20 Best Tips

Button Board, Ping Pong Busy Bag, and Colorful Science ~ Preschool and Kindergarten Community Link Up

Homeschool Preschool: Preschool and Kindergarten Community linkup at Homeschool Creations

Are you all ready for Thanksgiving? Taking a break this next week, or are you still trying to squeeze in a few more days of learning fun? This week starts my teaching time for our local co-op, so I’m busy cutting and planning a few Thanksgiving themed crafts for the 3 year old kiddos to work on. It should be MUCH fun {grins}.

Here’s a look at a few of the fun activities that caught my eye this past week…

Homeschool Preschool - Felt button board

If you are looking for a fun project to make as a quiet time activity, this Felt Button Board from School Time Snippets would be a great place to start. This may be something I’ll have to make for my nephew as a gift this Christmas!

Homeschool Preschool - Kitchen science

A little baking soda, some food coloring and a few other supplies are all it takes for a fun kitchen experiment with your preschooler or kindergartener. Head over to Like Mama, Like Daughter to peek at their experiment fun.


And this Ping Pong Busy Bag Ball Match is another great idea from Moms Have Questions Too. Right now I’m thinking this may be another great activity to put together for Christmas or church quiet time! There are so many great variations that you could do with this activity.

If you are looking for a few Thanksgiving printables, grab a copy of the Thanksgiving Printable Pack {for Preschool and Kindergarten} and also the Thanksgiving Number Sort.

Preschool Thanksgiving Printables Thanksgiving Number Sort

Follow the PreK and Kindergarten Community Pinterest Board

Preschool Pinterest Board

Each week I am  pinning many of your links onto the Preschool and Kindergarten Community Pinterest Board. I’m a visual person, so having pictures to help me remember posts is super helpful. Be sure to jump over and follow the board – and find some fun ideas at the same time!

Were You Featured in the Preschool & Kindergarten Community?

If you were featured in one of the weekly posts, feel free to grab the button coding below and display it on your site!

Homeschool Preschool

Link Up with the Preschool and Kindergarten Community!

Share what you are doing with your kids! Please link your exact blog post to the Mr. Linky below and link back here too! Grab a button for your post and be sure to take a minute to visit the person who linked up before you.

Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle

Finding the right tools to begin a health living lifestyle can be overwhelming to say the least. While our family has made steps in that direction, there is so much more that we can {and want to} do.
“I recognize there’s currently a lot of judgment in the green movement – ‘If you’re not doing fill-in-the-blank you’re not doing a good enough job.’ Forget about good enough. Start making small but healthy choices. They will truly make a difference.”
– Hilary Kimes Bernstein, Accidentally Green
I missed last year’s Ultimate Healthy Living bundle, so I was very excited to see that they were putting together many new resources and having another fabulous sale this year as well! While there are certain areas that I have studied already, there are a few that I want to learn more about – like natural health and sustainability. How about you?

The goals of the Ultimate Healthy Living 2013 Bundle Sale were to put together a comprehensive health library, offer something for everyone, and provide so much value for an itty-bitty price that it would be irresistible – and really, they did that and more.

In a nutshell? This bundle is brimming with 86 ebook and ecourse resources, written by authors and bloggers that are known as authorities in their field, and carefully put together to make sure that it will not disappoint. A few of my good friends have ebooks in this bundle that I cannot wait to dig into myself.

For less than $30, you can pick up your own bundle complete with more than $809 worth of eBooks. That’s just 36 cents each!


The Ultimate Healthy Living bundle contains ebooks and courses in the following categories:

  • Healthy Kitchen
  • Allergy and Special Diets
  • Meal Planning and Preparation
  • Natural Skincare
  • Natural Health
  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Fitness
  • Gardening and Sustainability
  • Green Living
  • Special Health Concerns
  • Healthy Kids and Babies
  • Learning About Real and Whole Foods

Mentoring with Coffee Table Conversations

Coffee Table Conversation

As an added bonus with the Ultimate Healthy Living bundle, you will get FULL access to the Coffee Table Conversations. For 12 weeks starting in January 2014, there will be a weekly one-hour live conference call, where you can join in and ask your questions on relevant and timely healthy living topics to a panel of eBook authors.

Topics covered will be allergy-friendly cooking, fighting fatigue (and finding energy!), eating well on a tight budget, an introduction to alternative health and herbal remedies, and tips and tricks for making real food in less time. You’ll be able to listen to authors converse with each other on any (or all) of the 12 calls that you choose to take part in, and get answers to your questions in real time! There will also be a private Facebook group where you can chat about the various topics.

Important Things to Note

Learn More About the Healthy Living BundleThe Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle is available for purchase for 6 days – from 8 a.m. (EST) on Monday, November 4th to 11:59pm (EST) on Saturday, November 9th. {You can also pay via Paypal now.}

Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for help with file types, downloads, bonus offers and any other questions you may have.

