20 Best Tips

Save 30% on What’s in the Bible

This Memorial Day weekend, What’s in the Bible is offering everyone a 30% off coupon code on orders over $30 – and as a bonus, free shipping and handling. We l.o.v.e. all of their videos!

Now is a great time to grab any videos that you may be missing from the What’s in the Bible? collection. If you are just now learning about them, you can also pick up the entire collection.

Use the coupon code MEM30 {apply it on the last page of your checkout} and the 30% discount will be applied to your order. Sale ends May 28, 2013, so be sure to visit What’s in the Bible before then!

Jolanthe Signature

The Lessons are Dwindling, and Travel is Coming

Every year when we are just a short time from completing our school year it always amazes me how MUCH we have accomplished and how quickly the year has flown by! This year is no different.


Just a few more lessons to complete Nancy Larson Science 3!

The last few weeks the kids have had a renewed burst of energy as we wrapped up various subject areas with the goal of finishing almost every subject before we take a fun family vacation to Disney. If I’m honest, I’ll admit that the trip has given me some added inspiration as well. Despite my earlier thoughts of trying to make our trip a big educational experience, the last few weeks have really impressed something else on my heart.

Rest is good. Vacation is wonderful. Spending time with family is key.

Yes, there will be plenty of opportunities to learn while we are traveling over the next bit, but whatever happens will be natural learning. We are all ready to have a ‘break’ and just enjoy the time that we have together and have a whole bunch of fun! {and that is ok!}.

Still Plugging Along on My Fiction List…

While I did read several non-fiction books this last month, I didn’t complete any more of the twelve fiction books on my list. We had family visiting and lots of home projects to complete. BUT…lots of time in the car over the next few weeks will give me ample opportunity to bring a few books along, so I know I’ll put a dent in at least one more this upcoming month.

 The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle

I have a feeling that I will also be able to read a few of the eBooks from the homemaking bundle that I recently started downloading! FYI: If you’re interested, there is still time to purchase the bundle: 97 eBooks for $29.97 {sale ends May 4th}

Coming Up in May 2013…


Fun new luggage for traveling this month, thanks to Disney Social Media Moms

May means it is now the end of our school year, a family vacation, and also time for standardized testing {did I just hear a groan from someone?}. In addition, that means that I have some time freeing up to create and plan…so I have a few things in the works that I can’t wait to share with you all!

In case you are planning to attend FPEA {the Florida homeschool convention in Orlando this May}, be sure to stop by the Nancy Larson Science booth. I’ll be helping out that weekend and would love to meet you and say hi!!

Here on the blog, I will be continuing the Homeschool Basic series. The emails that I’m receiving from you all have been SO very encouraging – and I am very thankful that the series has been a help to you all! There are ten posts in the series so far, covering a range of frequently asked questions about homeschooling – from knowing the law in your state to children’s learning styles and planning your year.

In case you missed any of the posts, here’s a peek at what we’ve covered this past month:

Identifying Children's Learning Styles copy Goals and Purpose in Homeschooling
How to Choose Homeschool Curriculum How to Plan Your Homeschool Day


Some Sponsor Thanks!

We so appreciate our sponsors at Homeschool Creations. Be sure to stop by and visit the following companies this month as well!

Photobucket T4L_Jan2013_125x125_a HEAV Homeschool Conference

Maestro Classics ~ introduce great music and classics stories to children with this classical music series. Be sure to check out the homeschool lesson plans that go along with their classical cd’s.

Home Educators of Virginia – Celebrating 30 years of helping homeschool families, April is a month of BOUNTIFUL blessings for you! Stop by the HEAV blog for more information on 30 days of giveaways during the month of April. Registration for the convention opens this month!

Time 4 Learning – Perfect for homeschool, afterschool, and summer skill sharpening, Time4Learning’s award-winning PreK to eighth grade curriculum combines the technology kids love with the education they need to make learning fun!

Favorite Reader Posts in April 2013

Curious to see what others have been reading this last month? Below is a list of the ten most visited posts over the last month:

  1. Printables from A to Z
  2. ABC Bible Verse Flashcards
  3. Our Chore System and Chore Chart Printables
  4. Preschool Chore Charts
  5. Garden Preschool Pack
  6. Alphabet Flash Cards and Alphabet Wall Posters
  7. Angry Birds Printables for Preschool and Kindergarten
  8. Book Report Form and Reading Log
  9. Preschool Bible Verse Printables
  10. Organizing Homeschool Paperwork

Do you have big plans for the month of May? Wrapping up school or testing? Hang in there – the school year is almost finished!!


