20 Best Tips

10 Things to Eliminate from Your Homeschool

With the new year barely past and the classroom all sparkly and clean from another purge after the holidays, our space feels more open and inviting. A friend recently shared a post on things to get rid of in the New Year and it prompted me to sit back and think a little more deeply on things that we need to eliminate from our homeschool.

Ten things to elimate from your homeschool - don't get bogged down by all the stuff

10 Things to Eliminate from Your Homeschool

Get rid of something? That seems almost sacrilege to say to a homeschool parent. Because there may be a moment – someday in the future – when you will NEED that exact item for…something!

I’m not the only one that has felt that way, am I?

The only problem is, all that stuff gather and multiplies, and over the course of the year (or years) begins to bog us down. The room feels cluttered and stuffed and when you really need to find something, it’s too buried to even know where to start.  

Here are ten things to eliminate from your homeschool – or at least take a good, hard look at and see if you need to make a few changes that will help bring a fresh perspective and motivation to your day!

Excess Paperwork

If you are anything like me and have a tendency to over save paperwork (both completed and not completed), you can take up a lot of room in your school room and storage space quickly. While it can be a daunting task to go through it all immediately, make a plan to review your papers every six weeks and toss out those daily handwriting papers, multiple worksheets, and extras that you do not really need to save, keeping key and important pieces that show progress or favorite memories.

While you may need to save papers for a portfolio or review, not every single paper is necessary. You can see how we organize homeschool paperwork in this post. At the end of each year take a bit of time to fully weed out the extra. Know how much you really need to save. Remember, you aren’t saving for a tax audit!

Unused Games and Manipulatives

They look useful when you pick them up at a used curriculum sale, or a friend hands them off to you, but they have never been used. Either put them to use with a learning jar or gift them to another family or your local thrift store.

Going through games periodically is helpful because your family may have  outgrown some, don’t use them as you expected, or really don’t like them. It can be hard to do at first, especially with games that have been loved at one point, but if they are just taking up space for the sake of being ‘there’ than they have lost their usefulness and need to find a new home.

What Isn’t Working

If it is a physical piece of curriculum or a method of teaching that isn’t working well with your child (or children), weed it out and move on. If you’re struggling with curriculum not fitting, be sure to read this post for some suggestions. Pull those textbooks off the shelf and sell them or donate them to a friend who will love them.

When it comes to a behavior from either you or your child, take a step back and evaluate what the root of the issue is. Coming back from a break often makes it easier to see what teaching and/or parenting ruts we have gotten in to and allows us a chance to step back and try some different techniques in the weeks to follow. If you are really struggling – talk to your spouse or a friend and get their input as well!



Giving away books can seem just plain wrong, but now is the time to look for duplicates, books you will never, ever read, ones you don’t enjoy, or ones that are falling apart at the seams (literally). Chances are if you ever need one of these books, the library or a friend will have them available.

Purge, purge, purge!

Art Projects

There are always projects that turn out even more beautiful than we imagine, but often there are creations that aren’t as lovely from our little Picassos. (I know I’m not the only one that struggles with this!) When Picasso Jr. is in complete adoration of his project, it makes it even harder!

Display projects and creations for a little bit, keep a few favorites and then take pictures of others for sentiments sake (and to keep the little ones happy). In today’s digital age, a little storage on a disk takes up much less space than in your school room or in a folder!

Unnecessary Commitments

Stretched a little thin on your time outside of the home? Feeling overwhelmed with over commitments is very common! Take a good hard look at the various co-ops, extra classes, sports, volunteering, and events you are involved in and evaluate if they are truly necessary.

We ALL need breathing room and running ourselves (and our kids) ragged is only going to burn us out in the end. You need to be the best mom (or dad) you can for your kids – and sometimes that means saying no to something that is good, but not good for you at the moment. This can be so hard, especially when there are many things that are beneficial – just maybe not in this season for you or your family.

Craft Supplies

Oh my heavens. Tissue paper, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, and GLITTER!! The stuff seems to multiply when your back is turned – or find a new home all over the carpet. Every now and then it’s good to go through your craft boxes and get rid of those extra items that you are hanging on to – just because you may need them some day.

If you can’t quite bear to part with them just yet, throw them all in a plastic bag and let your kids have a free for all one afternoon this week to make the craziest project they can (and then refer to the art project section above when said project is complete!).


Every now and then it’s good to sit down and take a good look at what is distracting not only the kids – but myself. Maybe it’s a family member that calls around the same time every day (that would be my mom) or someone who knows you homeschool and thinks it’s OK to interrupt – whenever.

Maybe Facebook or Instagram is just a touch of a button away on your phone – and easily pulls you in. Or Candy Crush. You know your vices, so put them down, remove them from your phone, or do what is necessary to keep your focus on what is in front of you.

