20 Best Tips

The Red Carpet Book Unit ~ PreK & 5K Corner

The Red Carpet - Copy

Although I put the printables for the book The Red Carpet together at the end of last school year, we had a lot of other things that we did instead. I was really excited to do the Red Carpet book unit with Kaleb because we had read The Red Carpet by Rex Parkin several times together. {Note: I found a used copy on Amazon for a great price, but check your library too for this fun story!!}.

Not sure what the story is about? Here is Kaleb’s summary of the book:

“The doorman kicked the carpet and it rolled all over the city. It kept rolling and rolling. A bunch of policemen tried to catch it. Then it kept rolling still and the policemen were catching up to it. The boat came and the carpet stopped. The car came out and drove on the red carpet all the way to the hotel.”

Kaleb’s favorite part of the story was when the policemen were chasing the carpet to arrest it – because {as he says} “Would you arrest a carpet? No!”

Rolling Out the Red Carpet

The Red Carpet Unit-1-2

Probably one of the things all of the kids enjoyed was setting up a town and then using a red streamer to roll out the red carpet to welcome the Duke of Sultana to the Hotel Bellevue.

The Red Carpet Unit-1-7

I used chalkboard spray paint on some of our wooden blocks and then we added the names of different places around town after the Kaleb and I lined up streets.

The Red Carpet Unit-1-5

We used red paper streamers as our carpet and made it turn right and left all over town…just like in the story.

The Red Carpet Unit-1

Zachary found a car that looked so much like the motorcar the Duke was escorted in, so it was perfect for our mini-town.

Following Directions

Throughout the story we read about turning right and left and so many other forms of directions. This was a great chance for us to talk {and learn} left from right – we’re still practicing that! {grins}

The Red Carpet Unit-1-3

We also worked on following directions. One of the Red Carpet book Printables has to do with listening to oral directions and finding the correct object on a map. Kaleb really liked this one!!

Counting to 50 Cents

The Red Carpet Unit-1-4

We used nickels, dimes, and quarters to count fifty cents – a great chance to practice counting by 5’s and 10’s!

Making Pretzels

The Red Carpet Unit-1-6

The poor pretzel man in the story had his cart overturned…but we had to make pretzels for everyone. Kaleb wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, so while everyone played, he and I worked together making pretzel bites.

The Red Carpet Unit-2

He helped roll out the dough {not so much}, but did a great job cutting the dough up into little bits.

The Red Carpet Unit-1-8

We ended up with a big, yummy pile of pretzels to share with everyone. The kids thought they tasted great…I wasn’t quite as convinced. {grins}

Looking at Maps and More

The Red Carpet Unit-3

In the story, there are several different countries mentioned: France, the United States, England and also Japan. Kaleb and Laurianna put together a GeoPuzzle of the United States and found Washington D. C. on the map.

The Red Carpet Unit-4

We then pulled out our children’s world atlas and looked up the other countries in the story, put a star where the cities mentioned were, and labeled them as well {printable is from the Red Carpet Printables}. We pulled out our globe as well to see how far apart the cities were from each other.

A few more things {not pictured}:

~ We put together a ‘telegram’ to Daddy and talked about how telegrams were very expensive to send, so we had to make it short, but still make sense. Here was Kaleb’s telegram:


Dinner tonight fettucine. No soup. Cookies for dessert.


~ We talked about road signs and the different signs we saw in the book. When we were driving we went on a scavenger hunt for signs.

That {for the most part} sums up our week. We also used our vocabulary cards from the book, read the ‘telegram’ words {simple words from the story that Kaleb could sound out and are a part of the Red Carpet Printables}.




Other Helpful Links for The Red Carpet by Rex Parkin

Red Carpet Collage

~ Homeschool Share resources and lapbook
~ All of a Kind blog
~ Delightful Learning blog

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Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


Preschool Corner




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Grapevine Studies ~ effective and easy-to-use Bible curriculum for ages 5 to adult

Red Wagon Tutorials ~ online live feed, online recorded and DVD science classes for grades 7-12

Little Passports

Back to Homeschool ~ Preschool Corner {&5K too}

Preschool CornerSchool has officially started back up again for us and there has been minimal whining and complaining overall, so I’d consider that a pretty good success. This year promises to be a little more challenging for Kaleb academically, but he is rather excited that they involve some more 1:1 time with me in several subject areas.