Ready to purchase? All you have to do is click the button below and start reading today  {or pay via Paypal HERE}.

Weekly Routine: Managing My Time

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to share different helps and tips for time management, scheduling, and organizing that have worked for our family. If you have a specific question, please feel free to ask! I’ll try to address it as best I can.

Homeschool Schedule


Keep in mind, some days are more productive than others. Others, we’re lucky to have 3 meals show up and get the basics of homeschooling done. Stuff happens, and we get sidetracked {I think perhaps you can relate?}


Budgeting Your Time

Have you ever had to create a financial budget for your family? Many years ago, our family needed to get our finances in order to get out of a big heap of debt that we had managed to accumulate. The first step in the process was creating a budget so we could see how we were spending our money.

After reading the ebook Tell Your Time: How To Manage Your Schedule So You Can Live Free by Amy Lynn Andrews, I had an ‘aha’ moment on the concept of budgeting my time. It had worked so well for our finances, and it made sense to apply the same principle to my daily time. While we already had a general routine in place, sitting down and laying it all out in front of us to see what we actually were doing, well – that was a little different.

One of the most helpful things for me was the Grid in Tell Your Time that helps differentiates between negotiable and non-negotiable things and also flexible vs. non-flexible items.

Non-negotiable: homeschooling, sleep, church, eating

Negotiable: reading a book

Once every and anything was listed out on the grid, it was plugged into a weekly schedule {or chucked out the window}. Keep in mind that the schedule is something that is ever-changing as our life changes and different things are added to our months. 

A Look at Our Weekly Schedule

Want a peek at my weekly routine? Well, before I share it, I want to note a few things….

  • This is not a ‘to the minute’ schedule. I am not a drill sergeant that yells at my kids when it is 1 minute past the allotted lunch time.
  • We are more routine driven {i.e. the flow of our day goes in a certain order}.
  • We are not slaves to the clock. Just because it is on the schedule, doesn’t mean it has to be done then.
  • Budget  MARGIN in your life! Leave wiggle room in your day {kids get sick and life happens}. There is white space, but that doesn’t mean I’m sitting around doing nothing. Inevitably something always comes up or spills over into that margin.
  • Just say NO. This is something that is hard for me to do. Just because an opportunity comes up, doesn’t me that we have to participate and be a part. Guard the time that your family has together and don’t overextend yourself.
  • Yes, it is color coded, but that’s just to help me visually see the different blocks. I am a visual person and it helps me pick out things quickly.
  • Homeschool Schedule 1

Click on the image to see a pdf of our weekly schedule.

Notice the white space? That’s margin, my friends.

  • Yes, we ALL have an afternoon rest time. It keeps the kids {and me} sane. Oh – I’ll be sharing more about that!
  • A typical school day takes us about 4.5 hours {less for the youngest, a bit more for the oldest – but she works independently}.
  • During the time that I am working or doing something around the house, the kids have free time. This typically means Legos or reading. Or making a general mess. Or riding bikes. You get the picture.
  • I do shower on Sunday, but don’t feel the need to remind myself. Smile
  • Our house is in constant clean-up mode, but we try to pick up and keep things tidy, so it is easier overall.
  • When you see ‘computer off’ the goal is to have the computer powered down from Saturday evening until Sunday evening
  • This is the overall routine – there are other activities that pop up during the week {like an extra co-op or a field trip}, but nothing consistent weekly like music lessons, etc.
  • And yes, our kids go to bed fairly early, because they are up early {and my sanity is rather important to me}.
  • We don’t have a lot of extra activities in our day – no sports, etc…because at this point that is an area we have chosen to pull back from. Our summers are busy with swim team.

Sit Down and Map Out Your Schedule/Routine

This week, I would encourage you to take a bit of time, grab the ebook Tell Your Time {and a cup of tea or coffee}, sit down and take a good look at your overall schedule. Track what you really do {or forget to do} in a week and try to map it all out.

The goal isn’t to create a perfect schedule/routine on the first try. You’ll have to tweak it and re-tweak it, but it WILL help you see what your time-suckers are, and hopefully help you avoid them a bit in the future.


Questions to Ask Yourself When Planning Your Schedule

  1. Is it important and a priority for your family? In relation to homeschooling, does it align with your goals and purpose for your family? Again, not everything is necessary – guard your time!
  2. Is this the right timing? There are certain things that may need to be put on the shelf for a bit, and can be dusted off later and brought back out. For me, this was scrapbooking and crafting.
  3. Are you getting enough sleep? I can’t stress how much of a difference this makes in my life. Although I like to think that I have boundless energy, sleep is what helps me focus, be alert, and not nod off in the middle of the school day.

      But First – DO NOT COMPARE!

    Let me just take a moment to set the record straight on something. I do not have it all together. I am in no way a superwoman, and I do not get it ‘all’ done.

    The word ALL is a really misleading. We tend to get glimpses of what other’s lives appear to be and don’t see the entire picture – and then feel that we are in some way missing the mark in our own lives.

