20 Best Tips

Vote Now for Homeschool Blog Awards!!

Join Me at The Homeschool Post!

A HUGE thank you to all of you who nominated me for the Homeschool Blog Awards this year. I am truly blown away and THANKFUL for you all who stick around and read my ramblings. :) It is a huge honor and blessing to be nominated along side the other ladies ~ many of whom are my friends either online or in real life!

There are some amazing and wonderful blogs nominated in all of the categories, so you might want to spend some time browsing all of the blog award categories this year {there are 20 in all!}. Homeschool Creations was nominated in the following categories:

  • Best Homeschool Mom
  • Best Super Homeschool Blog
  • Best Encourager Blog
  • Best Crafts, Plans & Projects Blog
  • Best Nitty Gritty Blog
  • Best Blog Design

In addition, Totally Tots, a blog I co-manage with Carisa from 1+1+1=1 was nominated for Best Family or Group Blog, Best Crafts, Plans & Projects Blog, and Best Variety Blog! Our team has some amazing writers who were also nominated in several categories too. Apparently some of you all think that the mishaps and craziness I share on our family blog are worth a nomination in the Funniest Homeschool Blog category.

So…have fun browsing through the many blogs that have been nominated and cast some votes! Thanks again! :)

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Operation Christmas Child ~ Thoughts on a Shoebox

Operation Christmas ChildThis year I had a bad attitude about doing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.


As in ~ we weren’t going to do them at all. Ever again.

God completely changed my heart this year while I was at the Relevant Conference and had the opportunity to learn more about the organization…read more at Totally Tots.


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Tell Your Time What to Do ~ Time Management

Tell Your Time What To Do

While I was at the Relevant Conference, I was blessed to meet and hear Crystal Paine from Money Saving Mom speak about time management. She has been using a system called Tell Your Time What to Do by Amy Lynn Andrews. Crystal will also be blogging more about how the system has changed her time management, so be sure to visit her more and see what she is sharing.

Over the past week, I’ve been reading through this e-book and starting to implement some of the suggestions. It is a simple step-by-step method and well worth the discounted price of $7 that she is offering it for right now. Use the coupon code INTHECLUB during checkout for the discount!

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Navigating My Blog ~ A Quick Tour

For some of you using Internet Explorer, the top navigational bar {right under my header} isn’t showing up. I’ve played around with the html and cannot for the life of me figure out the glitch.

This is what it should look like…and it’s here that I can suggest you switch to Firefox or make sure you are using Internet Explorer 8 {grins}.


Since I can’t figure it out at this point, I thought it would be a good idea to have a post that details all the links that are in my top navigational bar. That way you can see some of the things that I’ve shared and find things a little more quickly when you want to look around my site. All of the words below are linked directly to the pages, so just click on whatever interests you!

Homeschool Planner



Preschool Corner




Homeschool Helps

Mom Stuff


  • My Favorites
  • {can see the rest of my review categories by using the categories cloud at the bottom of my blog}

Other Sites

Hopefully that will help you all out some! :) Have fun looking around!

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Putting Faces to Blogs

This past weekend I attended the Relevant Conference and was BLESSED beyond measure to not only walk away having put up close and personal faces to so many different blogging friends, but also to have soaked in some amazing teaching and learned some new things. You can get a more detailed look at my thoughts here, but here are a few of the amazing ladies that I got to meet in person!!

I spent the bulk of my time with my lovely roomie Carisa from 1+1+1=1 and Totally Tots.


Kris from Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers ~ we spent several hours driving up and back…much fun! Ask her if she shared her sweet tea with me…


Jen from Daze of Adventure


Crystal from Money Saving Mom {so wonderfully sweet!}


Jill from Reflections on Becoming and Excellence of Wisdom drove over to meet us on Saturday afternoon for a bit.


Stef Layton from Layton Family Joy and also a co-creator of The Homeschool Village…{this was at the Bible in 90 Days meet-up}.


There were so many others that I was able to met also…and I know there are more pictures floating around somewhere…so I may have more to share later, but wanted to share a few for now!

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Main Dish Menu Planner

Printable Meal Planner

If you plan meals {or even if you don’t!} and are looking for a cute way to organize your favorite meals and recipes, be sure to check out my Main Dish Menu Planner that I posted on our family blog ~ and the best news is, you can fill it in and save it on your computer!!

I also shared how I use the meal planner and plan out our meals a month at a time. This handy page has helped me save so much time when it comes to planning!

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