Starting Our Day

Each morning, we all spend about an hour together working on our Mystery of History {Kaleb loves the go-along coloring pages} and also our Esther Bible Study from Esther Bible Study from Grapevine. This is the time that we also do our calendar and morning board together.

Handwriting Time


Handwriting isn’t always the favorite in the house, so I’m really hoping that Handwriting Without Tears will be a different change for Kaleb. We’re trying some additional hands-on things this year in addition to paper and pencil – wikki sticks, salt boxes, small chalkboards…anything that will mix it up a little bit and encourage Kaleb in his writing.

Beginning Reading

Adventures in Reading with ZigZag Zebra-2

This year I have a handy bag with all we need for All About Reading.

Kaleb is anxious to work on All About Reading Level 1. We started back up with a quick review this week of the last few lessons we were working on and reviewing letter sounds. So far, so good! He is loving the supplemental file folder games from Adventures in Reading with Zigzag Zebra, that go along with All About Reading Level 1. They’ve added some fun review in as well.

Being a Scientist


Kaleb examining the teeny tiny caterpillar that hatched overnight.

During our time with Science K from Nancy Larson Science, we are talking about how we are scientists. This has been even more fun because we have several different ‘creatures’ in our home at the moment ~ tadpoles that were caught in the creek and some monarch caterpillars. This is the sixth year we have watched the monarch process and it never grows old!


Can you see the newly hatched caterpillar?

We found some milkweed that had eggs on the back of the leaves and brought them home. The next morning we found one of the eggs had hatched and there was a tiny little caterpillar that had joined the other three we had found.

The nine tadpoles have survived a week in our home and we’re really hoping they will do well. I finally broke down and bought them a permanent home so we can watch them grow and develop. With nine of them we should be able to see something, right? {this is me hoping we won’t kill them somehow}.

Calendar Notebook Time


Don’t you love the plethora of stuffed animals watching? and the shaggy hair?

Although we have a large calendar and morning board that all of the kids do together each morning, Kaleb has his own special calendar notebook that I put together for him {see 1+1+1=1 for calendar notebook printables}. With the promise of a special party after the 100th day of school, he is rather excited to work on it each morning. Four days down so far…let’s see if the excitement continues the next 96 days {grins}.

So – our first week is done! We’re easing into everything and will add a bit more in next week once we start getting back into our routine.

Are you ready for school to start?? Link up below with your upcoming plans or what you’ve been doing this week!

Helpful Preschool Links

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Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}

Preschool Corner


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Grapevine Studies ~ effective and easy-to-use Bible curriculum for ages 5 to adult

Red Wagon Tutorials ~ online live feed, online recorded and DVD science classes for grades 7-12

Little Passports

Gearing Up! ~ Preschool Corner {& 5K too!}

Preschool CornerGoodbye, summer!! This marks our last official week of summer vacation and Monday means a slow but steady return to school time.

{Where oh where did summer go???}.

This weekend I am putting the finishing touches on our classroom, getting everything ready for the upcoming year for Kaleb and making last minute choices on what we will be covering this year.

Kindergarten Plans

We will still be fairly laid back overall, but a few subjects will be kicked up a notch for a certain five year old. The base of what we will cover will still be literature and theme based {we’ll be finishing up Before Five in a Row books and covering some from Five in a Row} and also add in a few fun themes over the course of the year.

Kaleb loves 1-to-1 time with me and this year will be no exception as he will have his own science program {Nancy Larson Science K}, All About Reading Level 1 and then start All About Spelling when he is ready to begin that. We’ll also be using Saxon Math 1 with Kaleb this year.

Just for fun, we’ll also be using Little Passports to talk about geography and I’ve been collecting games and puzzles galore to play!

And Still I’m Nervous…

Believe it or not, even though we’re starting our 7th year of homeschooling, I am still nervous. Maybe because each of the kids is officially on the ‘legal’ map ~ meaning I had to send in letters of intent for each one of them this year. Kaleb is my baby, and my baby is growing up way to fast…which apparently means that I am really a responsible adult.

There are days I still have a hard time believing that….grins.

So, that’s it in a nutshell. I’ll be sharing more on how we’re changing some things around in our room and what we’re planning overall in the next week or two, so stay tuned! Are you ready to go?? Wrapping up your plans? Hang in there!

