20 Best Tips

Another Book Giveaway from Deeanne Gist

I have another book giveaway going on over at our family blog right now…be sure to stop by and check it out! :)

Hang in There…

If you are stopping by and things are looking all crazy… I’m reorganzing.

It should hopefully be done quickly {and painlessly}, but don’t panic if it looks all out of whack! :) Back up and running soon.

Melissa and Doug SALE!!

Barnes & Noble is having a HUGE sale right now on all of their Melissa and Doug toys ~ 45% off with free shipping when you hit $25. Thanks so much to one of my readers that sent me this heads up ~ because she knows how much I love Melissa and Doug toys!!

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Many of the toys and puzzles that we’ve used during our Tot School and Preschool Corner time are included in the sale! I’m browsing the selection of stuff right now and finding some great deals, so I wanted to pass the info along to you…before I snag too much!

Interested in a Good Read?


If you love to read ~ you know, assuming you can sneak off for a few moments of your own…head on over to our family blog and enter the giveaway that I have for the fabulous new book, Here Burns My Candle, by Liz Curtis Higgs.

Her new book is a great retelling of the story of Ruth and Naomi and set in Scotland during the late 1700’s.

A Last ‘Thank You’ to the Sponsors

1500 Subscriber Banner 

I’d like to say one last ‘thank you’ to all of the AMAZING and generous sponsors!! I hope that you all have learned more about these great companies and the products that they offer ~ and have bookmarked some ideas for gifts in the upcoming months!


stider bikes


Itty Bitty Bookworm



va soaps

Pick and Draw

stider bikes





2010-2011 Homeschool Crew

Many of you have asked me how YOU can become a part of the review team for The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew. This morning I received news about the Crew for 2010-2011. Are you ready to hear more?
The process for selecting next year’s Crew has started!! First find more full details about the TOS Crew here, and then take a few minutes to fill out the TOS demographics form as a ‘first step’.
