20 Best Tips

Sweet Wisdom from a Simple Picture Book

A few months ago I shared a 30 picture books in 30 days challenge that was mainly to get me reading more books with our youngest. Turns out there are quite a few kids in the house that were willing to crowd around when the books were pulled out (you can never be too old for picture books, right?).

The Bee Tree by Patricia Polacco

Those books were read over and over again, lots of cuddles were had, and it really was a GREAT challenge for our family – and one that has encouraged even more reading, especially so the youngest doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.

When we read The Bee Tree by Patricia Polacco, I have to admit that I almost started crying a little when reading one of the last pages of the book. If you’ve never read the book before, it is the story of a grandfather and his granddaughter who begin chasing bees to find the bee tree. One by one, people in the town begin looking with them in search of the bee tree. (It’s really a sweet book!

The Bee Tree quote

There was one part though that I absolutely loved. Because this quote is SO very true of what I want for our children, but also what books bring to our lives.

Grampa took Mary Ellen inside away from the crowd. “Now, child, I am going to show you what my father showed me, and his father before him,” he said quietly.

He spooned the honey onto the cover of one of her books. “Taste,” he said, almost in a whisper.

Mary Ellen savored the honey on her book.

“There is such sweetness inside of that book too!” he said thoughtfully. “Such things….adventure, knowledge and wisdom. But these things do not come easily. You have to pursue them. Just like we ran after the bees to find their tree, so you must also chase these things through the pages of a book!”

I still remember the hours and places I spent reading as a child. The corner of our living room curled up in a recliner. Backseats of cars. Under the covers at night when I was supposed to be sleeping (shhh!!!). And that craving hasn’t ended as an adult. There are so many books that I read just for pleasure or read to learn more! If you know me well, chances are you’ve seen me toting around a book – or two!

Teaching our own kids to read has been so amazingly rewarding. Especially knowing that the steps taken early on will be with them for the rest of their lives and play such a big part in their learning! The early stages of reading can be a challenge for some kids (it has for a few of ours), but I have loved watching things ‘click’ with them one by one and love watching as they begin to love  books and what lies between the pages.

The analogy of chasing things like the Mary Ellen and her Grampa chased the bees gives such a wonderful visual for kids and adults. We have to pursue knowledge and wisdom (even we as adults!). The learning never stops – for that I am thankful. And sometimes those little nuggets of wisdom are resting  within the pages of a simple picture book.

What books have you enjoyed reading lately with your kids? Remember those picture books can be full of wisdom too!


Grab this free reading activity from All About Reading!

Let the Crazy Begin

Let the Crazy Begin

Life is about to get c.r.a.z.y. busy in our house. Maybe you all have been involved in organized sports with your kiddos on a long term basis, but typically we stay to the summer swim team and call it good.

That is about to change in our house. 

All four of the kids are going to be a part of a local swim league until the end of November – and then we’ll see how we’re managing from there. I’m a girl who enjoys white space on the calendar and this is enough to throw me over the edge.

Fortunately, I am blessed with a husband who has taken this on as HIS mission (it was, after all, his idea – grins). So while I will be getting meals ready much earlier during the day and have to chauffer a practice (or two) a week, he is taking over the bulk of the practices and I get to stay home and work (a.k.a. school stuff, blog stuff, or maybe sneak in a little reading – shhh!). (I kid).

I promise I’m not complaining! These are things we’ve chosen to do, but there are times when change and a switch from our ‘typical’ routine can really throw me for a loop. And I don’t always do changes (shall we say) well. I’m a girl who likes routine and doesn’t like when that routine gets thrown out of whack. Oh the irony of having four kids that have their own ideas on life (grins).

Starting Co-op

In addition to swim team, the two co-ops that we are a part of  start up this week. (Yes, two. Again a choice, but both I am happy we are a part of). I’ll start off each co-op with my teaching shift – one through Thanksgiving and the other through Christmas. Lesson planning overdrive!

One of the classes is a high school literature class and that is exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. The group of kids is great and it will be fun, but it hit me just a few days ago that (gasp) I have to grade papers and actually READ the literature they are reading. Did I mention Jane Eyre is on the list? (Oh, there will be some thrilled boys in that group!)

High School Credits – the Good and the Bad

While our school year is now in full swing, every now and then it hits me that Laurianna is taking HIGH SCHOOL classes. With friend’s  kids headed off to college, I counted the years until she is gone – five!! You know how it seems like it’s a long time coming, but really…it’s not!