    It’s important to remember that…

  • We all have different family priorities.
  • There are different demands and seasons of our lives.
  • We are each created uniquely to be US.

If the comparison trap is something that you struggle with, I want to take a quick moment to encourage you – you are uniquely who God created you to be. AVOID the things that cause you to compare or discourage you. If it’s Pinterest or Facebook – shut it off. If it’s a homeschool blog – stop reading {even if it’s this one!}.


Additional Planning Helps

In the next few weeks I’ll be sharing other helps for planning out your day, so stay tuned. Do you have a question that you’d like to ask? Feel free to leave a comment, and I’ll do my best to get back to you!

Do you have a time management tip that has worked wonders for your family? I’d love to hear it!

In the meantime, here are a few links for you that have really helped me out.

2014 Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Conventions

Teach Them Diligently Marketplace
Find out more about the 2014 Homeschool Conventions

The four locations for the 2014 Teach Them Diligently Convention have been announced and registration is now open! From March through June 2014, you will find speakers to encourage and teach you, have the opportunity to meet other homeschool families, and get an up-close peek at homeschool products from many well known vendors.

Attend in one of the following areas:

  • Nashville, TN – March 20-22
  • Spartanburg, SC – April 3-5
  • Washington, D.C. – May 15-17
  • Dallas, TX – June 26-28

Speakers at Teach Them Diligently 2014

Teach Them Diligently 2014 Speakers

Speakers for the 2014 year include Ken Ham, Voddie Baucham, Tood Friel, Mark Hamby, Carol Barnier, and Rachel Carman. Be sure to visit the speaker page of the city you are planning to attend for a full list of speakers, because these are just a few of those Teach Them Diligently has planned!

Last week I hinted at it, but this year I was asked to speak as well.  At the Nashville, Spartanburg, and Washington, D.C locations, I’ll be joined by one of my good friends, Carisa from 1+1+1=1. To say I’m overwhelmed would be an understatement – because you all, I am just another homeschool mom like you. It is exciting and an honor to say the least, but I look forward to sharing some of the things we’ve learned over the last eight years of homeschooling.

And psst…there are some other fabulous ladies {and guys} lined up as well!

Attend Teach Them Diligently 2014

Register online for one of the 2014 Teach Them Diligently locations. Your $45 Family Registration covers you and your entire family, including your non-adult children, your spouse and your children’s grandparents. This really is intended to be an event for the WHOLE family.

Register for Teach Them Diligently

Hope to see you there!!


Jolanthe Signature

Last Minute Weekend Deals, a Coupon Code, and a Sneak Peek

Before I forget, there are a few things I wanted to share with you.

2013 Homeschool Omnibus

The amazing $25 deal on the Homeschool Omnibus ends TONIGHT {Sunday, August 25th at 11:59 pm}. If you haven’t purchased it already, you still have a few hours left to grab the Omnibus for yourself. With over 90 ebooks, you will have PLENTY to keep you busy for some time!

homeschool Bible curriculum

For the month of August, the printed Picture Smart Bible manual option is 25% off with code PICTURE25. There is also a digital download that you can purchase, but if you are a hands-on person, the printed version may be for you. We are LOVING our Bible time with this program that walks you through illustrating the Bible.

All About Reading Level 3

In just a few weeks, Level 3 of All About Reading will be releasing!! Along with the release, there will be a giveaway to share with you all too – so stay tuned. You all are going to LOVE it!

We Choose Virtues curriculum

Take 25% off your ENTIRE cart at We Choose Virtues using coupon code BTS25. The code expires on 8/31/13.

LEGO Back to School

Don’t miss this FREE Back to School LEGO Minifig Writing Prompts printable from Homegrown Learners. There may be a few kiddos in your home that this will motivate!

Hope you all are having a FABULOUS weekend!!

Jolanthe Signature

Letters from Paul – What’s in the Bible? Volume 12


Ready to continue learning about the New Testament? Letters from Paul is the latest installment in the What’s in the Bible series, and it is packed with information to help your children learn more about the letters that Paul wrote to encourage the early churches.

These books of the Bible still encourage us today and are letters that we turn to daily. Isn’t it wonderful that the words meant for believers so many years ago are still relevant to us today? {I love that!}.

Our family has loved the What’s in the Bible DVDs and has learned so many fun facts about the Bible. These DVDs are helpful for children and adults and keep both entertained.


If this is the first that you are hearing about the What’s in the Bible DVDs, I would highly encourage you to pick up the ones available in the series so far, DVDs 1-12. You’ll start right at the beginning with Genesis and move on through, laughing and learning along the way.

10% Off Coupon Code for What’s in the Bible


Be sure to grab the coupon code SCHOOL10 to take 10% off any order over $25 from What’s in the Bible. You’ll apply the code during checkout, so keep it handy! This code will expire on September 2, 2013.


Jolanthe Signature