Use the Christmas Even and Odd Number Sort game to have your child work on sequencing numbers from 1 to 20 or have your child sort the numbers by odd or even. If 20 numbers is too many, choose a handful of numbers and record them on the mat {great handwriting practice as well}.

Other Fun Christmas Printables
Looking for a few other Christmas related printables to use with your kids? Check out the below printable packs based on some of our favorite books that are FREE to download.
The Gingerbread Baby Printables include fun activities to tie in with the story ~ vocabulary words, word tracer cards, tracer page, counting activities, number identification, patterning activities and more!
The printables for Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree include fun activities to tie in with the book ~ vocabulary words, word tracer cards, puzzles, tree size sequencing cards, a story sight word chart, recycling items, counting activities and more! Be sure to download BOTH sets of the printables since they go together and build on the skills your child will use.
Have fun learning and sorting together!