20 Best Tips

In the Works….

Yesterday I gave you all a little peek at something that I’ve been working on ~ my new website!! Carisa at 1+1+1=1 gave me the last little ‘nudge’ to get things going and it’s coming together little by little.

My goal is to have all of my printables and resources in one place, making easier for you all to find them! So…you won’t have to go digging through past posts to find everything, or sit and wait patiently for Scribd to download the files.

Over the next little bit, things might be shifting around some on this page, but this blog will still be right here – just links are changing around! Stay tuned for more!!

If you didn’t catch the link, check out the Awana Bible resources that I’ve been pulling together!


Need Suggestions…

I’m itching to make some new printables for preschoolers. I have a few things that I’m working on, but nothing super huge like some of the ones I’ve done in the past.

So, I’m asking you all!!

What printables are YOU looking for? Leave a comment and let me know what you would like to see and I’ll get my creative juices going!


Sarah’s Wish Special!!

Monday I told you all about Sarah Books and how much our girls are enjoying them. I received an email today from Jim Baumgardner {the author} with a special for my readers!! Some huge savings, so keep reading!!

These specials are available by MAIL ORDER ONLY and you need to have a special form from me ~ so you’ll need to leave a comment with your email address if you would like to use the special.

Special for Friends
{Not offered on Sarah Books website ~ Order by mail only}

Sarah’s Wish ~ $8.50 {retail: $10.00 ~ save $2.49}
Sarah’s Promise ~ $10.50 {retail: $14.99 ~ save $4.49}
Sarah’s Escape ~ $15.50 {retail: $21.99 ~ save $6.49}

Extra special offer: Purchase all of the items above and add an extra copy of Sarah’s Wish for $4.00. You can give it to a friend!!

If you’re looking for some Christmas gifts, email me now and I’ll pass along the flyer to you!!


Nominations are Open

Home School Blog Awards has a brand-spankin’ new nomination form this year for you to nominate your favorite blogs. Twenty-five categories and an entire web full of possibilities.

Join Me at The Homeschool Post!

{Click on the button to start nominating}

A few new guidelines for this year:

~ Nominate only one blog per category – once. That means once you have logged in and nominated, you can’t come back and do it again… unless you didn’t nominate all 25 categories. Once you have all 25 nominated, you are finished.

~ Do not nominate one blog for MORE than one category. Sorry, but no more nominating your mom’s blog for all 25 categories.

~ If a blog does not get nominated in the same category at least three times, it will not be in the final voting stage for that category. You will find out who made the finals in November.

What are you waiting around here for? Go nominate some of your favorite ladies {and guys too!}. The fun part is visiting all the blogs once the nomination process is done and meeting new people!


Almost There….

Still tweaking a few things, but it’s getting there!! Thanks for hanging in there with me while I get it all together!


Homeschool Blog Awards 2009

The 2009 Homeschool Blog Awards are coming soon! For more details, click on the button to see what categories are open this year.
