20 Best Tips

Free Homeschool Lesson Plans from Compassion International

Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion 

Does your family sponsor a child through Compassion International? Even if you don’t {although you can find out more here}, check out Compassion’s new free homeschool lesson plans.

The lessons focus on evangelism, giving/tithing, prayer, being good stewards, and helping others in need ~ and you can learn a little geography at the same time when you learn about the countries around the world where Compassion International helps children.

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    30% Off ~ We Choose Virtues One-day Sale!!


    In case you missed the sale this past Friday, We Choose Virtues is having a Cyber Monday sale! 

    Take 30% off your entire shopping cart with the code “MONDAY”.

    This sale will last for 24 hours on Monday, November 28th. The Family Kit is a great deal already and includes all you will need to get started with your kids ~ so be sure to visit We Choose Virtues and order Monday for big savings!!

    20% Off at Bright Ideas Press through 11-28-11



    Bright Ideas Press, home to several wonderful pieces of curriculum  {including Mystery of History}, that now reside on our school shelves or on our hard drive, is having a weekend 20% off sale ~ no coupon needed!!

    One of the most FABULOUS products they have is the WonderMaps. Regardless of the curriculum you are using, these maps are an amazing resource that you can use across the span of history ~ from creation to current day.

    I will be sharing MUCH more in the upcoming weeks about Mystery of History with you all, but wanted to pass along this sale to you all before I forgot!!

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      Truth in the Tinsel ~ Advent ebook $2.99 Special


      Note: corrected links in this post!! :)

      Truth in the Tinsel released today and it is PACKED full of ideas for you to do with your children to celebrate {and learn!!} about the Christmas season.

      To celebrate the launch, you can download it for $2.99 today only!

      There are 24 days of activities that include Bible reading, ornament crafts, and so much more. One of the best things? It includes all of the templates and printables you will need to go along with the activities!!

      If you are looking for a fun way to include more of Jesus in the holiday season, be sure to check out Truth in the Tinsel! I’ll be busy printing off this weekend to get things ready for our kids!

      Even if you miss the sale today, the Truth in the Tinsel will only be $4.99 ~ well worth it EITHER way {and you can bless another amazing mom and all of her hard work putting it together!}.

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        Homeschool Giveaways Black Friday Blast!!


        Just wanted to let you all know about a HUGE giveaway blast that is taking place over at Homeschool Giveaways starting tomorrow morning!

        The best part?? One winner will walk away with one of EVERYTHING!!!


        I’ll be giving away copies of my Weekly Homeschool Planner and there are some other amazing things to win as well, including a pack from We Choose Virtues and Bright Ideas Press!!

        Stop by Homeschool Giveaways and enter to win from 11/24/2011 – 11//28/2011!

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          What’s in the Bible Christmas Special!!

          What's in the Bible? 

          We are HUGE fans of What’s in the Bible? and have all of the DVD’s {with the exception of the new Christmas one…but I’ll have to be picking that up soon!}.

          Just in time for Christmas, the folks from What’s in the Bible? are offering an online special for a set of all 6 DVD’s ~ $37.95! The DVD’s are usually $12/ea, so I wanted to let you all know about the special.

          I’ve included a fun clip below ~ one of our favorites from the most recent DVD’s. Still makes me giggle…and our kids remember the story of David and Saul because of it. :)


          You can take advantage of this pre-Christmas special at BuckDenver.com.

          Jolanthe Signature affiliate button

          Note: I have received these dvd’s for review in the past and am currently an affiliate for What’s in the Bible because we love them! I support them because we love their products!

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