Many days I post any free Kindle books I’ve found on my Facebook page. Frequently though, readers comment that they wish they could read the books ~ but they don’t own a Kindle.
Guess what? You do NOT need to own a Kindle to download the free Kindle books or to read them! How wonderful is that news?
Reading Apps for the Kindle
While I LOVE my Kindle e-reader that was purchased a little over a year ago, Amazon offers several other options for reading the books without owning a Kindle device. Here are a few:
~ Kindle app for your iPad, iTouch or Droid
~ Kindle for your PC or Mac
~ Kindle Cloud Reader
Why I Love My Kindle
Aside from the convenient size of my Kindle {it fits in my purse with room to spare}, the biggest plus for me is the lack of backlighting. I have a hard time falling asleep after too much ‘screen time’ and the fact that it is much like an actual book page helps me out so much. In the summer, the text also shows up great in bright sunlight.
Looking for a Kindle E-Reader?
If you are in the market for a Kindle there are several different options available for you to choose from, ranging in price from $79 to $189 with free s/h {I’d recommend the ones on the low end!!}. Although I have a Kindle without the special offers, I actually added them to my Kindle because they occasionally have some great deals.
~ Kindle e-reader w/ Special Offers {$79} or Kindle w/ wifi only {$109}
~ Kindle Touch w/ Special Offers {$99} or Kindle Touch w/ wifi only {$139}
~ Kindle Keyboard 3G w/ Special Offers {$139} and Kindle Keyboard w/ wifi and 3G {$189}.
~ Kindle Fire with backlighting {$199}
Note: There are other options for the Kindle as well, these are just a few of them.
Looking for Free Books for the Kindle?
On my blog No Ordinary Moments, I have a widget with the latest free Christian books for Kindle to release as freebies.
Although I check daily and pull books off when they are no longer free, please be sure to check the price before you add it to your cart. New books are updated daily on my Facebook page, but you may want to visit my blog at least once a week since I will be update it several times a week!
Note: Many of the Kindle freebies are also available as free downloads from Barnes & Noble for Nook readers also. I just typically spend most of my time on Amazon {ahem}.
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