20 Best Tips

I’m Still Here…

Somewhere. In the midst of all these reviews and giveaways…I’m still here. :)

Life has been crazy-busy. Good crazy. But busy. And can I tell you a secret? There’s been a little bit of ‘hookey’ being played at our school.

Sledding. Snow stomping. Christmas shopping together. Cookie baking.

Pure fun.

{and that’s just fine with me!}


1,500 Subscriber Celebration ~ Sponsors!!

1500 Subscriber Banner
Are you all curious to know who will be sponsoring all of the giveaways over the next few weeks? There are still a few in the works, and I will update this list and my sidebar with their links when everything is final.
Really, I am so very excited! The products that are being given away are things that we have used and LOVED! Otherwise, they wouldn’t be on the list. They are from companies that I know and trust ~ and ones that are generous in sharing too! I can’t thank these companies enough for their willingness to be a part of the celebration…

stider bikes
Itty Bitty Bookworm
va soaps
Pick and Draw
stider bikes

Other companies participating:

~ CSN stores has many online toys and they are donating the Learning Resources Counting Bears for one reader!

~ Amy Knapp’s Family Organizer

Thank you again sponsors…and let the fun begin!

TouchSmart Giveaway!!

HP TouchSmart 600 Giveaway

Scribbit has a HUGE and AMAZING giveaway right now that is just TOO good not to pass along to you all ~ an HP TouchSmart computer!!

RUN and visit Scribbit to get all the details!


Homeschool Blog Award ~ Voting Time!

It’s voting time! The nominations for the Homeschool Blog Awards are tallied and the polls are open for voting.

There are some amazing ladies that have been nominated ~ and thank you SO MUCH for those of you who put my name in for different categories!! I was blown away today going through the different areas and finding my blogs in these areas:

~ Best Homeschool Mom Blog
~ Best Blog Design
~ Best Crafts, Plans, and Projects Blog
~ Best Super-Homeschooler

My other blog, No Ordinary Moments, was nominated too!!

~ Funniest Homeschool Blog {and I do think my kids are hilarious…}
~ Best Cyber Buddy Blog

Totally Tots made the list too!!

~ Best Family/Group Blog
~ Best Curriculum Blog

I’m excited to go vote and visit around to some of the different blogs! Have fun browsing some great sites!!


Hearing a New Perspective

Do you have songs that just stick in your head? Ones that you just can’t shake, no matter how hard you’ve tried to get rid of them over the years?

{It would be here that I could remind you of jingles such as the Oscar Meyer Weiner song and send you merrily humming away….but that would be mean, so I’ll just leave that out.}

Read more of this at Heart of the Matter Online


Colonial Williamsburg Homeschool Days 2010

Wanted to pass along the dates for the 2010 Homeschool Days in Colonial Williamsburg to you all in case you are interested! Dates are not up on the Williamsburg site yet, but here they are:

February 27th – March 7th

September 11th – 26th

The focus during each of the homeschool days timeframes is a little different. The spring days place more of an emphasis on domestic life, apprenticeship and typical family life. The fall days focus on government, politics, and the Revolution.

Keep the Colonial Williamsburg page bookmarked for updated information!
