20 Best Tips

Preschool Corner ~ Walking Through History

I had high and lofty plans this past week and in the end, we focused mainly on PE.

Walking, that is. Lots and lots of walking.

We spent a few days in Colonial Williamsburg together as a family and although I brought some ‘fun’ stuff for Kaleb to do during the time we weren’t actually walking around, we didn’t do anything structured at all.

Instead we spent time swimming in pool where we stayed, playing on the playground and then exploring all the nooks and crannies of Colonial Williamsburg.

Our first day in Williamsburg, we visited the plantation and the kids were put to work pulling up corn stalks and dragging them to a wagon to haul them away. Kaleb kept asking all day long to visit the house with the guns {the Governor’s Palace} ~ but he was just as excited, if not more, to visit the Magazine.

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Kaleb was excited to have animals handy to pet and touch. The horses walking around town were a huge excitement…as was the chicken on a leash {which makes me think that maybe we can pass a chicken off as a pet, right?}.

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A little rest time to look at all the fish in the creek and even more time to try locking each other up in the stockades. :)

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Our FAVORITE part of the trip? A dinner at Chowning’s Tavern right on the main street of Williamsburg. We had some wonderful entertainment, learned some fun games, watched a magic show that now has our children convinced they all can be magicians. A most fun night!


This is a picture that pretty much sums up Kaleb’s week though ~ on Daddy’s shoulders since he did so much walking and those little legs of his were t.i.r.e.d.


Kaleb’s special present for the week was a posable Colonial doll to use and go along with the ABC cards that we found. He is already having fun trying them out. In case you are interested, you can find the Hotch Potch dolls online at the Williamsburg Marketplace ~ not sure if the cards are still available, since I found them last year in a shop in Williamsburg. We have the medium-sized doll {$7.95}.

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Preschool Corner ~ Back in the Swing…mostly

We finally got some answers earlier this week to what has been going on with Kaleb {thank the LORD!} and I think I’m just as relieved to know that I haven’t been imagining it all. He is on another round of {yucky} antibiotics and already doing so much better! It’s amazing how much of a difference it has made in our day overall.

Here’s a little peek at how Kaleb’s workboxes shaped up for the week. Our focus this week was on the letters A-C. During the week I rotated between two different items in some of the boxes. The last 3 boxes were our ‘special’ boxes that he gets to do after he has finished the other boxes. Note: this workbox grid is a part of my preschool planning forms.

Workbox Planning Grid Image

Mama Jenn shared a GREAT idea for storing salt in a homemade salt box. We use our salt as a tactile way to draw/trace letters. Storing the salt is SO much easier this way {thanks, Jenn!!}.

Salt letter tracing

I mentioned last week that I was going to pull out some fun things that I had in hiding. I ordered the Grasshopper Preschool Prep Kit {ABC’s and Following Directions} and when I pulled it out Kaleb was very excited. :) I divided out a few of the activities into his workboxes.

The letter tracing gel set from the kit was one of his favorites {even the big kids liked playing with it. The magnetic ABC fishing game was another hit. I put out the letters A through E and he would tell me which letter he was fishing for and/or catching.

letter gel tracingABC fishing

Another big hit was the ‘build a letter’ cards that came in our Grasshopper Preschool Prep Kit. There are re-usable cling-on ‘stickers’ that you put over the letter patterns ~ a great fine motor activity. :)

 build a letterbuild a letter 

Kaleb wanted to do ‘handwriting’ like the big kids, so he practiced making vertical and horizontal lines in his Kumon Uppercase letter workbook. We also pulled out our tabletop easel and he practiced his lines on the dry erase board.

Kumon workbook

No week would be complete without some Do-A-Dot coloring! Since we focused on the letters A through C this week, I made some pages for him to color either with his Pip-Squeak markers {to practice coloring in the lines} or to use with the Do-A-Dot markers {I will hopefully be sharing the coloring pages soon!!!!}.

 do a dot coloring pages do a dot coloring pages

We’ve also had a LOT of fun playing with our Magnetos Jumbo Builder set this week! {hint: there is a giveaway coming up soon for these!!!}. The boys have had these out every day and have been building and creating like crazy. LOVE them!! In case you missed it, I’ll be hosting a Twitter party for Guidecraft on September 28th ~ and you won’t want to miss it. There are some amazing prizes in store!!


iTouch Fun

When all was done for the day, Kaleb took much joy in curling up on the couch with my iTouch and playing a few fun games.


I Write Words ~ one of our ‘go to’ favorites. :) Kaleb loves to practice tracing his letters and numbers with this app. Pretty cute, too.



