20 Best Tips

A Quick Look at Our Week

Preschool CornerWe haven’t worked on any kindergarten literature units or other themed units in the last little bit, so we’ve been focusing on the day to day basics and just having fun with those areas. Our school routine has really gotten into a groove that works for us ~ and that makes the day so much easier!

Our day starts off with a ‘group’ time where we work on our Calendar & Morning Board. As a family we have Bible time and then work on history. Once we are finished up, the kids start working on their independent work.

Kaleb and I then start on his school time together since he has little that he can work on without my help right now. He loves his calendar notebook and sits down to work on that and also his handwriting.  A typical morning for him includes working on math together, language, handwriting, reading/spelling, and any other extra things we’re working on.

Geography with Little Passports

This week we started some geography fun with Little Passports. The suitcase has been sitting near his desk for a few weeks and he was excited when we pulled it out and opened it up!

Little Passports

The first month’s introduction kit comes with a letter from Sam and Sophia, who are making plans to travel the world on their magical scooter. Kaleb filled out his passport and we talked about what countries he would like to ‘visit’ this year – Netherlands, Tanzania, and Germany were his top picks {grins}.

Kindergarten Homeschool-3

Kaleb used a number puzzle to answer some of the questions in the activity section. I am SO going to have to put together some word/number puzzles for him this way – he loved it!

Kindergarten Homeschool-4

One activity we also worked on was finding different countries and their capitals on the map to discover where Sam and Sophia are going next. I helped find the countries and then Kaleb spelled out the capitals of the countries for me. Next stop on our Little Passport adventures is Brazil!

Math Fun

Kaleb saw the older kids using the Addition Wrap-ups this week and wanted to have a turn with them. He worked over and over on the +1 key and loved them! We’ll definitely be pulling these out more!

Kindergarten Homeschool-1

To help him with some of his math problems, we pulled out our Base Ten Blocks so that he could group the numbers and add them by counting 1:1. The hands-on counting really helped him a lot.

Kindergarten Homeschool-2-2

Kindergarten Reading

We’ve reviewed several of the lessons in All About Reading Level 1 and this week moved onto a new lesson and talked about the letter ‘e’ sound. One of the activities was reading and sorting rhyming words. Kaleb is excited now that we’re adding stars to his reading chart again – yay! Having reading be the FIRST thing we work on together has made a big difference in his attitude as well.

Kindergarten Homeschool-1-2

That’s just a quick look at our week together. We also went on a field trip with some friends…and a certain mom forgot to bring her camera along with her {ahem}. The most important part was – it was fun!

How was your week?


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Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


Preschool Corner

Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Maestro Classics ~ introduce great music and classics stories to children with this classical music series.

Livin’ with Pizzaz! ~ A child’s health begins at home! Register for a six session online eWorkshop for parents of kids 3 to 12.

What's in the Bible Coupon

Featuring YOU!!

Preschool CornerOne of the best things about blogging is being able to share the things that we are doing with other families all over the world. Getting encouragement from other moms means the world, and I am SO thankful for those of you who join in with the Preschool & Kindergarten Corner week after week.

Once a month I would love to feature one of you all in a Friday post and highlight some of the things that you’ve been doing with your kids. Would you be interested in that?

If you are a regular {or even new} participant in the Preschool & Kindergarten Corner, could you leave a comment with your blog address if you would like to see your blog featured? I do take the time to visit your sites when you link up!!

You all have made blogging so much fun and I appreciate each and every one of you!

A Few Preschool Links

Ready to Link Up?

Share what you are doing with your kids! Please link your exact blog post to the Mr. Linky below and link back here too! Grab a button for your post below and be sure to take a minute to visit the person who linked up before you. You can read more in the updated guidelines for Preschool Corner.

Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


Preschool Corner

Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Maestro Classics ~ introduce great music and classics stories to children with this classical music series.

Livin’ with Pizzaz! ~ A child’s health begins at home!  Register for a six session online eWorkshop for parents of kids 3 to 12.

What's in the Bible Coupon

PreK and Kindergarten Apple Theme Ideas

This week we’re starting our meet-up with our local homeschool co-op. Over the last four {or maybe it’s five??} years, I have taught the 4-year-old class and we have an A-Z theme. I have all the lesson plans together and essentially could teach the class in my sleep.

Imagine my surprise when I found out I was teaching the 3-year-old class this year. A.k.a. pick a relevant theme.

Time to hit my files and pull up some themed ideas. This week we’re going to be learning about apples – seems like a good time, eh? My bag is chocked full of fun stuff for the morning and we’re ready to go!

Here are a few of the fun ideas that I found via Pinterest and the internet. Although we won’t be doing all of these, they are still great to share!

Apple pie themed playdough basket from Counting Coconuts – I know the kids are going to LOVE making mini apple pies {even if they are pretend}.


Making Apple Pie with Kids via the Educator’s Spin on It – some fun ideas {love the measurement examples} for making apple pies together. Doesn’t hurt that I love the Apple Pie Tree book as well!

