20 Best Tips

Keep it in Perspective – sometimes, I need reminding too!

Yesterday had its ups and downs. There was laughter, but there were also tears. You see, standardized testing has entered the house. (Queue the dramatic music, please.)

Two of our kids have wrapped up their testing, and two began the testing process. Part of me was wishing I had started them first. (Those two shall remain nameless.)

After watching one of our kids fill in answer after answer incorrectly (when I know VERY well said child knows the meaning of the word), I was practically in tears. My frustration was mounting, my feelings of inadequacy were rearing their ugly heads, and I ran to the bathroom to hide and text a friend to bemoan my many ‘lacks’ in parenting/teaching, and ask for prayers and encouragement.

Ironically, she sent me a link to a few of my past posts (I love her to death -grins). Again – I know I’ve mentioned it before, but so much of what I write here is often something that I personally need to hear – and hear repeatedly as the case was yesterday.

All year long I’ve been working with our kids day in and day out and KNOW what they have been learning and what they are capable of doing. Watching answers be filled in incorrectly makes me just want to put my head down on the table and cry – because I know what is inside that little head and what that child can do, and truthfully, I worry that it is a reflection on ME and my teaching abilities.

(Take a deep breath with me, okay?)

We have a SLEW of other work from our year that says other than what this little snapshot of our year might say.

Keep your perspective, momma.

Standardized testing is simply a tool to assess your child’s progress. This isn’t a pass or fail test. For our family it has been a way to also look at the homeschool goals that we set at the beginning of the year and compare how those areas match up with what they were tested on. There have been years where one child has struggled in certain areas, and then the next year that child improved remarkably.

Some kids don’t do great with testing. We have one that breezes through it. We have a few that get nervous, forget any and all reason, tense up, and start doing crazy stacked upon crazy.

We had to take a little chunk of time to sit back, relax, and remind each other of a few things.

  • It is ONLY a test – do your best, but don’t worry about it! Just try!
  • Slow down and think it through. If you aren’t sure, stop, think, and make a reasonable guess.
  • Watch the attitude (and this goes so much for mom too). Encourage, don’t moan.
  • Set small goals and celebrate when those goals are met. Taking periodic breaks when 3 sections are completed, etc… can be a huge help. We’ll be celebrating with an ice cream party and some Wii time when all is done!

For those of you that don’t have to walk the standardized testing route with us (I may be a wee bit jealous), but could we ask for prayers? They would be much appreciated.

And as a reminder for all of you (don’t forget, I’m speaking to myself as much as I am to you all!) – standardized testing is only a ‘snapshot’ of the progress your child is making. There is so much more to your school year than what is summed up in a few pages of a test!

So to all of you – hang in there. Keep pressing on. Be patient and just encourage your kids as you navigate the testing. I’m praying for you (and others are too). You CAN do this thing called homeschooling, and you will ROCK it. 

Remember, you know your child best and a few questions on a test are not the sum-up of his or her knowledge. They may provide some insight into areas that may require a little more focus in the upcoming months, but they are not the core of who your child is – or who you are as a teacher.

If you need encouragement today – just ask! You aren’t alone – I promise!


Homeschool Standardized Testing

If you’d like to learn more on standardized testing, read How to Navigate Homeschool Standardized Testing for more info.

Giveaway: Sonlight Core 3 Manual

sonlight core 3

This Sonlight Core teacher’s manual (circa 2000) is up for grabs this week during the 2014 Curriculum Clean Out. It includes the basic course guide for Intro to American History, Part 1. The guide and manual are in a binder and ready for you to use. Smile

Ready to Enter?


To enter to win the Sonlight manual, just follow the directions on the widget below. The giveaway will be open until Saturday, May 17 th at 11:59pm. Giveaway is open to US residents only or those with a US mailing address.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Worth the Read – a few books to recommend

Smart Money Smart Kids

Somehow my non-fiction book pile keeps growing. First, Say Goodbye to Survival Mode from Crystal Paine made it in my immediate read pile (it was good!!) and now Smart Money, Smart Kids by Dave Ramsey has been stacked on the pile. Rick and I are wrapping up a Financial Peace class so this one will likely get bumped to the top of the list since it’s where we’re at right now.

We won’t even mention all the other books that have been recently released (all non-fiction) that are patiently sitting in my Amazon cart biding their time. FIRST I have to finish a few of the books that were on my 12 Books to Read in 2014 list – and well, those other ones that somehow sneak into the pile.

