Our family loves audio books, but audio drama adds an extra element to a story that can’t be matched. Rather than a narrator reading a story with little added in, audio drama brings the story to life adding music, real-life sounds, and actors to portray different characters. These keep our kids on the edge of their seats (maybe the adults too) because they are filled with so much adventure and excitement.
Our kids have grown up with Adventures of Odyssey and other amazing audio drama and over the last several years we have listened to all of the releases from Heirloom Audio. From car trips to time at home, the audio adventures remaining on our shelves are those that have the added element of audio drama, especially those from Heirloom Audio Productions.
Last month we received The Dragon and The Raven, their newest adventure, and immediately had it playing in our van as we traveled. Based on the book The Dragon and The Raven by G.A. Henty, we followed the story of the Danes (Vikings) as they conquer kingdoms in England, and the Saxons try to hold them back. Set in medieval England, this is a story that reaches far beyond the battlegrounds, spilling over into family, royalty, defending your land, and men learning the importance of forgiveness.
Hearing different battle formations explained and more deeply understanding the ongoing war between the Vikings and the Saxons, as well as ‘meeting’ King Alfred of Wessex. Over the course of two and a half hours our family was completely engaged in the entire story. The van was quiet and we all were learning as we listened. I LOVE that history comes to life through the ‘animated’ word and our family is learning while listening. What better way is there to remember great kings, battles, and the adventures of so long ago?
Although we haven’t used it yet, there is also a go-along study guide to help children understand the storyline, vocabulary, and more about the author G.A. Henty and King Alfred the Great. We have used the companion study guide for Under Drake’s Flag and they are well-laid out and full of information for families! The inclusion of the study guides are a huge resource for families.
Recommended: Ages 6 and up
Find Out More and Purchase for Your Family
If you are at ALL interested in these audio adventures, Heirloom Audio has a great special that includes their four audio dramas to date at huge savings. CLICK HERE to view the special and find out more (includes eight total audio books – 2 of each, one to keep and one to share, at $10 each CD set).
Each CD set is normally $29.97, but different specials are available, including the special offer for my readers.
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Heirloom Audio would love to put a copy of The Dragon and The Raven audio adventure into the hands of one my readers! Would you love to start listening? Follow the directions in the Rafflecopter widget below and enter! :)
We received this CD at no cost from Heirloom Audio to review. All opinions expressed in this review are our honest thoughts and feelings.