In the meantime, I have to keep track of her grades for real now, start tracking credits and GPA averages, and make sure we’re hitting all that is required for graduation. While it’s a bit off, I don’t want to get caught off guard either because I put it off to think about another day. (I’ll be sharing more on that later!)

Overall everything is going well, and Laurianna is using some fabulous curriculum (loving her North Star Geography), but her class load is much more intense this year and has involved a few tears every now and then. Fortunately, the tears have resolved and she is getting into a good routine – and doing great.

Life in General

There’s so much going on in my head too right now, and I definitely want to share more with you all in the upcoming weeks:

  • Our revamping of chores (and the pain of letting it slide in the summer)
  • Freezer cooking fun (17 meals put together for busy days!)
  • Printables I am working on
  • Reading goals – for me and the kids
  • More 20 minute productivity fails and accomplishments
  • And all the other random things in my mind!

Just bits and pieces of our own lives – the good, the tough, and the crazy. Thanks for hanging in there with me!


Coupon Codes and Companies to Thank

We really appreciate the following companies – be sure to stop by their sites and check them out.


Our family is looking forward to the 2015 Teach Them Diligently Conventions – we so enjoyed the one we attended this past year. Speakers are being lined up now and it is promising to be another great year! The 2015 locations include Nashville, TN; Atlanta, GA; Sandusky, OH; and Dallas, TX. Hope to see you at one of them!

Homeschool High School Science Tutorials

Red Wagon Tutorials offers upper level science help for homeschool families worldwide. They specialize in downloadable, online live-feed, and online recorded science classes as well as digital e-Notebooks and Flash Drive presentations. Learn more about their 2014-2015 programs.

BTS RE 2014 Homeschool Creations

Home Art Studio teaches children how to express themselves creatively while also learning about art concepts and principles. Your child will love this series of DVD art classes – and so will you!

Reading Eggs, a multi award-winning online reading program for 3 to 7 year olds,  will help get your child reading with a FREE 4 week trial. Sign up here: www.readingeggs.com/hsc/.

Apologia offers a Christian worldview curriculum that kids will love. Featuring engaging stories, creative notebooking, and fun activities, this four-part series is presented in a conversational style that makes the study of God’s Word exciting and memorable.

Educents is a curated deal website that discounts homeschooling curriculum and educational products up to 90% off! Save an additional 10% with code HSCreations10.


Reader’s Favorite Posts from August 2014

Curious to see what others have been reading this past month? Below is a list of the ten most visited posts for the month of August 2014:

    1. Preschool Chore Charts
    2. Our Workbox System: Weekly Workbox Grid
    3. Alphabet Flashcards and Wall Posters
    4. Our Calendar and Morning Board Routine
    5. Organizing School Paperwork
    6. Preschool Bible Verse Printables

PDF Printing Problems

Having trouble downloading or printing this file? Be sure to check out the post on PDF Download Problems for tips and tricks on getting the files to download properly. The solution is usually something simple and quick!

Sometimes I Wonder if Summer Break is Worth It

Don’t hear me wrong. I truly enjoy taking a break (for the most part) from school in the summer. Yes, we do work on a some school things as the weeks go on, but the overall routine and rhythm that we get into during the school year is gone and quite honestly – our home starts spinning into a wee bit of chaos without that routine.

Those of you that are year-round homeschoolers may be shaking your head at me and thinking “You could just school year-round” and while I agree in part, that break has been a bit crucial for us since our kids participate with a local swim team (and OH.HELP.ME if we had school and shuttling back and forth to the pool all.day.long. – not going to happen).

That said, this summer was a time where I actually felt like I did have the chance to disconnect and relax – which is huge for me. Lazy afternoons by the pool. Time spent camping with our friends. Those breaks are really, truly essential.

But at Home…

On the other hand, life on the home front felt like it was falling apart in stages. Our chores and helping around the house lists were supposed to be getting a revamp…and we fell off the bandwagon on that front. Hard. Kids then complained when they were asked to do something that ‘wasn’t their chore’ (sigh) and round and round we went. (Oh, yes. We are fixing this fast).

The “I’m bored” mentality set in and suddenly everyone felt that they must sit their bums down on the couch and watch endless hours of tv (ummm…not going to happen. Hello outdoors??).

We visited with friends. We took day trips. Spent lots of time at the pool. But the downtime seems to lead to a lot of sibling fighting (Yes, our kids fight. I’ll admit it openly!!).

In turn, Mom (that’s me) got rather frustrated and began losing patience quickly with the kids who can’t figure out what to do with all their free time and must ask for something to eat…or do…or (fill in the blank here). Perhaps you can relate?