Maybe there are toys (like Lego figures and creations – cough) that are distracting certain children when there is work that needs to be finished. It doesn’t mean the classroom has to be all bare bones, but there is a time and a place for certain things. If an item is becoming more of a hindrance and distraction than a tool to help – relocate it.

Fears and Doubts

There are often days and nights when snippets of doubt will creep in looking for a home. Abilities are questioned and fear can hold you captive.  Doubts that enough isn’t being done. Thoughts that parenting skills are the worst in the world. Feelings of inadequacy.

And the list goes on.

This may sound silly, but write those fears down – and acknowledge them. Talk to a friend about them and then – speak the TRUTH over them. Fear and doubts are not truth, they are emotions. But do you know what is truth? God’s word.

For each of those fears and doubts, write a verse that declares the truth. Read this post (and the comments) for some great verses to write down and hold close to your heart.


One of the quickest ways to suck the joy and life out of your homeschool time is getting stuck in the comparison trap. It all starts innocently enough with a few clicks on Facebook, seeing how gifted another child is, how clean another house is. Whether it be comparing our children to others, our homeschool to others – you name it – comparing this or that or ANYTHING, fixating on that issue, and letting it fester will destroy the joy of what you have been given.

God has gifted each of us with abilities that are unique to each one of us. Traits that are special and give us a special role. We are fearfully and wonderfully made {Psalm 139:14}.

10 things to eliminate from your homeschool

Can I just encourage you today? Be the person that God created you to be!! Know who you are in Christ and cling to THAT truth! Be yourself ~ because you are the only person who can be uniquely you.

Have you focused on any of the above areas in your homeschool?

What other things would YOU suggest to eliminate from your homeschool?




Another post you may enjoy….Why Your Homeschool Needs a Rest Time.


Assignment Sheet for Students – Free Printables

assignment sheet for students - a free editable printable from Homeschool Creations to track daily work and goals_edited-1

One thing that we have been focusing on with our middle school boy is a little more independence in his school work. One big help for him has been a new assignment sheet for him (or me) to record the assignments for each subject and day of the week.

Translated, that means he needs a hands-on look at what he is expected to accomplish that week and a handy way to check off his assignments as he progresses without mom constantly hovering over him to make sure everything is done. In short, taking responsibility for his schoolwork and owning up when it isn’t done. (cough) But I’m sure that is only my child, right?

While I realize that a piece of paper doesn’t actually GET the schoolwork done, this has been a good help because he can see page numbers down to how many chapters of a book he is expected to read. At the end of each day (or week depending on his focus), we review what was accomplished and make adjustments as needed for the following days.

And if you are looking for some colorful (and erasable pens) – grab a pack of these (aff link). They are my FAVORITE and well loved in our house!

assignment sheet for students from Homeschool Creations

Each sheet has room to track 11 subjects for five days as well as a space for recording personal goals for the week. Along the top of each sheet there is space to record the week’s date as well.

There are also two clip art styles to choose from – one using rainbow washi tape or a fun rainbow sneaker design. Download one or both, editable or non-editable – your choice!

These print off four to a page if you choose to print double sided (two half-sized on each side). For those of you that would like to save a little time, there is also an editable version for the subject area. When the file is opened, simply type the subject area names in the blue squares and then print.

Fill them out with your new favorite pens (aff link) – and you are ready to go!


Additional Planning Resources for Students

If you’d prefer a larger assignment sheet to use with your children, you can download these Daily Assignment Sheets.

This student planner is one we’ve been using with our older two girls and absolutely LOVE it. Find out more here.

Download the Assignment Sheet for Students

Ready to download and use? Click the file name below and it will open the pdf file for you.

Clip art credit: Rainbow Sneakers from DigitalFunFactory and Rainbow Digital Washi from ClickPaperCo.

January Personal Planner Pages – Free Printable

January 2016 personal planning pages - 12 pages to organize your month {%{% HomeschoolCreations

You all!! Where did 2015 go? The older I get, the more quickly the years seem to go by. We’ve enjoyed a fairly relaxed December, but school will be starting back up in a week and with it all the craziness of life and sports.

To help you get your days and weeks a little more organized, I have some January Personal Planner Pages for you all to use. I hope these are a help to you in the upcoming days.

A Peek Inside My Planner

If you’d like to take a look at how I’ve set up my yearly planner, I’ve explained it more in this post here, as well as given links to my favorite binder and colorful tabs (because pretty makes life fun too, right?).

Yearly Planner example from Homeschool Creations-5

This year I’ve done a little something different and pulled my planner out of the binder and had it spiral bound at Staples. Loving it so far!!

