20 Best Tips

Preschool Corner ~ Spanish Printables

Aside from our normal daily routine ~ handwriting, reading together, math, science projects and fun I put together a few printables for the boys to work on Spanish color words.

Of course, I’m going to share them with you too! Want to know a little more?

They aren’t anything fancy, but just a little something to start the boys with some Spanish and also tie in colors.

Spanish Color Matching Cards

The first set of printables is a Spanish version of the color matching cards that I made earlier. It includes 11 different colors: rojo, anaranjado, amarillo, verde, azul, morado, rosado, marron, gris, negro, and blanco. Each page has a card with the base color & Spanish word and then five picture cards of items that are that color.

Spanish Color Matching Cards

The last page also includes some alternative color words for the colors orange, pink, brown, white and purple since there are a few people that use different words for those colors. Download the Spanish Color Matching cards here.

Spanish/English Color Matching Cards

These cards are designed to help your child practice matching colors using Spanish words. There are 8 pages containing 11 dif-ferent colors in this set. One of the cards shows the color word in English and the other color word is in Spanish. image

Additional color word cards are provided that do not include a color
sample so that your child can learn to match the actual words together and identify the words. Download the Spanish/English Color Matching cards here

You can find other Color Printables on my website and a bunch of other fun preschool printables here ~ have fun sorting by category!

Ready to Link Up?

What fun things have you been doing this week with your kids? What new things have they been learning in your house this week? Share what you are doing with your kids! Please link your exact blog post to the Mr. Linky below and be sure to link back here too! The updated guidelines can be found here if you need them.

Build a Bunny Printable Game

Since Easter is coming soon, I had to share this with you all now!! We have had a lot of fun playing it together and I’m sure you all will love it too!

build a bunny 1

To play Build a Bunny cut out the pieces of the bunny and then use a die to roll numbers. Have your little one count the number s/he rolled and then pick that bunny piece.

build a bunny 2

For older children, you can use the second sheet ~ Draw a Bunny. Same idea, but you use the outline of the bunny as a guide and then add in the different pieces. Just a little more involved for older preschoolers and kindergarteners!

Have fun playing!

Preschool Corner ~ Playdough Mats

This week has been a little ‘off’ at our house and I didn’t figure out why until early this morning when Zachary complained that his ear was hurting. One lovely ear infection diagnosed.

Fortunately I brought Kaleb along for the visit and our doctor checked him out too ~ and he has one in both ears. Why I’m so slow to catch onto these things is beyond me sometimes…

Since both boys were really in rare form, we spent much time ‘playing’ and learning rather than doing our actual work. Our toy of choice?


I put together some playdough mats for both of the boys to use {and to share with you all, of course}. I just printed them off onto cardstock and rather than laminating them, I slide the sheet we are using into a plastic page protector. Then we can change it out as we want to!


Kaleb’s playdough mats are all alphabet based. Each one is 8 1/2” x 11” and has both the uppercase and lowercase letter on the sheet along with a picture of something that starts with that letter/letter sound.

alphabet playdough matsalphabet playdough mat

We tried rolling the playdough, but Kaleb preferred snipping, snipping, snipping it instead. Needless to say, we had chunks of playdough everywhere and that is how Kaleb filled in the letters. We talked about the letters, traced them with our fingers, made the letter sounds together ~ and just had fun!


Zachary’s playdough mats are actually tied into our All About Spelling lessons {I’m sneaky like that}. He said he was ‘too big’ for the letter mats and wanted his own to use. :)

spelling playdough mats

Since we’re using All About Spelling with him, I put together some spelling word mats to go along with most of the lessons in Level 1. Nothing fancy, mind you, but it has been great reinforcement for him on the phonics rules that he is learning each week. Each mat has the lesson equivalent in the bottom corner {i.e. 1.15 is level 1 lesson 15}.

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Skip Counting Charts from 2 to 12

Skip counting is one thing that we can definitely do a little more of in our house, but as you all know ~ I like to make stuff and make it cute.

I mean, how horrible would it be to just have NUMBERS on a document?

These skip counting charts cover the numbers from 2 up to 12. Each chart starts with a little ‘rhyme’ at the top, show how skip counting with that number works and then skip counts up to whatever 12 x that particular number would be.

These have already been a huge help in our house. We use them every day as a part of our morning routine and even our 3 year old tries to repeat the numbers along with us!

Enjoy them!!

Preschool Corner ~ Calendar Time

I plan on doing a full post in a bit to show how we do calendar time with all of our kiddos in the morning, but wanted to share a few of the ‘preschool’ targeted resources that we are doing this week. Our kids range in age from 3 to 8 so we have a little something for everyone, but there is a definite ‘trickle-down’ effect in what the younger ones pick up while the older ones are doing things.