Jolanthe Signature

Deals and Specials from My Favorite Companies

Just wanted to take a few minutes to share some coupon codes and deals with you from a few of my favorite companies. A few are time sensitive, so be sure to check the dates – they may need to be used soon!

Fitness 4 Homeschool Physical Education Curriculum

If you are looking for a homeschool PE program, Family Time Fitness has a 20% off sale – and I have an additional $15 off coupon to share with you too!! Use code NEW15GIFTCARD during checkout and take an additional $15 off your purchase! That makes the Core 1 program only $30!! I just purchased and downloaded this myself and can’t wait to use it. The 20% off sale ends April 15th and the $15 code ends April 30th. Check out their programs on the Family Time Fitness website.

Grapevine Studies is a fun Bible curriculum for you to use with a variety of ages in your family. Kids stick-figure their way through Bible stories and don’t need to be artists {or you don’t either!}. They are running a 20% off code this month if you use the code AprilBlog on items not already on sale. AND you can download a free lesson on Ruth here. Our family loves Grapevine Studies and they are a part of our homeschool curriculum. Coupon code and free lesson are good though April 30, 2013.


Bright Ideas Press has a 15% off coupon code for Wondermaps. We have a copy of these and they are amazing!! Use the code LOVETHEMAPS for your discount during checkout. Code is good through April 30, 2013.

Parenting Cards (teacher cards for the home)

If you own the Parenting Cards only from We Choose Virtues, you can up-grade to the Homeschool or Family Kit during the month of April and save 20%. Use the promo code UPGRADE20 during checkout.


We are BIG fans of Lego Education in our house and this month Homeschool Buyers Co-op has some deals on a few different Lego Educations sets,  including StoryStarters and the Wild Animals set. You do have to be a member of the co-op to purchase, but membership is free {and they have some great deals}. There are limited quantities and once they are gone, they are no longer available for purchase.

Hope a few of those help you out!!


Jolanthe Signature

Much Needed Refreshment

Remember how I mentioned our power going out last week thanks to the 20 of snow? By Friday morning and two nights with no heat, I was about ready to go stir-crazy. There are quite a few things that electricity is key to – hot water for a shower being one of them {who knew, right?}.

The Real Refreshment Retreat from Apologia came at a wonderful time for me – when I literally needed ‘refreshment’ and I also had the opportunity for some homeschool and spiritual encouragement as well.  Don’t worry, the power came back on for the family at home, so they all were fine!

The week leading up to Real Refreshment was tiring emotionally and physically, and truthfully, I just wanted to stay home and curl up. I am so thankful my hubby encouraged me to still attend and for the time that I was blessed to be a part of the retreat.

Rachel, Stephanie, and Me at Real Refreshment

With Rachel {Finding Joy} and Stephaine {Bowmania} / photo via Rachel

The Friday and Saturday sessions were packed with talks from some amazing ladies in the homeschool world: Rachel Carman, Zan Tyler, Heidi St. John, Debra Bell, Elizabeth Smith, and Sherri Seligison. Each lady based their talk around the passage of Philippians 4:8.

In Philippians 4, the apostle Paul exhorts us to choose joy regardless of our circumstances, and then he provides a checklist for us to measure our thoughts by: “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Philippians 4:8)

The sessions for the weekend included:

  • Philippians: Context, Context, Context – Rachael Carman
  • Thinking On Our Relationships with Other Women – Debra Bell
  • Finding the Rose in the Desert – Thinking on Loveliness – Zan Tyler
  • How Should I Think about Excellence? Seeing the Exceptional in the Everyday, the Phenomenal in the Nominal – Sherri Seligson

  • Thinking on Biblical Discernment in an Unbiblical Age – Heidi St. John

    • My Quote to Remember

    Below is one of my favorite quotes from the weekend – well, I had a quite a few if you peek at my Instagram stream – but this one really hit home with me.

While this may have been something that only I needed to hear, I’m guessing there are a few other moms that might be encouraged by it as well.  Several of the ladies attending kept a Twitter and Instagram feed going with little snippets for those at home. You can find the Twitter stream by following the hashtag #Refreshmom or the pictures and quotes via Instagram.