January 2016 Personal Planner Pages

You can download the January 2016 Personal Planner Pages HERE. There are 16 pages included as a part of the download: the month at a glance and then weekly planning pages as well, with a page that goes a bit into February as well. Each month I’ll be offering a free download for that month’s planning pages, so you can check back and download them as they become available.

Purchase the Yearly Planner

Yearly Planner from Homeschool Creations - daily, monthly, and yearly pages to get you organized

Add to Cart

If you like the layout and want to start planning out the rest of your year now (and next year too), purchase the full Yearly Planner for $4.99. The calendar runs thru June 2017. It includes 18 month-at-a-glance pages and dated weekly pages from December 2015 through June 2017. Enjoy!

Don’t Miss The Daily To-Do List

Daily to do list free printable

My Daily To-Do List is pretty basic, but hopefully it will work for you too. There is an area to make a list of things to accomplish, household goals, appointment, meals for the day, and even a space to record exercise and water intake. Each page in the document is identical so you can print them off, cut the page in half, and have two lists. If you print them front to back, you’ll have four to-do lists and save a little paper. Hope you all have a wonderful new year!! I’d love to hear your plans!

Free Blog Planner – It’s a New Year! (Updated)

Blog Planner

With the new year starting soon, it was time to update the yearly calendar on my free blog planner! In case you are interested in grabbing a copy, I wanted to let you know that it’s ready to go. Thee are a few new pages included toward the back as well for those of you that have downloaded it before, include Periscope, Instagram, and Pinterest tracking. Here’s a quick peek inside too!

A peek inside my blog planner

Blog Planner photos-1-3

I use monthly calendar to give me a quick snapshot overview and see if there are things I need to move or add in. The facing page has room to track giveaways and/or reviews. I like having all of the company info in one spot {contact info, important links, due dates, etc…} along with space to check off when it is completed.

Weekly Blog Planner Layout-1

Having the weeks at a glance is also really helpful to me, so I have two pages that lay flat and give me space to track posts and see them laid out weekly. Each post area also has social media reminders for me to check off {Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+}. Sometimes my brain just needs a few added reminders!

Blog Planner photos-1-2

There are a few months that need more than 4 weeks of layouts, and for those weeks, I printed a few extra sheets of the weekly layouts, cut them in half, 3 hole-punched them and added them into those months that needed them. Blog Planner Extras Toward the back of the blog planner there are planning pages to help you with any additional details you may want to track {and maybe even a few you hadn’t thought of yet!}. Overall, this 66 page blog planner includes:

  • 12 month-at-a-glance pages with a monthly focus list
  • room to track reviews and giveaways
  • space to jot notes and ideas
  • weekly post trackers, including social media reminders
  • yearly goals and objectives
  • monthly website analytics tracker: RSS, Facebook, Twitter, etc…
  • a place to keep track of affiliate program info
  • a Twitter hashtag tracker {because there are lots!}
  • Google communities and hangout tracker
  • weekly blog meme tracker
  • mileage sheet {who thought blogging might involve driving?}
  • website username & password sheet {I can’t remember them all!}
  • and room to jot down all those wonderful post ideas


Blog Planner
  Ready to get started printing your own blog planner? Download the printable Blog Planner here!

Need more planning and organization help?

Check out these additional organizational printables:


December Personal Planner Pages – Free Printable

December 2015 personal planning pages - 12 pages to organize your month {%{% HomeschoolCreations

It’s so hard to believe that we are on the verge of the last month of the year. Typically December is a busy month with parties, wrapping up school things, vacation time, and of course family! We’re planning an extended break at Christmas and cannot wait to relax and enjoy the time together.

I’ve put together a December 2015 Personal Planner for you all to use in the upcoming weeks and help you stay on track. Between decorating, cookie baking, parties, and everything in between, I hope this will be a help to you!

My Daily Planner

If you’d like to take a look at how I’ve set up my yearly planner, I’ve explained it more in this post here, as well as given links to my favorite binder and colorful tabs (because pretty makes life fun too, right?).

December 2015 Personal Planner Pages

You can download the December 2015 Personal Planner Pages HERE. There are 12 pages included as a part of the download: the month at a glance and then weekly planning pages as well. Each month I’ll be offering a free download for that month’s planning pages, so you can check back and download them as they become available.

Purchase the Daily Personal Planner

Daily Planner Cover image

Add to Cart

If you like the layout and want to start planning out the rest of your year now (and next year too), purchase the full Daily Planner for $4.99. The calendar runs thru June 2017. It includes 18 month-at-a-glance pages and dated weekly pages from December 2015 through June 2017. Enjoy!