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Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


Preschool Corner

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Grapevine Studies ~ effective and easy-to-use Bible curriculum for ages 5 to adult

Red Wagon Tutorials ~ online live feed, online recorded and DVD science classes for grades 7-12

Little Passports

Olympic Fun ~ Preschool Corner {& 5K too!}

Preschool CornerAlthough we haven’t been doing any learning with the Olympics yet, we ARE excited to watch the opening ceremonies. I’ve still been pinning bunches of ideas on my Olympics theme board on Pinterest {just in case} and there were some CUTE ideas I wanted to share with you all in case you are looking for some fun ideas to bust summer boredom!

Montessori Olympics

I LOVE the collection of Montessori inspired math ideas that Prek + K Sharing has to go along with the Olympics ~ practice some fine motor skills, tally marks and more!


Olympic Ring Toss from I Can Teach My Child ~ In addition to this fun idea, she also has an Olympic freebie download to her blog subscribers.

Whats in the Bible Olympics

What’s in the Bible? has a Summer Olympics Family Fun Pack that is FREE to download {and cute}. In addition, they also have all of their dvds on sale for $10 {completely non-Olympic related, just fun}.

If you have Olympic style ambition, you need to add these Olympic Torch Cupcakes from Hoosier Homemade to your ‘must make’ list. They have to be the cutest things I’ve seen and I know the kids would love them!!

Summer Olympics Printables

Cassie at 3 Dinosaurs has put together a Summer Olympics Pack too that you can download and use with your kids.

Crystal from Money Saving Mom also shared some additional Olympic printables and games recently as well. Don’t miss those!

These are just a few things I’m looking at ~ are you planning anything fun to celebrate the Olympics with your kids? 

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Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


Preschool Corner

The Best Week Because… Preschool Corner {& 5K too!}

Preschool CornerThis week there was much cheering and partying in our house. And for a very good reason.

Last Friday night, just before bedtime, Kaleb pulled my face in his hands and whispered in my ear: “Tomorrow can you pray with me? To ask Jesus in my heart?” The girls had a friend over and he wanted to wait until she was gone to pray with us.

After we returned home the next morning, Kaleb came outside with me to talk to Daddy and we sat down together at the picnic table and prayed together. As soon as we finished, he hopped up and we ran upstairs to tell the older kids and celebrate.

With ice cream.

Ice Cream Party-1

I can’t think of anything better to happen during our week.



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Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}

Preschool Corner

Like what you see? Add Homeschool Creations to your feed reader for the latest updates. Email subscribers of Homeschool Creations are entered to win a $25 gift certificate to Amazon each month. Subscribe by email now!

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Barker Creek Publishing ~ award-winning products to help your children master essential learning skills and decorate your learning environment!

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Gearing up for Geography ~ Preschool Corner {& 5K too!}

Preschool CornerThe school room is {still} a mess. There are boatloads of things to do to get ready for the upcoming school year. In the meantime, I’m having fun figuring out our game plan for the upcoming school year and getting all of the pieces we need in place.

For Kaleb, we’re going to be working on some geography together over the course of the year. He doesn’t know it yet, but we’ll be using Little Passports each month.

Little PassportsWe have a 12 month subscription to Little Passports, and we will be covering the countries of Brazil, Japan, France, Egypt, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, India, England, China, and Argentina. {p.s.  Little Passports is offering 10% off this month will code JULY10}.

The overall plan is to continue with some *new* printable packs and incorporate some literature-based printables that tie in with the different countries we are studying.

Except I keep getting distracted on Pinterest… {ahem}.

Anyway…that’s the general plan and we’ll be filling in the gaps with a few different pieces of curriculum. Don’t worry, I’ll share it all once I actually sit down and manage to get it all written down.

Assuming I don’t get distracted. Again.


Have you been preparing for your upcoming year? Do you have much left to do or are you ready to go? Or have you been distracted on Pinterest?

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Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


Preschool Corner


Like what you see? Add Homeschool Creations to your feed reader for the latest updates. Email subscribers of Homeschool Creations are entered to win a $25 gift certificate to Amazon each month. Subscribe by email now!

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Barker Creek Publishing ~ award-winning products to help your children master essential learning skills and decorate your learning environment!

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