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Exile And Return: Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther ~ What’s in the Bible? DVD 7

This post is our honest review of a product that we received for free. All opinions expressed are solely mine.

This past week, What’s in the Bible released the seventh DVD in their fun series that walks children {and parents, too!} through the stories of the Bible. The latest installment is Exile and Return: Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther, featuring two 25 minute episodes.


Through Ezra and Nehemiah, children learn more about the return of the Israelites to the land of Judah. Their return is anything but easy, and we discover the important role that each man played in the history of the country, including the amazing re-building of the wall in just 52 days!

The story of Esther is one that many of us are familiar with, but it will induced lots of laughter and giggles from the children as they follow the story of a young girl turned queen who helps save her people from the wicked plans of Haman.

Whats in the Bible DVD 7-1

Thanks to What’s in the Bible, we had a chance to sit down and watch it with some of our friends and have a party of sorts. We always love an excuse to have friends over! Our kids were so excited when the package arrived with the latest installment and especially excited to share it with their friends.

After watching Exile and Return, we grabbed some snacks and sat down to color together. The DVD also comes with a coloring sheet that can be photocopied to share with your children. Inside the case are questions that you can review with your kids after the video to see what they have learned and remember as well.

What's in the Bible-1Whats in the Bible DVD 7-2

Our verdict? We loved Exile and Return: Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther! The humor and quality are similar to the other videos in the What’s in the Bible line and ones that we will hang onto. It’s been in our house a week and has already been seen two other times!

One of the things that I personally have been most excited about with the DVDs from What’s in the Bible is how they are fitting in with our history curriculum, Mystery of History.  As the girls and I sat down to watch Exile and Return again later in the week, so much of the history that they were explaining in the DVD {about the country of Assyria, for example} just clicked with the girls because of what we’ve been studying in history. Having a fun visual to add another dimension to their history studies was a huge help!

To celebrate the release of the latest DVD, What’s in the Bible is offering a $5 off coupon code that is good until April 9, 2012. Just click on the coupon below and enter ESTHER at checkout for the discount ~ and receive free US shipping on orders over $15.



Thanks so much to What’s in the Bible for letting us be a part of the fun and learning!

Disclosure: This video was provided to me by What’s in the Bible for my honest opinion and review and does not need to be returned.

The Resurrection from Grapevine Bible Studies ~ Review

This post is our honest review of a product that we received for free. All opinions expressed are solely mine.

When I pulled out the latest Bible study lessons from Grapevine, there were literally cheers around the table. Last fall we worked through The Life of Joseph, drew stick figures, and our family fell in love with Grapevine studies. This spring we’ve been using The Resurrection Bible study and the kids {and I} have been loving it.


What’s Included in The Resurrection Bible study?

The study starts in the Upper Room and works through the events surrounding the Last Supper, the betrayal by Judas, through the trials and into the final hours of Jesus’s life. We used the Multi-level study which includes 11 lessons. Although it is for ages 7 and up, we used it with all four of our children ages 5-10. Lessons include:

  • The Last Supper
  • The Six Trials of Jesus
  • The Crucifixion
  • Jesus’ Death and Burial
  • The Resurrection
  • The Ascension


  • The multi-level teacher’s manual has lesson notes, timelines, full-color stick figure drawings, vocabulary terms, a map, lesson goals & key points, memory verses, as well as review questions & answers {ebook $8.95, 3 ring punched $10.95}.
  • The student book includes lesson pages, timelines, a map, verse memorization and more {ebook $8.95, printed $10.95}.

In addition to the teacher and student books, you will also need a Bible, colored pencils, a whiteboard {or large paper} and colored dry erase markers.

How We Used The Resurrection Bible Study:

We divided the lessons up over a 3 week period. At the beginning of each lesson we did a quick review and then worked through the passages in that lesson. Our girls would take turns reading the accompanying Bible passage {we use the NIrV Discover’s Bible} and then complete we all would complete the drawing to go along with that passage.

We have a large whiteboard easel that I would draw on using our BIG colorful pack of Expo dry erase markers so all the kids could see the pictures. As I read and we talked about it, they would copy the pictures onto their lesson pages. The varying colors of the figures and things used in the lessons are a great tool. For example, Jesus is purple throughout all of the scenes, making it easy to identify him in the study.