Don’t Miss The Daily To-Do List

Daily to do list free printable

My Daily To-Do List is pretty basic, but hopefully it will work for you too. There is an area to make a list of things to accomplish, household goals, appointment, meals for the day, and even a space to record exercise (oh – I crack myself up!) and water intake. Each page in the document is identical so you can print them off, cut the page in half, and have two lists. If you print them front to back, you’ll have four to-do lists and save a little paper.

Hope you all have a wonderful December!! I’d love to hear your plans!


25 Freezer Meal Recipes (or When a Mom Decides to Freeze Meals)

Last spring (and partway through the summer), freezer meals were such a huge lifesaver for me and a few friends. Between swim practice, afternoon co-ops, and just running around, having a chance to sit down and make a really good (and hearty) meal for the family was sometimes hard. But those freezer meals helped so much! Yes, it took a little planning and much of a Saturday with friends, but the result is worth it.

25 freezer meal recipes - variety of chicken, pork, beef, and sausage meals to fill the freezer


Many of you have emailed or commented on Instagram and Facebook asking me to share our latest freezer cooking session, and here it is! I fully intended to take lots of pictures, but somehow only managed to get two crummy pictures on my cell phone. That said, our freezer cooking session was very successful and each of us finished with 25 meals packaged and ready to pop in and out of the freezer, as well as two batches of homemade spaghetti sauce (since we were left with a giant bowl of green peppers we forgot to add to another recipe – oops!).

freezer cooking pile before

A few of the recipes we used were ones from our previous freezer cooking sessions (you can read more about our first session here and our second one here).

One thing I will say before much more – prior to starting I was really getting discouraged about how long the process typically takes us. Most times (including this one), we are usually together from 9:30 until about 5. We do take a few breaks to keep our energy going, but for the most part we are working solidly the entire time. On Pinterest I’ve seen so many “50 Freezer Meals in 1 Hour” (I may be exaggerating a wee bit), and it was getting me discouraged because we were going way over the one hour mark!

I definitely recommend these freezer cooking tips (and these as well) before starting to help the process go much more smoothly, but one thing I was reminded of was the bulk of meals that we plan do not typically need more to go along with them. We do have a few ‘dump a few ingredients in the bag’ but my friends and I have tried to pack lots of healthy veggies, meat, and substance in our bags and pans so they are complete meals. I do cook rice ahead of time and freeze that as well to go along with meals, but many of these require little else to be added to them. Besides, our cooking session really resulted in 75 meals altogether – that’s pretty great! (And working with friends is SO much more fun!) One of the families also has two GF members, so we made sure to prep her meals first so there wasn’t any cross contamination or ingredient confusion (you really would be amazed if you saw some of the things that have gluten in them!).

25 Freezer Meal Recipes

freezer cooking prep time

Here’s a peek at all of the meals that we worked on this time around. We try to have a good variety of pork, chicken, beef, and other meats to rotate through so it isn’t all chicken 24/7. Our families so appreciate that!

A Few Timesaving Tips

Here are a few things that we did beforehand to save time the day of our big freezer session:

  • Prepped most of the meats so they were ready. The bulk of the meals do not require the meat to be pre-cooked, but we did need 2 lbs. of shredded pork BBQ, so we threw that in a crockpot the day before and also browned a pound of hamburg for the Tater Tot Casserole.
  • Bought flash-frozen chicken. We picked up the large bags of chicken at Costco from the freezer section and in recipes that called for chicken breasts we just dropped the pre-frozen breasts into the bag or into the foil pan.
  • Labeled all of our bags so they were ready to go. When we cut the larger chunks of meat the next morning (such as pork), we grabbed those bags and dropped the roasts or pieces into each bag as we needed it and then put the bags in the cooler until we were ready to add the remaining ingredients.
  • Pulled out every cooler that existed in our house so we could drop each meal into the cooler as it was finished.
  • BOUGHT AN ELECTRIC CAN OPENER – Praise the Lord for electric can openers. We’ve done three rounds of freezer cooking prior to this and my hand hurt so badly after each of those. Pay the $10 for an electric can opener and smile every time you don’t have to manhandle a lid.

All in all – woo hoo!! My freezer is happily stocked for the upcoming few months, just in time to get through the holiday craziness. I am so very thankful for friends that are willing to spend a Saturday with me and have some cooking/assembling fun!

    FREE Freezer Cooking Labels

FREE freezer cooking labels | homeschoolcreations.net


You might be interested in the freezer cooking labels that we’ve. To make life a little easier for myself, I put together some simple labels to stick on the front of each of our freezer bags and containers, and you can download them for FREE and see our second round of freezer cooking 22 meals!

What are your favorite meals to freeze ahead? Have a freezer tip to share with readers? We’d love to hear!