On the Non-Fiction Side…

But first, there are a few books that can now be crossed off the list (or almost):

 Praying for Boys

  • Prayers for Boys by Brooke McGlothlin – really not a difficult read, but one that you will want to keep handy to grab during the day for prayer prompts and Scripture to pray over your boys. This one is sitting on my nightstand and will be one to reference throughout the rest of the year.
  • 24/6 by Matthew Sleeth – another easy read and a great reminder on the importance of rest and a Sabbath time. The author himself was a doctor and worked weekends, so his ‘sabbath’ was a set-aside day during the week.
  • Start by Jon Acuff – it was started (haha), but got put aside. On the list to finish in May. Since it’s supposed to be more motivational, I figure I should have some time put aside to focus on it and all the brilliant ideas that may pour out of my brain when the motivation kicks in, right?
  • Loving Our Kids on Purpose by Danny Silk – so far this has been my favorite book on the list. I am really loving the parenting approach, feeling a wee bit beyond chastised (it’s all good), but really inspired to change several of the parenting methods we (and I’m talking both myself and my hubby) use with our kids. To give you an idea how much I’m loving the book, we ordered the DVD series that go along with it – yep, definite like.
    Favorite Fiction Reads

Silenced by Dani Pettrey

As for my personal fiction reading – well, that never seems to slow down. Have I mentioned how much I love my Kindle? Note: the Kindle is on SALE for $49 right now!!).  I literally fall asleep most nights with my Kindle in hand (no backlighting), but occasionally I do get sucked in by a good paperback as well.

The last two months have given me quite a bit of travel time which translated to a LOT of light reading. Here are a few of the books that have found a permanent place on my bookshelf:

If you’d like a peek at all the books I’ve read so far this year, check out my Books Read in 2014 Pinterest board. Reading is my winding down time at night, and most nights I am literally nodding off holding a book.

Reading with the Kids

Our read-aloud pile is taking its sweet time in dwindling. The bulk of that is my fault (yeah – I would be the one who is supposed to read). Yes, I could likely squeeze in more time, but over the past month, reading aloud has taken a backseat. I am well aware that several of you may have just gasped in horror.

On the bright side, the three oldest have been reading on their own like crazy, and we are listening to plenty of audiobooks – so I’m holding on to that right now.

What books have you read and enjoyed (or NOT enjoyed) lately? Leave a comment and share!

A Bonus Freebie for You – Monday Only!

Truly – my heart is to give and bless you all when I can. So many authors of the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle are giving away bonuses to those who purchase through their link and this morning it finally hit me – there IS something that I can share with you all as well. (Hello, to a ‘duh’ moment for me!)

Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Bonus

When you get the bundle through me, as an additional thank you, you get both the Pocket Chart Calendar Number Cards set AND the Holiday Special Occasion Card set FREE! Just email me a copy of your receipt and the downloads will be on their way to you. (And yes, if you already ordered it, you can still get the freebie!)

The sale ends TODAY (Monday) at 11:59pm EST. It will not be available again, but you can choose the option to buy now and pay later on Friday, May 1st. (Hello, payday!).

Bottom line: 80 + resources valued at $900 for under $30. No more after today! Take a few minutes and look at all the eBooks and bonuses included (it really is an incredible deal). 



Thanks for being fabulous readers!

Weekend Deals and Savings for Homeschool

Here are a few deals and a giveaway that you might not want to miss. Several of these are time sensitive, so be sure to check them out soon.

You get ALL THIS in The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle!If you are ready to start your homeschool planning for next year, find out how you can get TWO homeschool planners –  for less than ONE DOLLAR – yep, you read that right! One of them is the Weekly Homeschool Planner, and it’s part of an amazing bundle that is only available through Monday, April 28th.


All About Learning Press is giving away a complete Level 1 Spelling program (or other level if you already own Level 1). The giveaway ends Tuesday, April 29th. Enter to win HERE.

Compass Classroom is having one of their BIGGEST sales this spring. You can save up to 50% on their video curriculum, including Latin, History, Bible and more.


All About Reading also has a brand-new FREE app – Letter Sounds A to Z! The free app features clear enunciation of the sounds of the 26 alphabet letters and can be used on your computer, tablet, or phone.

Click here to download your free app today!