Although we didn’t do the Bible memory verses that Grapevine suggested, the kids decided to sing one of the verses that we read and we used that verse throughout the study since we know it from our Seeds Family Worship cd’s. {Note: I do appreciate that it is included in the study, but we just opted not to include it at this point especially since the kids are doing a lot of memorization with Awana as well}.

Here are a few things that we like specifically about Grapevine:

  • Four-square layout for the studies ~ saving lots of room a20120131-IMG_4209nd printing! The kids illustrate the ‘scenes’ with specific characters. I draw the scenes on our easel whiteboard and they copy them down as we talk about the passages from the Bible we are learning about.
  • Multi-colored stick figures ~ the variety keeps the kids really involved in the details of the drawings, even though the drawings are based on stick figures
  • The ebook works PERFECTLY on my iPad ~ I didn’t have to print it out! I can honestly say that this has changed my opinion of ebooks!! {and yes, it would work well on my laptop too, but I have a tendency to get distracted, so the laptop if off during school time!}.
  • It IS multi-aged focused ~ the fact that Kaleb can draw his cute little stick people along with us makes my heart so happy {you have to love those big eyes on the stick figures!}. Here’s a peek at Kaleb’s work ~ upside down and all… Even though his illustrations aren’t as great as his siblings, he is recalling facts and learning along with us, and THAT I love.



If you’re interested in any of the other studies and levels from Grapevine Bible Studies, you can download sample lessons from many of their other studies here. They have a variety of studies including Old and New Testament, Esther, the Birth of Jesus, the Life of Joseph, and Biblical Feasts.

I was provided a e-copy of this study from Grapevine in exchange for my honest review and opinion. All opinions expressed in this review are solely my own. I do not have to return my review copy ~ thank goodness.

The Money Saving Mom’s Budget ~ Review

This post is our honest review of a product that we received for free. All opinions expressed are solely mine.

Not sure where to start when it comes to budgeting? Need help squeezing more dollars from your limited budget? Looking for practical ideas for setting personal and financial goals that are both manageable and doable? The Money Saving Mom’s Budget will definitely be a help to you!

The Money Saving Mom’s Budget is written by Crystal Paine, a name you may recognize as the blogger behind the MoneySavingMom.com website. Crystal is also a homeschool graduate, currently a homeschool mom and is now sharing her knowledge of ways to radically change your budget for the better.

What’s Inside?

The The Money Saving Mom’s Budget is an easy read, full of practical and ready to implement ideas that will get you motivated to change your finances. Inside you will find:

~ How to set big goals and break them down into bite-sized pieces.

~ How to prioritize your time and life in order to live intentionally.

~ How to streamline your home and life in order to have breathing room to work toward your financial goals.

~ How to go from no budget at all to a full-fledged, realistic, written budget by following a simple three-step plan.

~ How to make a cash envelope system work for you.

~ How to cut your grocery bill in half (including 25 ways to save money without using coupons!).

~ How to save big on restaurants, travel, clothing, utility bills, prescription glasses, gym memberships, and much more.

~ And finally, how to cultivate contentment, embrace today, and live a rich and full life, no matter your income.

Although we have been using a cash budget for the last seven years now, this book gave us some gentle ‘nudging’ and we are re-prioritizing a few things thanks to the suggestions in the book from Crystal. I sat down to read the book and quickly found myself more than halfway through the book ~ it reads as if you are having a personal conversation with Crystal. She shares her personal story and the wisdom that she has gleaned over the years. I LOVE that about the book. :)

One thing that I find absolutely amazing and something that reveals Crystal’s true heart ~ ALL of the profits from The Money Saving Mom’s Budget are going to Compassion International, an organization that helps to feed and clothe needy children around the globe. That alone speaks volumes to me!

Purchase Your Copy Today!

The Money Saving Mom’s Budget is available to order online from Amazon.com, via download for your Kindle, or through BarnesandNoble.com. You can also pick up a copy at your local bookstore.


I was provided a copy of this book from MoneySavingMom.com in exchange for my honest review and opinion. All opinions expressed in this review are solely my own. I do not have to return my review copy ~ thank goodness.

Christmas Photo Cards ~ Little Card Company

This post is our honest review of a product that we received for free. All opinions expressed are solely mine.

Little Card Company

Don’t miss the giveaway below!!!