Button Apple Craft

Apple Button Craft via Free Kids Crafts – if I had bunches of buttons handy, we would definitely be doing this!


Apple Tree Craft via Happy Home Fairy ~ I LOVE this craft and know a certain little boy at home that will be making this with me!


Felt Apple Craft via Brandy’s Crafts – I really need to buy a pair of pinking shears, because I absolutely adore this felt apple.


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Apple Unit Printables via 2 Teaching Mommies – If you are looking for some great printables specifically for apples, this is a GREAT prek and k pack for you to grab!

Torn Paper Apple Craft via Homeschool Creations – this craft has been one that we’ve done for years with our kids. The kids love ripping the paper a WHOLE lot!


Apple Word Cards – these are word cards that go along with the Read, Build, Write Vocabulary Mats. Time to pull these out again at our house!



A is for Apple Tot Printables from 1+1+1=1 – If you have a younger child in your house, these are some fun printables to use with your toddler and early preschooler. I have a few of these printed to use tomorrow as well.

If you’re looking for more ideas, be sure to check out my Fall Themed Pinterest board. I have a bunch of other ideas pinned there as well!

Can’t wait to see what you all have been up to this week – if you have a fun apple idea, will you leave a comment with a link so others can see them as well? Thanks so much for sharing with each other!

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Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


Preschool Corner





Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Maestro Classics ~ introduce great music and classics stories to children with this classical music series.

Livin’ with Pizzaz! ~ A child’s health begins at home!  Register for a six session online eWorkshop for parents of kids 3 to 12.

What's in the Bible Coupon

Making Progress One Day at a Time

Preschool CornerI’ll be honest and tell you that there are days when I question my abilities to teach my kids. Even the simple things like counting, adding, and learning letters. Each of our kids has different learning styles and I have approached subjects differently with them.

That, however, makes it all the ‘sweeter’ when we can see that things are falling in place in our learning time. Concepts are understood and progress is being made.


This week was one of those weeks when all the gradual progress led to moments when a certain little boy smiled and started spouting off things that he was learning.

Math Time

Like almost counting up to 100…he gets stuck in the 80’s for some reason. Considering he started off the year still mixing up numbers in the teens, this was so exciting for him {and me!}. There was a big grin on his face when he just decided to count for me.


The longer we wait to work on reading together, the more likely Kaleb is to get frustrated. This week Kaleb asked if we could do reading first and PRESTO! The change was amazing. No whining. No complaining. Reading was soooo much easier for him. Instead of sounding out each individual letter, he took his time and waited ‘til he could read out the entire word.


Every single day a certain little boy pulls out our Draw Write Now books and a ream of paper to draw countless pictures. Thankfully, paper was on sale at Costco last month….but I may have to hide paper in the near future.

All the pictures are really sweet though {grins}.


With Others

Our oldest three kids each have a friend that they love to spend time with – someone that they’ve really connected with and always ask to spend time with. Kaleb has been left out of the mix in some ways, so this year we’re a part of a small playgroup with some good homeschooling friends.

This week was our first time really getting together and seeing the excitement coming from Kaleb to see his ‘friends’ made the extra day out SO incredibly worth it.


We’re finishing up our week by taking a few days to go camping. A certain mother {cough.cough} thought that the upcoming weekend was Labor Day and planned a break at the end of the week instead. Oops. The kids are excited though and I’m looking forward to some time with friends and family {minus the internet}.

How was your week?


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Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


Preschool Corner

Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Maestro Classics ~ introduce great music and classics stories to children with this classical music series.

Livin’ with Pizzaz! ~ A child’s health begins at home!  Register for a six session online eWorkshop for parents of kids 3 to 12.

What's in the Bible Coupon

Tadpoles, Slugs, and Fun

Preschool CornerThis post is a part of the Preschool & Kindergarten Corner.

You may sit and look at the picture below and wonder ‘What in the world are those boys doing with the salt?’ If I told you they found a slug in the woods and decided to bring it home solely for the purpose of seeing what would happen when they put salt on it, would you understand?

Kindergarten and Slug-1

It wasn’t a happy ending for the slug, but the boys were…well, boys.

This week we didn’t have a particular theme in place again. I had something in mind, but the week was so crazy that I couldn’t pull together what I needed and wanted to do. Instead, we read a lot together and focused more on the basics and reviewing a few essential things as we start the year.

Learning about Queen Esther

You may remember that I shared we were using the Esther Bible Study from Grapevine. We work on half of a lesson every few days and I love that we call ALL do this together – including Kaleb.

Kindergarten Week 4-1

The stick figures are easy for him to draw along with us {and his may look better than mine at times!}. He loves the different colors he gets to use {grins}.

More Calendar Time

The calendar notebook printables have truly been one of the best helps so far this year for Kaleb. First thing in the morning, he works on his big pocket chart calendar and then the monthly page in his notebook – just to show me he can do it by himself!

Kindergarten Week 4-2

We wrapped up our month and answered a few questions early.

