20 Best Tips

Coming Back Monday….

1500 Subscriber Banner

Starting Monday, January 18th the 1,500 Subscribers Celebration will be back!! Be sure to check back for at least two giveaways next week!!

You may have noticed too, that there is a new addition to the giveaway sponsors! Rosetta Stone has graciously offered a full year of their homeschool language software!


Can’t wait for you all to start winning again next week!


Life has a way…

Sometimes life goes along nicely with my little plans, and sometimes it doesn’t.


I had every intention of starting things back up both here an on our family blog this week, but a friend of ours was in a serious skiing accident over the weekend and we’ve been busy helping out the family ~ leaving little time to do much else.

And I am VERY ok with that. :)

Things will be back on track here soon, so stay tuned.


Itty Bitty Deal!

If you’ve been looking at Itty~Bitty Bookworm, I have a great deal for you to take advantage of!! Here’s the offer from Tara at Itty-Bitty Bookworm:

As a holiday “Thank You”, we are offering you a ‘Buy One, Get One Free’ Promotion from now until noon EST on December 24. To take advantage ~ purchase a CD {or download} as you normally would. Then at checkout, enter the title of the CD {or download} that you would like to receive for free in the ‘comments’ section.

Please note: The CDs {or downloads, that you receive for free must be the same cost as the one for which you paid. You may use the promotion to purchas as many CDs as you wish. For example, you could purchase 6 months and receive 6 for free {a year of curriculum at 1/2 price!}.

Only a few more days to take advantage of the offer from Itty-Bitty Bookworm!


A Quick Reminder about Questions

If you all post a question in my comments section, it is really helpful if you leave an email address with your question {or make sure that an email is linked to your account!}.

Otherwise, it makes it a little difficult for me to find you and answer your question!

You can always use that lovely ‘Contact Me’ button over in my sidebar too {right below the followers widget} ~ it will email me directly and make it easier for both of us!

I really do try to answer all of your questions {and I know I have some still sitting in my inbox, so hang in there!!!}.

p.s. to Nikki ~ All of my alphabet post links are now located ALL the way at the bottom of my blog in the center column and divided out by letter. :)


Word Verification

Apparently I am WELL loved in the spamming community. I tried moderating comments for awhile on both of my blogs, but frankly I’m getting tired of seeing the same messages day in and day out…especially when they are in a different languages and not meant to contribute in a positive way.

In an effort to help cut down the spam for a bit, I’ll be turning the word verification on for a bit when all the giveaways are done. Don’t worry, it’s not that sneaky one that pops-up after you think you’re in the clear!. I hope you all understand ~ and I hope this is only temporary. I love hearing from you all and am not trying to scare YOU off!


The Votes Were Tallied…

Homeschool Blog Awards counted the votes, rechecked and got everything sorted out and it looks like I am a winner!! Thanks so much to all of you who voted for me! After all was said and done, Homeschool Creations won for Best Blog Design {and being in the same category with Pioneer Woman…that means a bunch!}.

I am very much humbled with the win, especially since it’s something that I just like to fiddle with ~ but I’m glad you all like it {since I’m partial to it, myself!}…but


And thank you all for the nominations and votes in the other categories too. :) You all have blown me away with your support and comments lately!
