20 Best Tips

The ABC Bunny Unit ~ Preschool Corner

Our first official unit that we worked on together this school year was The ABC Bunny by Wanda Ga’ag.  We used the Before Five in a Row manual to do some of the suggested go-along activities each day and then pulled additional resources from the printables for The ABC Bunny.

Kaleb had SO much fun!

We started out with The ABC Bunny because it was a great way to review, reinforce and assess where Kaleb is really at going into this school year, especially with his alphabet and letter sounds. We’ve been using the All About Reading Pre-1 program during the week too.

Here’s a little peek into our week. Everyday we did the following {before we started into our workboxes} ~ read the book The ABC Bunny by Wanda Ga’ag together, listened to The ABC Bunny song on YouTube {and read along}, and talked about the animals in the story using our Animal Classification Cards. Here’s a peek into how our workboxes looked:

The ABC Bunny workboxes

Language and ABC’s

We printed off the uppercase and lowercase abc leaf cards and practiced putting them in ABC order {great way for me to assess what he remembers/knows}. Day 2 he put the in ABC order on his own. Days 3 & 4 we laid out all of the uppercase letters and then he matched the lowercase letter to the uppercase letter.


Kaleb worked on both the uppercase and lowercase letter mazes, helping the bunny get through the maze {he is LOVING mazes right now!!}.


Here’s a look at how we do the 2-part vocabulary cards in the packs. The first few days we review the words and their beginning letter sounds. On the third day, I cut apart the 2-part cards and slide the words into our table top pocket chart {I love that we can prop it right up on the table next to us and work together}. Kaleb then picks up the pictures and slides them behind the right picture {usually based on looking at the beginning letter sound}.

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Fine Motor

Each day he worked on tracing one line from his ABC Bunny alphabet sheet {I love the concentration that requires the tongue sticking out!}. He also worked on his word tracer sheets each day too {just a few words a day}.


Cutting is also something Kaleb is wanting to do much more {last year getting him to cut was akin to painful for me}. Here he’s working on The ABC Bunny activity card.



I put together a few different math sheets in the printable set and we talked about the weather in the book {gales, hail, etc…}. One day we put the tips of q-tips onto the sheet {like hail stones}. We rolled a number and then put that many pieces in the sky. The other day we matched number words to numbers.



Other than talking about the different animals in the book and weather described in the book, we went outside and tried to find different leaves. At the beginning of our nature walk we’d found three different ones, but we put together a collection of leaves {we liked the one that looked a little like the leaves in the book}.


Additional Resources for The ABC Bunny

The ABC Bunny collage

~ The ABC Bunny Printable Pack

~ Read! Build! Write! cards for The ABC Bunny

~ ABC Bunny resources from Homeschool Share

~ The ABC Bunny song on You Tube

~ The ABC Bunny activity card {there is a mistake on this…but it’s fun to let the kids find it!}


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Preschool Corner ~ Back in School!

This week we were back into school full swing and Kaleb is having a blast! He is constantly by my side and asking what we are doing next.  I’m reworking our school setup for Kaleb so that things flow a little better. Of course the moment I get that all figured out, we’ll be transitioning to the new schoolroom! :)

All of Kaleb’s workbooks have been pulled apart and are ready to go for this year. His math book gets him so excited ~ and feeling like a big ol’ smartypants {we’re using Abeka Kindergarten math}.


The Read! Build! Write! mats have been very well received too. :) Right now we’re using refrigerator magnets that I picked up in the dollar section at Target until I get the magnets stuck to the back of the letter tiles. It’s been great practice though, since the letters are uppercase and the vocab cards are lowercase, so he’s having to match the two {he’s working on a few of the camping words}.


One of the other workbooks that Kaleb is using is A Reason for Handwriting K. He’s not super thrilled with the first few pages, but is getting a bunch of other writing practice too.


Every day he works on five or six of the Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Tracing Cards.  He likes these a lot…and the clip art on these just makes me smile. We have each set on a jump ring to make it easier to flip through them.


