20 Best Tips

Blogger Behave ~ Want to Love Your Blog?

Last year at the Relevant Conference, I was BLESSED beyond measure to meet Laura from 10 Million Miles. She is truly one of the sweetest and most humble women that I know. Hers is one of the blogs that I read and am challenged by consistently.

Today she launched her new ebook, Blogger Behave. And since her video clip is absolutely wonderful, I figured that I should let her do the talking!


I’ve been able to read her new ebook, Blogger Behave {$4.99} and am happy to recommend it. Today only though {11/1/11} you can download it for $2.50 {also available on the Kindle}. If you’ve been looking for a great resource on how to balance your time and your blogging, Blogger Behave is well worth your time!

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    Homeschool Blog Awards ~ Nominations!!


    It’s that time of year again ~ time to nominate some of your favorite moms {and dads!!} from around the blogworld for the Homeschool Blog Awards. Once the nominations are over, I love visiting the various blogs and having the chance to ‘meet’ some other people that I haven’t before!

    There are TWENTY different categories to nominate your favorites. Need some ideas of some blogs to nominate? Here’s a few for you to check out…


    Don’t take my word for it!! Go visit some of the amazing ladies above and have fun browsing their sites ~ but don’t forget to nominate them too!! :)

    Removing Awana Printables

    I am in the process of removing the Awana printables from my website. My intention was to provide printables for use with your kids at home and provide an extra teaching resource to help putting God’s word in our kid’s hearts. I am so thankful that it has been a help to many of you.

    Because the verses follow along with the scope and sequence of the Awana program, I am being asked by Awana to remove them for copyright reasons. The files and webpages will be removed from my website by Saturday, October 1st.

    You can find all of my additional Bible Verse Printables and helps on the below webpage: https://www.homeschoolcreations.net/bible-verse-printables-resources/


    Thanks for understanding!! :)


    Linky Love for August 2011…

    Every now and then I like to see what YOU all find interesting on my blog and where you are coming from. Here’s a little snapshot of the month of August.

    Top Ten Referring Sites

    1. Money Saving Mom
    2. Pinterest {I heart this site!}
    3. Confessions of a Homeschooler
    4. 1+1+1=1
    5. Totally Tots
    6. Delightful Learning
    7. The Frugal Girls
    8. 2 Teaching Mommies
    9. Counting Coconuts
    10. PreKinders

    Ten Most Visited Posts

    1. Read! Build! Write! Vocabulary Cards
    2. Animal Classification Cards for Before Five in a Row
    3. ABC Bunny Printables ~ Before Five in a Row
    4. Our Chore System ~ Chore Chart Printables
    5. Homeschool Calendar and Morning Board
    6. Three Letter Words {the title still cracks me up}
    7. Star Wars Preschool Pack
    8. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Printables
    9. Preschool Corner Calendar Time
    10. Our New Workbox System ~ Weekly Workbox Grid

    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

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    Working on the NEW Homeschool Room

    When we moved earlier this year, one of the ‘plans’ in the back of our mind was to have a room dedicated to homeschooling. This summer we started the project and although we won’t have it done quite as soon as we had hoped, it will be done early this fall and we are SO excited!!

    Above our garage, we have a 12’ x {almost} 30’ area. Access to the room is through our garage and we also have a small area that will walkthough to the girl’s room. Our girls room has a storage area off of it and we are going to connect those two areas together and make a ‘secret’ passageway.

    Rick has been working on doing as much of the project himself and we had a heating/AC unit installed last week, which is now a MUCH needed relief in the close to 100 degree temps we’ve been having. Drywall will be going up soon, but here’s a little sneak peek at how the project is coming.

    A look from the top of the stairs up to the room. To the right of the ladder is the area that will cut-through to the girl’s room.


    The area right in the center is where we will have the ‘secret’ passageway. While we were gone this past week, the area was framed out.


    View from the opposite end of the room ~ the stairs leading up are at the end of the room.


    We are SO excited to have a space JUST for homeschooling. Our poor dining room won’t know what to do when we clear out. I’m gathering ideas on how to decorate the room {if anyone has suggestions for slanted ceilings, I’d love to hear them!!}.

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    Tell Your Time is on Sale!

    Tell Your Time is on sale for $2, down from the regular price of $12!! Just wanted to pass along this great deal. This has been a WONDERFUL resource for me in scheduling my time over the past year and really knowing WHAT is priority in my day!

    Use code 2BUCKS when checking out!

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