar Notebook Binder Printables
- All About the Letter Ee
- Organizing School Paperwork
- Alphabet Flashcards and Alphabet Wall Posters
- Book Report Form and Reading Log
- Fall Fun Learning Pack Printables
Were any of these posts your favorites? I’d love to have your input as I make plans for 2015 – what would YOU like to see more of at Homeschool Creations?