Tot School ::8::
Tot School ::7::
Tot School ::6::

Tot School ::5::

We have a little bear puzzle that allows you to change the bears shirt, pants and face. Each face pictures a different emotion: sad, happy, mad, etc… Kaleb had fun fitting the pieces into their form.
I pulled out some counting bears that I recently bought and also some bowls of the same color to have Kaleb try to sort the bears by color – this is where I was really suprised. He did GREAT!! When he would put a bear in the wrong bowl, he would stop and pick it out and drop it in the right bowl. We started out using only 2 colors, but eventually did all four colors. I did videotape it too (and he did it for the most part then), but he was a little over doing it then, so you’ll just have to trust me on it!
The stacking cups came out again, but this time Kaleb wanted to fit them all back into each other which he did wonderfully, pulling out the ones needed to sort them by size.
Some new animal magnets were also added to the fridge to play with. Kaleb didn’t want to play the way I wanted to play, so we had fun pulling them off the fridge and putting them in a bag and counting them together instead.
That’s it for this week (at least the pictured part). Thanks for stopping by!
Tot School ::4::
We visited our children’s museum where essentially the name of the game is “Follow Kaleb Around” and we play and do what Kaleb is interested in (and try to keep him away from the water cooler).
This week we played with the globes and the magnets…
..and dug around a little in the garden and picked vegetables together.

Tot School ::3::
This week for Tot School things were a little crazier (a lot to do during the day with preschool starting for big brother…and a new routine to adjust to), but we still squeezed in time together and are adjusting everyone to the “Mommy gets to spend special time with Kaleb” routine too!
Getting rid of our high chair and moving Kaleb to the booster seat so he can sit at the table has been a huge help – although he still wants to be buckled in constantly and then sometimes can’t reach the activity that we are doing. In his little mind: booster = must be buckled. :)
We spent some time playing with some animal magnets that I found last week. He loved pulling them off and rearranging them, dropping them in and taking them out of the bag. We tried driving the tractor around on the table, but the magnet he was most interested in? A haybale. Go figure.
Kaleb loves the stacking cups and is beginning to consistenly get them in the right ascending order.
Kaleb has also discovered where Mommy has been hiding the crayons and has great fun dumping them out and then putting them back in the box. I can’t complain if he wants to clean them up, so I just take pictures. He is having a lot of fun coloring and is sitting for much longer time periods to scribble away now.

I pulled out some of our puzzle blocks to stack, and he wanted more to stack so we pulled out the 1″ blocks too (much better).