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Plans for Next Year ~ Preschool Corner {&5K too}

Preschool CornerSeveral {ok…way more than several} of you have emailed and asked what in the world we will be doing with Kaleb next year for school. Is he moving up to 1st grade? Will I be finishing up the rest of the literature based printables that began this year?

The short answers are no and yes. {And yes, I enjoy being difficult! ~ grins}.

Kaleb’s birthday falls at the end of November and at the moment it’s a little hard to place him grade-wise {well, based on the public school timeline it is}. Because there are different activities that we participate in, we have to say he is in PreK or K or whatever appropriate level applies.

BUT…at the moment he isn’t quite ready for 1st grade for various reasons ~ some skills that he hasn’t fully grasped, the need to ‘mature’ a bit so he can work on different skils…and while I flip-flopped back and forth trying to figure out how to handle it, I realized something.

We homeschool.  Kaleb can be mid-year and that is ok. As he is ready to move up to the next level, he can. {Yes, that would be a ‘duh’ moment}.

{For the record…it’s ok to be mid-level ~ I’ll give you permission, m’kay?}.

So the LONG answer {assuming you are still reading this} is that we will still be working on literature-based printables and other printable packs and adding in additional curriculum pieces to round out our year. When Kaleb is ready to move up, we’ll just ease into it.

That would be the beauty of homeschooling. We can work on what is appropriate for each one of our kiddos.

And I’m ok with that.


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Recovering ~ Preschool {and 5K too!} Corner

Preschool CornerThis week has included a lot of laying low while I’ve been recovering from jet lag. Fortunately, I have four amazing children who have been quick to snuggle up in bed with me, throw their arms around me repeatedly, or whisper the words “I love you, Mom”.

All things that my heart has needed this past week.

So while we haven’t had any school time this week, we focused more on the ‘home’ aspect of things.

And that has been something else that my heart has needed just as much.

What have YOU all been up to this week?

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Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


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Blowing Bubbles in Tanzania ~ Preschool Corner

Preschool CornerThis week I have nothing to share that is related to teaching preschool. Unless you count blowing bubbles with lots of children this week in Tanzania and almost causing a mass riot of sorts. Quite literally.

Apparently bubbles are a HUGE hit.


So this week…I’d love to see what you are doing, although I may be a bit jet-lagged if I leave comments too soon. I’m just sayin’…

And, if you have a minute or two, see what I learned from a three year old girl this week.

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Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


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The Packing Mom ~ Preschool Corner

Preschool CornerThis week was a whirlwind as I returned home from the 2:1 Conference, emptied one suitcase and packed an even bigger one to take to Tanzania. The kids have been helping me pack, taking trips with me to the store to help choose things for David {the boy we sponsor through Compassion in Tanzania}, and drawing pictures like crazy to send along with me.

The kids sat down with me and we pulled out a globe to show the different places that I will be in the next week ~ a few stops in the US, Amsterdam {for a brief pit stop}, and then Tanzania. The globe is staying out while I’m gone, along with my itinerary so they can follow along each day and see where I am. Rick also added some app to my iPad so they can track me {assuming it works!}. Should be fun to see!

Kaleb globe

When I return home, my suitcase is going to be WELL under the 50 pounds it is pushing right now. Each of the kids picked out something they thought David and his family would enjoy ~ colored pencils and crayons, Frisbees, jump ropes, bubbles, matchbox cars {dump trucks per Kaleb}, clothing, stickers…and so much more.  The kids have one request of me ~ a picture of me with David…and him smiling. I’m thinking that is a do-able request!

I’ll be sharing all of my travels and thoughts this next week and hope that you will follow along with our team too! You can see a map with the centers we will be visiting in this post {and grab a button to share on your blog if you’d like to as well}. And if you’d like…you can even sponsor a child in Tanzania too! Smile

That’s it for us this week! What have you been doing during school time today?

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Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}


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Last {Official} Week of School ~ Preschool Corner

Preschool CornerOfficially, this was our last week of school. The kids all buckled down and finished up all that we needed to for the year.

To celebrate the end of the school year, we went out to dinner at the kid’s favorite place to eat ~ Golden Corral. Not because of the wonderful food, but because they now offer cotton candy and a chocolate fountain {i.e. pure sugar} for your after dinner enjoyment.

Kaleb prefers to top his ice cream with a smattering of every kind of candy available. But…it’s the last week of school hurrah, so it was sugar or bust.


The rest of the week, Kaleb sat in on the wrap-ups of our lessons, especially for science. Ever since we started learning about birds and did those few bird chalk pastels, Kaleb has been drawing birds every single day. He gets a little frustrated at times but has drawn and colored over 12 birds this week using our Backyard Birds book as a guide.

Before you get to excited with the picture below, I lightly outlined the body on the bird and Laurianna helped shape the head. Kaleb  is adamant about getting the colors right though and having the details match the picture in the book. He has literally spent hours drawing ~ and I can’t say that I’m sad about that! :)


With the school year finished, that doesn’t mean that we are stopping though. Through the summer we’ll be doing school ~ but not on an ‘official’ schedule or where we call it school.

What are your plans for the end of the school year? Are you close to finishing up and will you keep playing through the summer too?

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App School ~ Preschool Corner

Note: For those of you reading along with the 10 Days of Teaching God’s Word series, you won’t want to miss the preschool-related giveaway being shared today!!Preschool Corner

We’re winding down some of our school time and this week Kaleb was thrilled to get his hands on my iPad. It never ceases to amaze me the things he won’t complain about when they are presented in a different format.

Typically, Kaleb is the last one in line to use the iPad and have access to the apps. When he realized that he could use it without having any siblings controlling it, he was literally giggling while playing.

Here are a few of the apps that Kaleb was loving this week:

App School-1

      Kaleb’s favorite by far was

Timmy’s Kindergarten Adventure

    . The reason? Because he could earn ‘money’. When he got to a point where he could sort his money by type, he was literally giddy with excitement.

App School-3

    He practiced telling time to the hour.

App School-4

    Worked on a little addition and subtraction.

App School-2

One part of the app required him to listen closely to the word they said and then identify that word from a choice of three. He was so funny, trying to hear the word, and sounding out what he heard them say {beginning sounds}.


App School-5 App School-6


    Kaleb sat in with us on our other group lessons as well this week, but otherwise for him it was a fairly lite week.
    How was YOUR week with your kiddo? Leave a comment and link up to share what you’ve been doing this week.

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Be specific in your ‘link title’. Leave either your blog name or theme and provide an age range for your activities. Something a little like this:

Police Officer Theme {ages 4-5}

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