20 Best Tips

A Facebook Favor

Since Facebook changed the way they let others see posts {i.e. based on if a post is paid to promote or not}, I’ve noticed a drop in those that actually see updates and things that are shared on the Homeschool Creations Facebook page.

When I find a great deal or have something fun to share, I don’t always write a post about it on my blog, but rather share it on my Facebook page.

If you haven’t been seeing status updates and posts in your stream, you may want to try these two things to help you out.

Facebook Page

Once you ‘like’ the page, be sure that you have checked the ‘Show in News Feed’ option as well. This way you will see the question and answer threads,  curriculum deals, free Kindle updates, links to wonderful printables and posts from friends, coupon codes and so much more.

Update: A reader also emailed me about creating ‘Interest Lists’ {something new on Facebook} to ensure that you are seeing all updates. Blogging with Amy has a great post on how to create interest lists on Facebook that you should check out!

AND – I’ll be able to interact more with you all as well! If you aren’t already a friend I’d love to have you join us on the Homeschool Creations Facebook page – and look forward to chatting with you more!

Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Apologia Educational Ministries ~ producing resources to help homeschool families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith.
Grapevine Studies ~ effective, easy-to-teach Bible curriculum to disciple students ages five to adult.

Truth in the Tinsel

Down Time

Have you ever had moments when you were talking about seemingly simple things and your train of thought completely derailed? The past few weeks {ok, really this past summer} have been exhausting physically and emotionally for me. I think the latter plays more of a part in the mental exhaustion that I feel.

The other night while having a conversation with someone about a pork bbq sandwich recipe, I found I couldn’t even complete a sentence coherently. That’s not a good thing.

It means that:

a) I need a little more rest

b) I could possibly be doing too much

Go figure.

This week I’ve really been trying to get more sleep {which is hard since my brain doesn’t always like to go to sleep} and have a bit more ‘down time’ and time focused offline. It hasn’t always gone according to plan, but my body and brain desperately need it.

And so does my family.

So while my blog experiences some technical difficulties, it appears that my body is as well. I’ve been quiet this week – and may be a bit more scattered in posting for a little bit. I may just be relaxing…and that’s a very good thing!

In the meantime, can I suggest a great series that is going on over at Money Saving Mom? She’s almost at the end of the 3 week challenge to Make the Most of Your Mornings – but there are some great posts and tips {and reminders} to get things back in line.


Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Grapevine Studies ~ effective and easy-to-use Bible curriculum for ages 5 to adult

Red Wagon Tutorials ~ online live feed, online recorded and DVD science classes for grades 7-12

Little Passports

Technical Difficulties

Last week I received a multitude of emails, tweets and more letting me know that you all are having trouble accessing my site. I am SO sorry!!

Please know that behind the scenes I am working on a few temporary fixes to help until the permanent fix is in place. In essence, the server hosting my site can’t keep up with you all downloading files! So while it’s a good thing, it needs help!

Thanks for your patience {and sticking around} in the meantime! I very much appreciate you all and the time that you spend reading and visiting my site!

Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Grapevine Studies ~ effective and easy-to-use Bible curriculum for ages 5 to adult

Red Wagon Tutorials ~ online live feed, online recorded and DVD science classes for grades 7-12

Little Passports

Weekend Deals and Coupons

Typically I share these deals on my Facebook page with you all, but some of them are ending soon and I didn’t want any of you to miss them!

Homeschool Super Heroes

Homeschool Superheroes

If you need a little encouragement or are looking for a few homeschool tips, tune into these FREE interviews from Homeschool Super Heroes this coming week. It doesn’t cost a thing to register and there are two talks you can listen to each day. Here’s a look at the speakers/topics for this week:

  • Pam Forster on “Biblical Child Training”
  • Stephen Beck – “A Father’s Stew: Biblical Integration of Family, Work, Ministry”
  • Tiany Davis – “Homeschooling Boys”
  • Linda Lacour Hobar – “History, Grading & Planning in Your Homeschool”
  • Hunter Beck – “How to Have a Kid Business…by a Kid”
  • Stef Layton – “Hands-On Activities in Your Homeschool & Reclaiming Your Family”
  • Wendy Hilton – “How to Homeschool Special Needs Children”
  • Rachael Carman – “Investing In Your Children This Year”

What’s in the Bible Coupon

Take $25 off the Old Testament 9 DVD bundle from What’s in the Bible and get FREE shipping/handling when you use the code below at checkout. These DVDs are loved by all the kids {and adults} in our home and we’ve had fun using them along with Mystery of History 1. {coupon expires 10/1/2012}


Barker Creek $50 Gift Certificate for $25

Barker Creek has teamed up with Mamapedia to offer a $50 gift certificate for $25 {deal ends on 8/30/2012}. That would be a great savings on the Draw Write Now books!!


Just a few things to share with you this weekend – hope you all have a fun and relaxing one!

Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

Grapevine Studies ~ effective and easy-to-use Bible curriculum for ages 5 to adult

Red Wagon Tutorials ~ online live feed, online recorded and DVD science classes for grades 7-12

Little Passports

Homeschool eBook Omnibus ~ Five Days Only!!

Homeschool eBook Omnibus Sale

For the next FIVE days only, there is a GREAT deal happening for you all. You can purchase the Homeschool ebook Omnibus – a bundle of 53 ebooks from some homeschool authors for only $25!! Purchased separately, these ebooks and curriculum packs are valued at over $350 ~ are you seeing the savings? From August 21-25, you can take advantage of this bundle. The Weekly Homeschool Planner {$20} is included in the Omnibus and I am so excited to share this with you!! Read below to find out more about the bundle and what is included!

What is the Homeschool eBook Omnibus?

A digital stockpile of books to carry you through the school year with encouragement and practical how-tos. There are 53 eBooks in the collection, valued at over $350. The authors want to bless you by offering the entire collection for only $25. That is less than 50-cents per eBook.

How long will this sale last, exactly?

The sale will begin at 12:01am ET on Tuesday, August 21st and end at midnight on Saturday, August 25th.

What eBooks are included in the Homeschool eBook Omnibus?

Why are you selling this collection so cheap?

The authors are all homeschool moms like you who have just bought a multitude of school supplies and curriculum for the new academic year. They know that money can be tight at this time of the year. That’s why each of the authors wants to give back to the homeschool community with this ridiculously discounted eBook Omnibus.

Is there any other information I need to know before purchasing?

Yes, the download links for the eBooks will be valid for only 2 weeks. You must be sure to download all files before September 8th. Please remember to back up your files as well. iHN and the authors cannot send you copies of eBooks that have been deleted. Each of the eBooks in the Omnibus is copyrighted by the original author. Your purchase does not entitle you to share the files or upload them anywhere online where others can access them. For troubleshooting help, please be sure to check the FAQ page at iHN and contact iHN directly as individual contributors cannot help you with the downloads. Jolanthe Signature

FREE e-lesson from Grapevine Bible Studies

Trying to decide if stick figure Bible lessons will work for your family? Grapevine Studies is offering The Gospel in Stick Figures e-lesson during the month of August!!

The Gospel Bible lesson

This lesson walks your family through the Gospel message starting in Genesis and uses Bible verses and stick figures to help teach the lessons. Although it is designed for ages 7 and up, our younger children still enjoying participating in the drawing along with us!

Downloading the free lesson is simple. Click over to The Gospel in Stick Figures e-lesson  page and look for the following – and then just download it!

Free Grapevine Studies Bible Lesson

Our family loves Grapevine Studies and they are a part of our homeschool curriculum. We’re currently using the Esther Bible study and having a lot of fun learning together.

Just wanted to share a quick freebie with you all!!