Kindergarten Week 4-3

We still work together on the first few pages of the Calendar Notebook together each day, but I love that he has taken the initiative to work on a few pages by himself!!

Science Learning

While we were learning about the five senses in our kindergarten science this week, I looked over to find Kaleb playing with our colonial doll to give examples of the senses. Just made me smile – below he is showing how ‘seeing’ is one of our senses.

Kindergarten Week 4-4

We’ve had much fun talking about the different senses that we use each day. Tasting different foods. Feeling for objects inside a paper bag. Trying to identify things by smell. Realizing that we can feel with things other than our hands.

Watching little things ‘click’ in Kaleb’s mind just makes it all so fun!


And in exciting news in our house, one of our tadpoles is growing little legs!! Excuse the cloudy water – those things are d.i.r.t.y. and are about ready to head back to the creek after a ‘show and tell’ time next week. We have seven of them that like to keep the water nasty {in this mom’s book}.

We also watched out last monarch caterpillar head into its’ chrysalis. Thankfully that means no more milkweed {phew!}. We had six this year and are waiting on the last 2 butterflies now to hatch.

Ready to Read More!!

We’ve also reviewed all of our All About Reading lessons and are ready to move along in the program {YAY!}. Because of the space theme, Kaleb is eager to work through it because we are planning a trip to the air and space museum when he finishes the program – and some space ice cream too!

That’s about it in our house this week – what learning has been going on in your home?

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Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}

Preschool Corner

Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Grapevine Studies ~ effective and easy-to-use Bible curriculum for ages 5 to adult

Red Wagon Tutorials ~ online live feed, online recorded and DVD science classes for grades 7-12

Little Passports

Kindergarten Learning

Preschool Corner This post is a part of the Preschool & Kindergarten Corner.

Overall, there was not real ‘theme’ this past week other than working on pieces of our core curriculum. We still read books and had fun – just not based around a specific book theme.  Here’s a little look at what we’re doing together.

Learning with Unifex Cubes

Calendar Notebook Time

Kaleb is really enjoying the Calendar Notebook printables that I put together for him. He really wanted to do the ‘What adds up to 100?’ problem on one of the pages {because two siblings are doing it also} and that’s given us a great reason to use our unifex cubes each day and practice counting by 10’s.

We pull out 100 unifex cubes that are in sets of 10 and then he puts aside the number for the day of school we are on. For example, if it’s the 12th day of school, he puts aside one set of 10 blocks and then pops 2 off another set. He then gets to count the remaining sets by 10 and add the number of remaining 8 blocks to get 88. The hands-on visual has been helping him better understand the 10’s and 1’s places too – so yay!

Morning Calendar

We’ve also moved our calendar pocket chart over closer to Kaleb’s desk so that he and I can work on that together each morning as a part of his math time. He loves being able to pick the pattern for the month and have it be ‘his’.

Reading Time

So far we’re just reviewing a few of the lessons from All About Reading Level 1, but Kaleb is wanting to read, read, read!

All About Reading

One thing that I love about the readers from All About Reading is the pictures do not predict the text for the kids. That means certain little boys can’t try to ‘guess’ the text and have to focus on the actual words and really read. Although the pictures do go along with the text and make sense, kids don’t skip over the text. Love that. {and pssst – there is a $50 gift card giveaway to All About Learning Press that ends today!}

Handwriting on the iPad

We’re using Handwriting without Tears this year and I was VERY excited when they released a new Handwriting Without Tears iPad app that is so very much like the chalkboard you use with the program.

Handwriting Without Tear app (1)

Kaleb first writes the letter with chalk, cleans it with a ‘wet’ sponge, and then dries it off to finish it up. Each letter has him go through several times in order to master it. Occasionally he gets frustrated because it REALLY makes sure he does it correct, but that {in my book} is great. He works a day in his workbook and the next day works on the iPad doing a new letter and reviewing one he’s already finished.

Fun & Learning Time

Slowly but surely I’ve been filling up an idea jar with slips of paper that list fun things we have in our schoolroom that Kaleb can do when he is finished with school {or has a break in his day}. I modified how Ami from Walking by the Way put hers together, but the inspiration came from her! Winking smile 


Wedgits are one of Kaleb’s favorite things to play with {we have the Wedgits Starter Tote and the Teacher’s Activity Guide}. This week I may have fixed the jar and let him play with them a bit more than usual – shhh! He absolutely loves them, so it was all good.

In other subjects, we’re learning poems with First Language Lessons 1 and having fun learning about our bodies with Science K.

That’s a quick look at our week – what have you been up to?

Additional Preschool Links

Ready to Link Up?

Share what you are doing with your kids! Please link your exact blog post to the Mr. Linky below and link back here too! Grab a button for your post below and be sure to take a minute to visit the person who linked up before you. You can read more in the updated guidelines for Preschool Corner.

Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


Preschool Corner


Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Grapevine Studies ~ effective and easy-to-use Bible curriculum for ages 5 to adult

Red Wagon Tutorials ~ online live feed, online recorded and DVD science classes for grades 7-12

Little Passports