20 Best Tips

Groundhog Day Syndrome ~ Homeschool Village


This week, the panel over at The Homeschool Village is talking about refreshing your homeschool day when you start to feel like every day looks the same {i.e. the Groundhog Day syndrome}. You know ~ when mundane and repetition set in and you wonder HOW to change things up.

Having a routine is great, but what do you do to ‘mix it up’ and keep things from becoming ho-hum? Be sure to stop over The Homeschool Village and see what the other moms on the panel are doing to keep things fresh and exciting in their homeschool day…read more here.

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Little Leaps of Love Challenge


Starting February 1st I’ll be hosting a month-long challenge at No Ordinary Moments called Little Leaps of Love. Find out more about the challenge {and the prizes} here.

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Out of Touch…

For the next little bit, my internet connection and time on the computer will be limited. My hubby and I are going to be enjoying a MUCH needed break away together ~ without the kids!

I do have blog posts scheduled for the upcoming week, but if you email me, leave a comment or don’t hear back from me ~ know I’m not ignoring you! I’m just having fun and focusing on a wonderful man. :)

Have a great week!

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How Do You Know if Curriculum Isn’t Working? ~ Homeschool Village


This week, the panel over at The Homeschool Village is talking about ways you know that a curriculum ISN’T working for your family. We’ve had a few that just didn’t mesh with our family ~ either with a child or with the teacher.

Having a curriculum that DOES fit can make an amazing difference in the learning experience ~ but what are signs that something needs to change? Be sure to stop over The Homeschool Village and see what indicators the other moms on the panel look for …read more here.

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What Are Your Favorite Planning Resources?


This week, the panel over at The Homeschool Village is talking about planning resources. You’ll be shocked to know that I use my own planner {ok, maybe not}…speaking of which, I’m finishing up a new, super-cool version of it and cannot wait to share it with you!

What do you use for planning? The back of your hand? Sticky notes? Do you wing it? Be sure to stop over The Homeschool Village and see what the other moms on the panel are using and how they plan…read more here.

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What’s Your Favorite Bible Verse?

I know that there are LOTS to choose from, but a project that Laurianna is working on for Awana has us all talking about our favorite Bible verses {and many times WHY it is our favorite verse}. Narrowing it down to just one verse can be hard! Right now, the verse that has been on my heart is:

“Teach me Your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth. Give me an undivided heart that I may fear Your name.”

I love that it’s also a song on one of the Seeds albums too! :)

What is YOUR favorite verse ~ and is there a reason why? Do your favorites change?

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