We review our calendar and board daily. I’ve found our calendar is a great tool for working on the obvious {days of the week, months of the year, and counting from 1-30}, but we also use it to work on other concepts ~ patterns, identify letters, counting down to a special event, etc…

Our calendar hangs on one wall in our dining room ~ you know you all are super jealous of the painter’s tape holding the month title up on the wall. Try to contain yourself {grins}.


March is one of those tough months for our pattern cards. When Easter falls in March we use some little bunny cutouts that are pink on one side and white on the other and I let Zachary pick the pattern for the month {i.e. white, white, pink or white/pink/white/pink} and we follow that pattern for the month. This month we’re using a shamrock with a number card.

Our calendar routine usually goes a little something like this:

  • What number and color come next in the pattern
  • What day of the week is it?
  • Put the number card in and count up to that number
  • Sing the days of the week song
  • What month is it? spell it out {it starts with a capital letter}
  • What is the date? Thursday, March 4th
  • Maybe sing the months of the year song. :)

We then move on to another board on a nearby wall. Zachary doesn’t do all of the things on this, but there are several things that he does along with the girls. I PROMISE I’ll be doing a post on the rest of the layout of our board, but the current ‘Zachary-focused’ activities are in the top center of the board {skip counting}, top right {weekly Bible verse} and also the bottom right {weather}.


Each week Zachary has a different verse that we focus on from Awana {he is using Sparks book 1}  and his verse is in the top right corner {right now he is learning the books of the New Testament}.

skip counting thumbnail 2 click on the thumbnail to download

The Skip Counting Charts are something that I put together recently for our kids. I have one for all of the numbers going up to 12, but right now we’re working on counting by 5’s {which he did all the way up to 60 today}. We are doing 5’s so that he can grasp the value of nickels and count them out on his own.

weather graph 1 weather graph 2 weather graph 3 weather graph 4 weather graph 5



The weather graph on the bottom lets us track the weather for 5 days and see how many different types of weather we had that week {rainy, stormy, overcast, sunny, snowy, partly cloudy and windy}.

So…in a not-so-much-nutshell, those are a few of the things we are doing during our calendar/morning time. I’m hoping to share a little more in the next few days with you all too, but for now ~ link up and tell me what you are doing with your preschoolers!

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Share what you are doing with your kids! Please link your exact blog post to the Mr. Linky below and link back here too! The updated guidelines can be found here if you need them.


Preschool Corner ~ Animal Sorting File Folder Game

While we still went through our usual routine this week, I’ve finally been getting back into a groove and getting ideas for some new printables.

So of course I have to put some together and test them out on my own kiddos, right?

Both of our boys love playing with animals {especially our Schleich animals}, so we gathered all of the animals that we could find around the house and had some fun playing and sorting and sorting and playing. Zoo animals, farm animals, ocean animals ~ they came from near and far to be a part of our school time.


A little later we sat down to play the Animal Sorting game that I put together. There are three different types of animals ~ farm, zoo, and ocean animals that need to be sorted and put under the header where they belong. Each animal type has 9 different animals in that category and has it’s name listed along on the card.

Zachary and Kaleb both had fun playing with this printable game and I set it up differently for both of them. Zachary spread the game out on the counter to sort the cards, but the file folder {with velcro dots} helped Kaleb have a more defined area and visible amount to sort {the printable shows how you can set it up with velcro for younger ones}.

We also used the cards for Zachary to read and identify. On a few of the cards I changed the words to see if he was really sounding out/reading or just visually identifying the pictures. For example, instead of saying ‘panda’, that picture card says ‘panda bear’.

Animal Sorting Game Collage

Click on the thumbnail to download the pdf file

Reading & Phonics

Zachary is sitting down every day to read with me, but we mix it up a little bit as to what he reads from. Two days a week he gets to pick a Scholastic reader {the little square red books} and the other two days he reads a few pages from the Beehive Reader 1


We’ve been learning about nickles and dimes in the last two weeks, so we’re practicing counting by 5’s and 10’s ~ I have a skip counting printable coming soon for these!

Zachary is doing great telling time to the 1/2 hour so now we’re moving on to the quarter hour. Both of the girls are working on Roman numerals, which makes Zachary want to learn them too. Our main clock in the house has Roman numerals on it, so he has been having fun trying to figure out the time on that clock. :)

We also pulled out our Number Card printables to sequence numbers and start learning some of the early Roman numerals {one and five}.

Favorites this Week


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