I absolutely love receiving Christmas cards with pictures of my friend’s children on the front ~ and hopefully our friends and family feel the same! The Little Card Company offers personalized photo cards with faith-based messages. Their desire is to put CHRIST back in CHRISTMAS by providing a high-quality product with a meaningful message ~ and they do!

About the Little Card Company and their Heart

The Little Card Company was created by three moms who wanted fun and modern cards that included a Christian message. All photo cards  are printed on high quality, heavy-weight card stock with a matte finish. These are not a typical photo card, but truly like a standard Christmas card.  You will definitely want to browse through their Christmas card selection and start bookmarking the ones you love!

Know Jesus’. Because what would Christmas be without the One who is the reason for it all?

“As a Christian company, it is our top priority to communicate the message of Jesus, especially as we approach the celebration of his birth. Each of our customizable Christmas photo cards has a faith-based message surrounded by a unique, modern, and fun design, providing customers with a great opportunity to share a slice of their lives and an element of their faith with those they love! “

The Little Card Company also donates at least 10% of their profits to charities all over the world

Our Christmas Card

We had grand plans to have a lovely family picture on the front of our Christmas cards this year, but five minutes before picture time we ended up taking a trip to the ER instead and had a kiddo with a black eye. Then schedules went out of whack and we decided to use a picture of just the kids for our card this year. Ahhh…the best laid plans…

I spent about ten minutes browsing through the different Christmas card templates and picked a few for my hubby choose from. The process of plugging a photo into the templates was simple, the text was easy to edit to suit our family…and the order was done. From start to finish the entire design and order process was under 30 minutes ~ and the bulk of that time was just deciding which card we liked the best!

The result? Our 2011 Christmas card!

Little Card Company Christmas photo card

Turnaround and processing time was fast as well and we had our cards about a week after we ordered them. When I opened the box I was truly in love with the cards. The matte finish of the cards gives them a completely different look than other photo cards and I love the way they turned out. Each card also includes an envelope for mailing.

Any spare moment right now is spent addressing the cards and trying to get them in the mail to share them! I have to tell you all ~ this is one website that I have bookmarked and will be ordering through again next year!!

Learn More {and a Giveaway}

The Little Card Company has also offered one of my readers a $25 gift card towards their own custom Christmas Card! Just follow the directions in the Rafflecopter widget below to enter! {Email subscribers, please click over to the blog to enter the giveaway!}. 

This giveaway is only open for a few days, so enter now!!!

Little Card Company is also offering FREE SHIPPING for EVERYONE with CHRISTMAS card orders until December 9, 2011!

Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

I received personalized cards from Little Card Company to review in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not paid for this post and do not need to return the cards. All opinions in this post are solely mine or those of my family.

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    Easy-View Microscope ~ Lakeshore Learning Review

    This post is our honest review of a product that we received for free. All opinions expressed are solely mine.
    Lakeshore Learning
    In my years teaching preschool in the public school system, Lakeshore Learning was one of my favorite catalogs to browse through and find fun things to add to my classroom. Recently, Lakeshore Learning contacted me and asked if I would be interested in sharing one of the items from Lakeshore Holiday Brochure with you all ~ and I was so happy to find the Easy-View Microscope.


    The Easy-View Microscope {$49.99} has a magnification of 640X and comes with a 10X and 16X eyepiece that can be interchanged. The main lens includes 4X, 10X and 40X objectives which rotate to the viewing position. The lamp and mirror are underneath the slide area and the slides are held in place with two metal clips. The microscope comes with 19 additional accessories including:

    ~ prepared & blank slides
    ~ a Petri dish & stirring rod
    ~ tweezers, scalpel, spatula and dropper
    ~ collecting vials and more

    The microscope requires 2 AA batteries {not included} to run the lamp. The intended age range is for 8-11 year olds, but adult supervision is still recommended.

    Our Thoughts

    Truth be told, I was a little scared to pull things out of the box. I may not have mentioned it before, but biology…not some of my most well-loved subject in school. My husband on the other hand is a biology nut {he majored in it} and has a very long history with microscopes from his work in the lab.

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    The microscope itself is really nothing to be afraid of {don’t ask me why I was scared}. It is very easy to figure out how to use, comes with a short instructional guide and a variety of prepared slides with samples of cola, coffee, tea, and foam. My husband pulled everything out for us to use the first time and get the microscope set up so we could use it together.