Meanwhile, we started back to school this week…

Thankfully getting back into a groove has been fairly quick. There are a few stragglers in the morning and we’re still floating on the *new* year emotions, but I have to say it’s been going well so far and making me think about ways to shorten our break next summer…somehow. The kids and I both do well with routine and knowing what to expect from our days.

The ‘limited’ time in our day after school is done has helped me really focus in on what NEEDS to be done and not waste time on ‘fillers’. Truthfully, I feel like I’ve accomplished more this past week than I have in the last month. (I’m not opposed to the argument that self-discipline may have something to do with it. Cough).

School time makes me feel more accountable for what we are doing and really take account of the moments that we are spending learning together. I 100% think that we need to take breaks and relax, but am rethinking our summer ‘gap’.

On the other hand – the break also makes me really excited to get back to teaching our kids and learning again. At the end of the year we were just ready to be DONE and now we are excited to start again. Isn’t it funny how a step back can change our perspective?


So I’m curious – how does your family do with a summer break and then back to school? Do you school year round or are you an avid supporter of an 8 -10 week summer break? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

A Quick Productivity Tip – and a Little Challenge

Lately, being ‘productive’ has felt a bit out of my reach. Maybe it’s me hanging desperately onto the last days of summer. It could be my reaction to all the crazy happenings over the last few months and just feeling the need to slow down.

Productivity TIp

Whatever the reason, I’ve pulled something back into play the last two weeks to help give me a boost and put a dent in the seemingly mountain-sized pile of things that need to get done before we start back up to school.

A simple timer.

I pull up the timer on my iPod, set it for 20 minutes and go. For me that can mean limiting myself to 20 minutes of something (maybe a quick reading break of one of my books to read in 2014) or giving myself a set time to accomplish a specific task like the kitchen counters. It definitely isn’t to play Candy Crush (cough).

And truly, you all – 20 minutes can put a HUGE dent in a task that needs to be finished. It seems like a small amount of time, but it can break up something huge and make it more manageable. Maybe it’s tackling a larger project 20 minutes at a time. Or maybe that 20 minutes will be all it takes to get it DONE and off your list (and mind). The short time frame is also great for me to stay focused (I tend to be a bit ADD) – so I am able to focus on one task for a short time, and then switch to a different task when that time is up.


My 20 Minute Task for Today

Today I set two 20 minute tasks up for myself and quite honestly, they both took a big load off my shoulders when they were done! Want to see? Just to be nice (and honest), I’ll keep the pictures BIG so you can see it in all it’s messy glory.

Here are the before pictures…


My desk

messy table


The school table – from both sides so you can be overwhelmed too.


IMG_2060The room as a whole



The big, fat pile of things that need to leave the schoolroom


The 20 Minute Aftermath

Keep in mind this was 20 minutes!! One of my biggest triggers in getting overwhelmed is surface clutter – and I am rather adept at creating it! Seeing the after is so relieving to me and mentally helps me relax and WANT to do more.


The kids desks are straightened…


My desk is *almost* there…




The table is CLEARED!!! *happy dance*


Just need to re-hang our history timeline!


And the pile of books is gone (thanks to the kids!)

This isn’t me temporarily hiding stuff around the corner (wink) – items were actually straightened, put where they needed to be, and organized for even more work later (i.e. desk piles of curriculum that need to be finished this week). I will note that I DID use child labor to move the books from the schoolroom to the basement shelf. Each kid grabbed one arm load of stuff and it was done in no time.

Organization may not be your strongest trait – and that’s ok!! I’d encourage your to try setting a timer this week for 10 – 20 minutes at a time if there are some tasks you are trying to knock out of the way and see what you can get accomplished.


One of the books that I would recommend to help with task-organization (and it’s an easy read!!) is Say Goodbye to Survival Mode by Crystal Paine (author of MoneySavingMom.com). The book offers practical tips and strategies to help take stress off while focusing on what NEEDS to be done. Many of the tips are ones that I’ve used over the years and are ones that I would suggest too (Crystal just does a great job putting it all down on paper!).

My Goals for the Next Bit

One of my friends and I have been texting each other each day with a picture of what we want to get done (before and after shots) to keep each other motivated and accountable. It’s been a huge help, even if it’s just one little thing like unpacking a box, organizing a drawer, straightening a room – anything that is hanging over my head.

I have a list of things that I would love to accomplish and ways that I can break the task down into smaller ‘bites’. When I set the timer, I tackle one of those tasks and go until the timer goes off.