We’ve been reading lots too and are back full time using our All About Reading Pre1 program.  Kaleb l.o.v.e.s. the rhyming time ~ especially when Ziggy the Zebra helps out {don’t miss the giveaway going on right now for All About Spelling!}.


That’s it in a nutshell for us this week. We’ll be starting our Before Five in a Row {BFIAR} studies next week and will be alternating weeks between our BFIAR studies and one of the Preschool Packs I’ve put together.

Stay tuned, because next week I’ll be sharing some NEW things that will tie in with the Before Five in a Row books!! I’m so excited and am putting the finishing touches on a few things!

Here’s a look at our upcoming plans for the next eight or so weeks:

~ The ABC Bunny {BFIAR}

~ Camping Preschool Pack

~ We’re Going on a Bear Hunt {BFIAR}

~ Star Wars Preschool Pack

~ Caps for Sale {BFIAR}

~ Blueberries for Sal {BFIAR}

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Preschool Corner ~ What Should Have Been

This was the week that I had planned as our first week back to school. Overall, a fairly lofty goal considering that we returned from vacation on Saturday evening and I had to unpack, etc…

In reality, it was fairly stubborn of me. No reason that I couldn’t hold off and wait another week, other than I had it in my head and got stuck.

Monday morning was literally one of the most miserable days. It was super hot. I had a major migraine and then Kaleb had a 102 temp, so we ended up in the doctor’s office {with no answers}. And then the van broke down.

Sometimes, I’m so stubborn it takes a bit to get something through my thick head.

Later in the week we started back in our school routine, but with a much more laid back attitude and relief when Kaleb was feeling better {and me too}. Meanwhile, I had fun working on a few things behind the scenes for him ~ and to share with you all!!

Stay tuned the next few weeks, because I have some fun things planned to share each Tuesday that I hope you all will love!

When are you planning to start back with your school time {or have you already}?  Leave a comment and let us all know!

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Preschool Corner ~ Vacation Time

This week the girls spent the week at camp, so the boys had us to themselves. There was a whole lotta swimming, playing catch and bike riding. Kaleb was so excited that he could ride around the entire neighborhood, starting his bike by himself. :)

One of the big thrills the kids have every year we visit Rick’s parents is getting ‘squeaky cheese’ {cheese curd} while visiting the giant cow. And taking a picture of the cow every.single.year.


Overall a quiet and relaxing vacation ~ the calm before the busyness of school starts back up for us soon!

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Preschool Corner ~ Highs and Lows

The heat this week has been yucky to say the least, so we enjoyed some swimming at a friend’s house to help us cool of some {and give Mommy a bit more time to put some printables together}.

The ‘low’ of the week came when we gave away our last two roosters to some friends {did I mention that out of 8 chicks we raised, we had FIVE roosters}? That means the egg ratio dropped tremendously. :)

The ‘high’ came in the first egg from one of our chickens!! It was so teeny tiny, but the kids were whooping and hollering and so excited!! We have had three official eggs now {that we’ve found}. The kids were excited to add a few new hens to our flock, but the poor things have been hiding and aren’t quite as ‘tame’ as our girls, so we’ll have to see how that goes.

We’ll be traveling this next week to visit family, but I have some fun things to share with you all, so stay tuned! We’re looking forward to some cooler weather next week, but here’s a question for you ~

What are your favorite ways to beat the heat and keep your kiddos happy?



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Preschool Corner ~ Traveling, Planning and Building

At this moment, I am in Florida at the HERI homeschool convention and the kiddos are all having fun with their grandparents for a few days. :) In my downtime I’m having fun planning and creating some packs to go along with our lessons next year…which I really can’t wait to share with you all!

We’re in the midst of finishing off the space above the garage too so that we’ll have a fun, NEW homeschool room for the upcoming school year. I’m excited, but we’re having to rearrange all the plans that were in my mind for when we would start…since it won’t be ready in time.

So…the dining room table will still be our home for a bit longer ~ and that’s ok too! I’m just excited to have it all finished and have a special place that doesn’t have breakfast crumbs on the floor!

Other than summer fun, that’s all that going on here right now! I’d love to see what you all are doing with your little ones!

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