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    We have been catching fruit flies around our house in anticipation of seeing them up close and personal. We were able to see the wing pattern on the flies and so many other fun things {I tried so hard to get an up-close picture…but it just wouldn’t work!}.

    When using slides that have transparent or translucent liquids/items on them, the light is able to shine through the objects and you can see them clearly. Because the light comes from below the object, it is more difficult when attempting to look at opaque objects {like our fruit flies}, although not impossible. We could see through the wings, but the head was a little harder because of the opacity.

    My husband was really happy with the microscope overall and said that it will be a wonderful help for the kids and I to use in our science studies. Based on the intended age/grade range {ages 8-11 or grades 3-6} it is a great quality microscope, especially for the $49.99 price.

    Find Out More

    You can purchase the Easy-View Microscope {$49.99}, as well as many other great items, online from Lakeshore Learning or find a store near you. Be sure to check out the Lakeshore Holiday Brochure as well as their fun new educational apps {currently free until 12/30/11}.

    I received an Easy-View Microscope from Lakeshore Learning to review in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not paid for this post and do not need to return the microscope. All opinions in this post are solely mine or those of my family.

    Adventures in Odyssey Imagination Station Books ~ Review and Giveaway


    Our family has a HUGE love for all things that go along with the Adventures in Odyssey Imagination Station from Focus on the Family. We have all of their audio cd compilations and they have accompanied us on all of our road trips…or just going to town trips. And don’t tell the kids, but I’m just as hooked on the adventures and characters as they are!

    Our kids also love to read and when we saw there was a new book series based on the Imagination Station, I was on Amazon immediately to check them out. We ordered the newest book, Problems in Plymouth to read together and were hooked!

    The Imagination Station books were written to introduce early elementary readers to the world of Adventures in Odyssey. Because there were very few Christian children’s historical fiction series focused toward that reading level, it seemed the perfect target audience. The result was pure fun, imagination and entertainment mixed in with a bit of history and learning!

    aio collage
    The two latest books in the series, Showdown with the Shepherd and Problems in Plymouth have been much fun as read-alouds and individual reading in our house. One of our girls has been reading us a chapter {or more} a day at lunchtime so we can all be part in the historical adventures.

    Showdown with the Shepherd takes place in tenth century BC and follows Patrick and Beth as they try to find a stolen ring. During their adventure they see firsthand the story of David and Goliath unfold and learn more about the importance of Faith. In Problems in Plymouth, Patrick and Beth travel back in time to the Plymouth Plantation in 1621. During their trip they meet several key historical figures including William Bradford, Miles Standish, and Chief Massasoit.

    Our Thoughts

    While we did start reading with book six, Problems in Plymouth, the kids liked going back to the beginning of the series to see how it all unfolded. Each of the books can stand alone, but knowing how the adventure all began made the books even more fun.

    Each of the books has around fifteen chapters with black and white illustrations throughout the story to help keep children’s attention. Sentences are shorter in length and focus on a younger reading level {ages 7 and up} to help reluctant readers.

    I love that this series incorporates history, adventure and imagination all from a Christian perspective. Our kids have enjoyed similar non-Christian series {Magic Treehouse}, but as the other series progressed there were elements that we really didn’t like so we stopped reading them. Knowing Focus on the Family, their beliefs and their other products, I’m happy to add these books to our reading library and continue to support their company.

    Find Out More

    Parents and children can also visit TheImaginationStation.com to find out secret words, family devotionals, parent guides and more that tie in with each of the books in the series. The website also lists what is true and/or exaggerated for each of the books along with additional links to characters in the stories.

    The Imagination Station books are available for purchase through Amazon and are reasonably priced at $4.99/each. These are definitely books that we will continue to add to our library as they are released. The books are intended for the ages 7 and up, although we read them out loud with our kids and enjoyed them as a family {ages 5 and up}.
    There are two new books coming in early 2012 as well ~ Secret of the Prince’s Tomb  {available for pre-order} and Mystery of Starlight Island.

    New AIO books

    Jolanthe Signature affiliate button
    I received a set of books from Tyndale to review in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not paid for this post and do not need to return the books. Prior to receiving the books, I had already purchased two of the books for my own personal use.

    Visit these great companies!