20 Best Tips

Homeschool Blog Awards ~ Nominations are Open

imageI’m sure by now that you’re all aware that nominations have started for the 6th Annual Homeschool Blog Awards. There are twenty different categories that you can nominate your favorite homeschool blogs for and help spread the word about them ~ and give them a little encouragement.

I haven’t finished up my nominations quite yet ~ that’s my goal for today. Just wanted to encourage you all to head over and put some votes in for the blogs that you love to visit. Have fun nominating!

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Visual Latin and Modern Parables {Coupon Code}

Visual Latin and Modern Parables have offered my readers a 25% discount code good until the end of next week {10/15/2010}.

Here’s a quick intro, but hop over to the site to learn more about each of the programs and view some free samples!

Visual Latin is a self-paced video Latin curriculum that you can use at home ~ you can use it anywhere, anytime. It uses video and exercises to teach Latin {no former knowledge needed} and is targeted for kids age 9 and up.  Read more about the guys behind Visual Latin here. You can download 4 free introductory lessons from the Compass Store site and view a sample intro clip below.


Modern Parables is a film-based Bible study curriculum based on several of Jesus’ parables. Short films are used to retell the parables in a modern day setting and have go-along study materials. Overall, the twelve lessons include: Hidden Treasure, Samaritan, The Shrewd Manager, The Widow & the Judge, The Sower and Prodigal Sons. You can learn more about the currriculum or download trailers of all six of the parables on the Compass Store site.

If you decide to purchase either Visual Latin or Modern Parables, use the coupon code HSCREATIONS until 10/15/2010 for 25% off your order.

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Do You See What I See??

I was at our local library the other day and couldn’t remember the name to something, but knew I had blogged about it, so I pulled up my homeschool blog and sat looking at the screen a little puzzled.

It didn’t look the same at all on their computer.

Which then got me curious as to how it looks on yours. I’m using Firefox as my browser, but the library uses Internet Explorer. If you use IE, could you let me know ~ does the top of my blog look like this to you?

image I’m specifically wondering if you see the blue navigational bar right underneath my blog header. It’s a drop down menu that wasn’t on the computer at the library ~ just the ‘home’ button.

My apologies if the ‘home’ button is all you see ~ you all must have thought I was a little crazy taking a bunch of stuff out of my sidebar and not giving you any links!

I’d love to know what it looks like for you all, especially since it means I need to fiddle with some html if it isn’t working properly!! I’m using IE 8 and it wasn’t showing up on one of my computers either until I adjusted the width of the bar…so I’m thinking it might have to do with monitor/screen size.

Thanks for your help!

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In Williamsburg…

Just popping in to post a few pictures of our time in Williamsburg so far. We put the kids to work right away cleaning up corn husks…

corn field

so they could make their own dolls…

corn husk doll

Saw some great hands-on demonstrations of life in Colonial times…


Are contemplating some new methods of discipline…


Saw chickens on leashes…


And are spending time together. :)


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2010 Homeschool Blog Awards Coming Soon!

Homeschool Blog Awards

The 6th Annual Homeschool Blog Awards are going to be starting up soon!! Over the last few years, I have SO enjoyed meeting new moms through the blogs that are nominated ~ and also nominating other moms in a variety of categories.

Here’s a little peek at the schedule of events:

SEPT 17 – Prize page up (but we’ll be adding to it as they come in!)
OCT 15 – Nominations begin
OCT 30 – Nominations end
NOV 6 – Voting begins
NOV 17 – Voting ends
NOV 19 – Winners announced

You can find out more by clicking on the cute new button below ~ made just for the event!

Join Me at The Homeschool Post!

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Guidecraft Mom Bloggers!!

You may have noticed a new little button in my sidebar that I am so VERY excited about! Starting this month, I’m joining a group of ladies to be a part of the Guidecraft Mom Bloggers. Recognize any of the other faces below?


Many of the ladies participating with Guidecraft are writers for the Totally Tots blog. Throughout the upcoming year we will be reviewing some great educational toys and sharing our reviews and as well as giveaways with you all.

The big kick-off event is the Guidecraft Back to School Twitter Party on September 28th where we will give away TWO $500 gift certificates to Guidecraft along with a some other great prizes. If you haven’t already joined Twitter and started Tweeting about it ~ start now!! Your tweet could win you this great Magnetos set!!

Guidecraft Mom Blogger

You can read more about all of the other FABULOUS Guidecraft Mom Bloggers here and learn more about the Guidecraft Twitter party here.

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