Want to join me? I’m going to try to post my 20 minute challenges on Facebook and share with you all each day. I’ll share before and after pictures, and I’d love to have you join in with me!

What can you get done in 20 minutes today?

A Week of ReNew(al)

We knew June was going to be a crazy month. A homeschool convention. A week of camp for our oldest. Swim team in full swing. A week with friends visiting. All wrapped up with a looooong family vacation.

Summer at its best, right?

laurianna renew

The past week alone has been crazy busy.  Laurianna spent the week at a local community volunteer camp, and life in our house has been …. different. Because she hasn’t had anyone to talk to (her permanent roommate was MIA), McKenna was following me around like a lost child (it may be a wee bit humorous and sweet all rolled into one).

We spent time volunteering in the evenings to help out where we could too. Over 200 local kids and 15 churches joined together to do outreach and volunteer work in the community. From VBS, building playhouses, yard work, and multiple other service projects, the kids were VERY busy from morning til night.


The kids worked hard. One of the big projects during the week was repainting and helping get a property ready for a NEW venture. A non-profit in our town purchased a prior porn shop and have taken over the building. The new business is focused on ending human trafficking – and the much needed space has been such a story of redemption and rehabilitation for God’s glory. The kids have returned with such amazing stories from their week serving there – it’s been so amazing to watch and see the process.

renew crazy

Everyone had a lot of fun. Crazy is to be expected when there are 200+ teens (and all the adults equally as crazy that stay with them overnight). But crazy is fun too.

renew worship

Adults and kids worshipped together. A lot.

renew journal

Lots of learning happened. And growth – spiritually, emotionally, and in so many ways.

pots and pans

Meanwhile there were many adults that helped behind the scenes in whatever ways were needed. Drivers. Cooks. Dishwashers. (Because 200 kids need to eat. And teens eat a LOT, right?).

The week was a bit of a process for me as well. Having one of our kids  not at home = very strange. Watching her from a distance was different. Laurianna is growing up. Maturing. It’s incredible to watch her interact with others, pray (and be prayed for), worship wholeheartedly, and serve with joy.

It may be a bit inspiring to her mom as well (grins). Because hearing your daughter share at church how God spoke to her heart during the week is nothing short of wonderful and challenging all rolled into one. We are so blessed to have her as a daughter!

An Explosion of Books and Random Thoughts on our Week

2014 homeschool curriculum

My kitchen table is about ready to set me over the edge. In a good way and a bad way. Clutter doesn’t sit well with me and at the moment there are school books for the upcoming year spread all over the place, waiting for their trip up to the school room.

This past weekend was spent shopping and soaking up wisdom at the HEAV convention, while pulling together the last of what we needed for the upcoming school year.  I found some great used curriculum deals, made a few new purchases and am really looking forward to mapping out the upcoming year (and sharing with you all). There are a few tweaks and changes that I am VERY excited about!!

Am I the only one that is constantly amazed at the many homeschool companies that exist and the many that I haven’t even heard of before? I l.o.v.e. having the opportunity to talk to vendors one on one and get a better feel for their products and vision.

This Week at a Glance

Our oldest is away this week at a volunteer camp (where I’m helping out as well) and swim team practice has now kicked into full gear, so this week is shaping up to be fairly busy and full – but great! I would love to lock myself in a room and get busy planning, but I have a feeling that won’t be happening quite yet.

One thing I do hope to do is get my ‘piles’ sorted. It’s my first step in laying out our school year and gives me a good visual on all the subject areas we are covering and helps me remember what I may have missed. Then I can do a quick overview on how many lessons, etc… are involved with each program and mentally prepare myself for the next step.

Besides, that will definitely get my tables and nearby surfaces cleaned off, and also give me some mental clarity (did I mention that clutter can throw me over the edge?). 

Other than that, we’re working on a little bit of math, a lot of reading and read-alouds (hello to our 30 picture books in 30 days), wrapping up a few random science lessons, and otherwise I’m planning to sit, relax, and read. Last week I finished reading Rhinestone Jesus by Kristen Welch (cried and dog-eared pages through much of that) and will be picking up Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker this week. As for fiction…well, I’m adding all that I’ve been reading to my Pinterest reading board in case you are interested in seeing all of that.

On the blog front, I’m wrapping up a few nature study printables to share with you all soon (think insects) along with so many other things. If I can just find the time to sit and share it would be LOVELY!

Phew – that’s it for now! What are YOU planning on doing with your week?