That’s it for this weekend. If you have any other great deals to share, feel free to leave a comment!

Recommended eBooks and a Parenting eCourse to Grab from the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle

Truly you all, I am VERY excited to share the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle sale with you! There is SO much included in the bundle (including the Weekly Homeschool Planner) – and I know that the bundle will be a HUGE blessing to many of you! I’ve been adding ebooks to my iPad and really enjoying some new (to me) authors and resources.

This week I’ve had a chance to preview the bundle and trust me – you are going to want to pinch pennies and take advantage of this sale!

A Few You Will Love (Because I Do!)

Before sharing the entire list of what is included in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle, I want to share a few things that you might find helpful as a homeschooler and mom. Many of these are ones that I have personally read, used, and love – or know the ladies who created them.

Ultimate Bundle Favorites

The Discipleship & Discipline class with Sally Clarkson (which I would HIGHLY recommend!!) together with my Weekly Homeschool Planner are valued at more than the bundle sale price! Together all of the above books are worth more than $75 – this really is such a GREAT deal!

What’s in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle? ($698 value!)

Don’t let the word ‘homemaking’ fool you or scare you away or the ‘bundle’ part overwhelm you! There are a LOT of ebooks included in the bundle, and many of are ones that you will find helpful for different areas of your life, including parenting, cooking, marriage, homeschooling, and more.

Balancing everyday life while homeschooling can be tough, so here are some resources to help you along the way – as you teach, raise your kids, and grow as a mom and wife! I’m confident you won’t find a more comprehensive set of homemaking resources anywhere — and certainly not at this price.

  • A LARGE library – over $675 value for less than $30 in one single purchase
  • Bonuses worth over $200 from some amazing companies (see below)
  • 78 eBooks, 2 eCourses, 2 audio files, and 2 printable packs – 35 cents a piece!
  • Books from over 100 authors and bloggers.
  • The option to purchase two and get another one free – that’s 3 for the price of 2 (making each bundle less than $20 each)

This bundle will only be available for SIX days (ends 4/28).

Grab yours before it’s gone!



Faith {For Kids}





Financial Stewardship

Health & Wellness


Working from Home & Blogging

Pregnancy & Babies

Holidays & Special Events

PLUS Over $200 in FREE Bonus offers!

bonuses graphic

In addition to all the amazing eResources, this bundle includes 10 amazing bonus offers. These deals are worth over six times the price of the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle!

  • DaySpring—A FREE 10-pack of Premium Greeting Cards. ($20.00 Value. Standard shipping applies.)
  • HopeInk—$15 HopeInk store credit to be used towards anything + a FREE 8×10 Art Print with order. ($39.00 Value. Standard shipping applies.)
  • Redeeming Beauty Mineral Makeup—3 FREE eyeshadows of your choice from Redeeming Beauty. ($16.47 Value. Standard shipping applies – only ships to US and Canada.)
  • Marie-Madeline Studio—A $15 store credit for anything in Marie-Madeline Studio’s online store. ($15.00 value. Standard shipping applies.)
  • Once a Month Meals—A FREE One Month Pro Membership from Once a Month Meals. ($16.00 Value. No shipping required.)
  • DizolveFREE 64-load pack of Dizolve Laundry Strips for you PLUS a Free 64-load pack of Dizolve Laundry Strips for food banks. ($25.98 value. Standard shipping [$3] applies. Only ships in the US.)
  • TrilLight Health—Get a FREE 2 oz. bottle of a liquid health formula OR $15 store credit from Trilight Health. ($15.00 Value. Standard shipping rates apply.)
  • ListPlanIt—Free 3-month membership OR 3 free ePlanners from ListPlanIt. ($15.00 value. No shipping required.)
  • Bulk Herb Store—Instant download of the instructional video Making Herbs Simple Volume 2 for FREE from Bulk Herb Store. (up to a $15.00 Value. No shipping required.)
  • Fit2B™ Studio—FREE 2-Month Online Fitness Membership at Fit2B™ Studio. (up to a $20.00 Value. No shipping required.)

Remember, this bundle is available for 6 days only, from 8 a.m. (EST) on Wednesday, April 23 to 11:59 p.m. (EST) on Monday, April 28th. Once the sale is done – you cannot get it again, so be sure to grab your bundle TODAY!

Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this post. Please be sure to read the fine print about this bundle and read the answers to frequently asked questions about the bundle.