Looking for a little additional learning fun for St. Patrick’s Day? These St. Patrick’s Day sudoku puzzles would be a great addition to your day!
There are six puzzles included in the download along with directions and a solutions page {just for mom}. The puzzles are a simple 4×4 square to make it a little easier for younger children. Simply cut out the missing pieces from the bottom of the page and figure out where they belong!
Find some great St. Patrick’s Day activities on my St. Patrick’s Day Pinterest board.
Don’t Miss These Additional Printables for St. Patrick’s Day
- St. Patrick’s Day Math Activities from Homeschool Creations
- St. Patrick’s Day Crack the Code from Free Homeschool Deals
- St. Patrick’s Day PreK pack from Over the Big Moon
- St. Patrick’s Day literacy activities from PreK Pages
Having trouble downloading or printing this file? Be sure to check out the post on PDF Download Problems for tips and tricks on getting the files to download properly. The solution is usually something simple and quick!
Enjoy free homeschool printables? If you are looking for something in particular, be sure to check out my Printables from A to Z list, a complete list of every printable I’ve created over the years. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Leave a comment and I’d be happy to help you out!