And hello to all you other ladies that I spent time with this weekend as well!

Register for the Atlanta Retreat Today

With my roomie, Rachel

If you live near Atlanta and are free the weekend of March 22nd and 23rd, can I encourage you to attend the Real Refreshment Retreat? Take $35 off your ticket price using the info below {this makes your ticket only $80!!}.

Register as a previous attendee and put ‘Jolanthe’ in the special needs field for your $35 discount!!

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment, email me, or contact Real Refreshment!


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Time 4 Learning – combining technology with education to make learning fun for kids!

Real Refreshment Retreats from Apologia

All moms needs a time of encouragement. As much as I enjoy homeschooling, there are various times during the year when my determination and desire can be a little – well, lacking. It’s at these points that I love to soak in all the wisdom and experience from other women – and walk away with renewed joy, desire, and passion for my children and homeschooling.

Real Refreshment Retreat from Apologia. A time of encouragement for homeschool moms - http://blog.apologia.com/live/

This year I am excited to be attending the Real Refreshment Retreat from Apologia. There are two retreats planned so far for this year in Baltimore {March 8-9, 2013} and Atlanta {March 22-23, 2013} – and both promise to be a time of encouragement and support for homeschool moms. I was blessed to hear Rachel Carman speak recently at another event and it was a time that both challenged and inspired me to be and do more as both a mom and as an educator.

Speakers at the Real Refreshment Retreats


Speakers for the Real Refreshment Retreats include the following ladies: Rachel Carman, Zan Tyler, Debra Bell, Sherri Seligson, along with several other women to lead in times of worship and short devotions. These women are all veteran homeschool moms who share from their hearts – mistakes that they have made, lessons they have learned, and inspiration for the journey ahead.

Ready to Be Encouraged? Register and Attend!

The two Real Refreshment Retreats planned at the beginning of this year will be held in Baltimore {March 8-9, 2013} and Atlanta {March 22-23, 2013}. You can view the full schedule of the weekend events here.

Registration for the full retreat is $115 and this includes the retreat from Friday at 5pm until Saturday at 4pm {and a lunch on Saturday}. If you have previously attended one of the Real Refreshment Retreats, the registration is only $80 {psst…returning attendees can share their discount with friends!! Just be sure to put the previous attendee’s name in the ‘special needs’ box during registration}.

====> Register for the Baltimore or Atlanta Retreats HERE <====


Personally, I cannot wait for the encouragement and time of fellowship with other homeschool moms and I’d love to meet you there. I’ll be attending the one in Baltimore – let me know if you are planning to attend!


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Apologia Educational Ministries ~ producing resources to help homeschool families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith.

Top Posts from Homeschool Creations in 2012

As this years winds to a close and we are getting ready for the new year {yikes! already?}, it’s fun to look back and see what posts were the top posts over the last year. It’s always interesting to me and helps me see what you all are looking for as well!

Top 10 Posts of 2012

Organizing Homeschool Paperwork

Chore System and Chore Chart Printables

Book Report Form and Reading Log

Calendar Notebook Binder

Calendar Notebook Printables

Free Fall Fun Learning Printables Pack

Calendar and Morning Board

Number Playdough Mats

ABC Bible Verses Flashcards

ABC Bible Verse Flashcard Printables

Bible Verse Printables

Alphabet Flash Cards and Posters


My Favorite Part of Blogging in 2012


Although these posts didn’t make it into the top ten most visited posts, the one thing that has impacted me the most this year was traveling to Tanzania with Compassion International. It was definitely a life changing experience for me and has shifted the way our family looks at our giving to others. You can read about the trip here:

Day 1: Sweet Songs of Praise

Day 2: Hope and Vision

Day 2: A Little Child Shall Lead Them

Day 3: The Difference a Gift Can Make

Day 4: In Which I Cry Again

Day 5: The Hands and Feet of Jesus

Day 6: The Many Facets of Tanzania

Home: Change is a GOOD Thing and Opportunity


More than anything, I truly appreciate

each and every one of YOU!!


Thank you for visiting my site this past year ~ and I look forward to connecting more with you in the upcoming year as well! What has been your favorite part of 2012?


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Apologia Educational Ministries ~ producing resources to help homeschool families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith.

Maestro Classics ~ introduce great music and classics stories to children with this classical music series. Don’t miss their newly released Carnival of Animals that you will want to check out!

BEECH blogging retreat 2013