Word Wiggler ~ one of the apps in the Tickle Tap toddler app pack. Kaleb has to tap a picture that starts with the sound of the letter shown on the screen.


angry birds appAngry Birds ~ really no educational value. Just plain fun. There is a free version of this app, but everyone in the house loves it so much I actually bought the full version.


Things We Used This Week

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Preschool Corner ~ If it Moves, Do-a-Dot it!

This week was still a little off for us, but we are definitely moving in the right direction. :) My brother and grandmother have been visiting this week but we’re still doing school. Kaleb has gone from complete disinterest to sitting with us at the table quietly and stamping and and everything possible with his Do-A-Dot markers.

We might just run out of paper. But that’s ok.

Between the Do-A-Dot markers and other markers the boy has literally been covered head to toe in ink daily…but that’s ok. :)

We also had another trip to the doctor’s office trying to pinpoint what is going on in the little boy’s body, since he still just isn’t himself. If you were in a 5 mile radius of the doctor’s office when his blood was drawn, I’m so sorry for all the screaming. Wouldn’t you know the boy perked right up after we left ~ apparently my dishing out cash and him having his body poked and prodded were helpful in some way. :)

This was also Kaleb’s first week with the Awana Cubbies program ~ he wasn’t super thrilled once we got there, and now we’re working on having him learn his first verse for the program. We’re also starting back up with our local homeschool co-op…today, as a matter of fact, so we’ll see how that all goes.

Next week I have a special little surprise for Kaleb that I’m hoping he is going to L.O.V.E. And if not, I’m going to put together a big ol’ pile of Do-A-Dot pages for him to work on. :)

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Preschool Corner ~ Slow Going

I almost got online earlier this week to tell you that I was about ready to throw everything out the window preschool-wise and just let Kaleb run around all crazy-like and watch t.v. forever and ever. Amen.

And until about mid-day Wednesday I just wanted to cry. Every single thing that I asked Kaleb to do resulted in crying, whining, fussing, more whining…and then a certain Mommy was in a non-too-happy mood because of said behavior. Everything I want to do with him ~ he thinks is for babies.


In his defense, he still isn’t feeling quite ‘right’…but right before lunch time on Wednesday he finally started getting a teensy bit excited and wanted to do something school-related {read a book with me and do a puzzle}. Our biggest problem is he wants to do what the big kids are doing…and there is really no way that he can participate in many of the things they are doing.

{Have I encouraged you enough yet???}

Thursday he actually participated in our morning calendar and I didn’t hear any complaining from him, so apparently we’re starting to get a little something going. He really does like the new telling time printable on our calendar and morning board {even though he can’t tell time yet} but if he wants to try to work on it, that’s ok with me!

Did you week go any more smoothly? :)

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Preschool Corner ~ Assessing and Starting Up

I had much bigger plans this week than what we actually accomplished. We thought that Kaleb was feeling better after last week’s bout with sickness, but this week the sickies were lingering so more time was spent holding a feverish boy than completing the lesson plans and activities I had planned.

Such is life at times, right?

When we WERE able to work, I pulled out some different activities to try to get a good baseline on what he does/doesn’t know. I printed off some of Carisa’s preschool assessment tools from her Raising Rock Stars Preschool page and we completed a few of the activities together.

cutting paper

As we reviewed different letters of the alphabet, Kaleb had fun using his new Do-A-Dot markers to color in his alphabet phonics coloring pages. We didn’t make it through the set as I had planned {more like up to the letter G}, but he is loving his new markers and the pages, so they will continue into next week too.

Do A Dot markers 

We’re also trying to get Kaleb into the routine of his new workboxes {which he is not very excited about yet} and figure out how his schedule is going to mesh with our daily school routine. It’s a work in progress at this point, but we’re working at it one day at a time.

In case you missed them earlier this week, I posted some Cubbies verse printables that I put together for Kaleb to use this year when he starts Awana…and then found out he’ll be using a different book. :) Be sure to check out the Cubbies verse page though, since you can use them with your preschooler even if you aren’t doing Awana.

Other Resources We Used

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Preschool Corner ~ Lowercase Alphabet Crafts

We’ve been getting into more of a ‘school routine’ around our house this week and easing into our schedule with chores and such for everyone. Including Kaleb. He is THRILLED with doing chores…especially vacuuming and I don’t believe my living room rug or the boy’s bedroom has been quite so clean in awhile {click here to see our Preschool Chore Charts}.

But…here are a few more of the lowercase alphabet letter crafts that I’ve been sharing over at Totally Tots. Click on the picture to visit the post about that craft. :)

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e is for egg                                     f is for fish

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g is for goose                                   h is for horse

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